Bug 1478116

Summary: Unable to manage load balancer V2 quotas with neutron quota-update command
Product: Red Hat OpenStack Reporter: Punit Kundal <pkundal>
Component: python-neutronclientAssignee: Nir Magnezi <nmagnezi>
Status: CLOSED ERRATA QA Contact: Ofer Blaut <oblaut>
Severity: medium Docs Contact:
Priority: medium    
Version: 8.0 (Liberty)CC: amuller, chrisw, jruzicka, molasaga, nyechiel, srevivo
Target Milestone: zstreamKeywords: Triaged, ZStream
Target Release: 8.0 (Liberty)   
Hardware: Unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   
Fixed In Version: python-neutronclient-3.1.0-4.el7ost Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Story Points: ---
Clone Of:
: 1482587 1482671 1482684 (view as bug list) Environment:
Last Closed: 2017-10-25 17:03:35 UTC Type: Bug
Regression: --- Mount Type: ---
Documentation: --- CRM:
Verified Versions: Category: ---
oVirt Team: --- RHEL 7.3 requirements from Atomic Host:
Cloudforms Team: --- Target Upstream Version:
Bug Depends On:    
Bug Blocks: 1381612    

Description Punit Kundal 2017-08-03 15:31:01 UTC
Description of problem:

Unable to manage load balancer V2 quotas with neutron quota-update command

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# rpm -qa | grep neutron

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:

Created 2 lab setups with RHOSP 8, one having LBaaS V1 enabled and other one having LBaaS V2 enabled

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron agent-list
| id                                   | agent_type         | host                               | alive | admin_state_up | binary                    |
| 48a9423a-6f04-4e44-9f72-50ae0fdaab51 | Metadata agent     | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-metadata-agent    |
| 4a35c99b-9263-45b8-ae37-f0e2b80fb652 | Open vSwitch agent | overcloud-compute-0.localdomain    | :-)   | True           | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| 586d62c9-d487-4943-b08c-56231b896dbc | Loadbalancer agent | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-lbaas-agent       |
| c26298f9-040b-4488-a5c8-4c74b008db08 | DHCP agent         | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-dhcp-agent        |
| cc2b8eaa-b11a-4411-b709-cd75954c44e2 | Open vSwitch agent | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| dbe73526-a06b-4de7-af13-80402f2be0c5 | L3 agent           | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-l3-agent          |

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron agent-list
| id                                   | agent_type           | host                               | alive | admin_state_up | binary                    |
| 2809e67f-96bc-490c-b905-9a2883b5ffb6 | Loadbalancerv2 agent | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-lbaasv2-agent     |
| 473f6f6b-7ca8-4c07-bf4d-7c1271de93b7 | Open vSwitch agent   | overcloud-compute-0.localdomain    | :-)   | True           | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| 8b9f55f1-e965-422d-844f-afc6968b6b91 | L3 agent             | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-l3-agent          |
| a66a3630-0c00-480d-ad44-8159b35edf20 | Metadata agent       | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-metadata-agent    |
| afa7e455-4bc3-4ffb-ba95-5bc00b7fadf9 | DHCP agent           | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-dhcp-agent        |
| ef226d15-6223-4dc0-b25e-0bd27c54ea59 | Open vSwitch agent   | overcloud-controller-0.localdomain | :-)   | True           | neutron-openvswitch-agent |

After this, I tried update the quotas with neutron quota-update command as follows:

quota-update operation with LBaaS V1 agent enabled:

[stack@instack ~]$ source overcloudrc 

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --vip 50
| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 50    |
| health_monitor      | 20    |
| member              | 20    |
| network             | 10    |
| pool                | 10    |
| port                | 50    |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 10    |
| security_group      | 10    |
| security_group_rule | 100   |
| subnet              | 10    |
| subnetpool          | -1    |
| vip                 | 50    |

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --pool 50
| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 50    |
| health_monitor      | 20    |
| member              | 20    |
| network             | 10    |
| pool                | 50    |
| port                | 50    |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 10    |
| security_group      | 10    |
| security_group_rule | 100   |
| subnet              | 10    |
| subnetpool          | -1    |
| vip                 | 50    |

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --member 50
| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 50    |
| health_monitor      | 20    |
| member              | 50    |
| network             | 10    |
| pool                | 50    |
| port                | 50    |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 10    |
| security_group      | 10    |
| security_group_rule | 100   |
| subnet              | 10    |
| subnetpool          | -1    |
| vip                 | 50    |

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --health-monitor 50
| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 50    |
| health_monitor      | 50    |
| member              | 50    |
| network             | 10    |
| pool                | 50    |
| port                | 50    |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 10    |
| security_group      | 10    |
| security_group_rule | 100   |
| subnet              | 10    |
| subnetpool          | -1    |
| vip                 | 50    |
It appears that quota-update operations are working fine with LBaaS V1.

quota-update operations on LBaaS V2:

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --member 10
Unrecognized attribute(s) 'member'

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --health-monitor 20
Unrecognized attribute(s) 'health_monitor'

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --vip 20   <- actually not needed, just tested it for completeness
Unrecognized attribute(s) 'vip'

surprisingly, the pool quota could be update without any issues:

 [stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --pool 50  <- this is what is even more confusing
| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 50    |
| healthmonitor       | -1    |
| listener            | -1    |
| loadbalancer        | 10    |
| network             | 10    |
| pool                | 50    |
| port                | 50    |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 10    |
| security_group      | 10    |
| security_group_rule | 100   |
| subnet              | 10    |
| subnetpool          | -1    |

[stack@instack ~]$ openstack project list
| ID                               | Name    |
| a1ebc10be9a54647b0f72afe5c1922c7 | admin   |
| 253764fbe5104b27a46cfdccaa0a569c | service |

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --tenant-id a1ebc10be9a54647b0f72afe5c1922c7 --pool 50
| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 50    |
| healthmonitor       | -1    |
| listener            | -1    |
| loadbalancer        | 10    |
| network             | 10    |
| pool                | 50    |
| port                | 50    |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 10    |
| security_group      | 10    |
| security_group_rule | 100   |
| subnet              | 10    |
| subnetpool          | -1    |

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron quota-update --tenant-id a1ebc10be9a54647b0f72afe5c1922c7 --member 50
Unrecognized attribute(s) 'member'

From the above results, it can be seen that, quota-update operations are working but only for LBaaS V1 agent and not the V2 agent.

Actual results:

can not update lbaas v2 quotas with neutron quota-update

I can't find any option for setting quota of loadbalancer either

[stack@instack ~]$ neutron help quota-update
usage: neutron quota-update [-h]
                            [-f {html,json,json,shell,table,value,yaml,yaml}]
                            [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
                            [--prefix PREFIX] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                            [--tenant-id tenant-id] [--network networks]
                            [--subnet subnets] [--port ports]
                            [--router routers] [--floatingip floatingips]
                            [--security-group security_groups]
                            [--security-group-rule security_group_rules]
                            [--vip vips] [--pool pools] [--member members]
                            [--health-monitor health_monitors]

Expected results:

quota update operations should work when lbaas v2 agent is running

Additional info:

package versions from customer environment:

# rpm -qa | grep neutron

Please let me know if any other information is required.

Comment 5 Nir Magnezi 2017-08-21 14:08:47 UTC

We are very close to resolving this.
My investigation shows that we'll need to cherry-pick


neutron-lbaas bugs:

Internal tests show that when all 4 patches are included, quota updates work as expected:

| Field               | Value |
| floatingip          | 50    |
| healthmonitor       | 1234  |
| listener            | 1234  |
| loadbalancer        | 1234  |
| member              | 1234  |
| network             | 10    |
| pool                | 1234  |
| port                | 50    |
| rbac_policy         | 10    |
| router              | 10    |
| security_group      | 10    |
| security_group_rule | 100   |
| subnet              | 10    |
| subnetpool          | -1    |

Comment 9 Nir Magnezi 2017-08-24 09:18:35 UTC
Please note that this fix consists of both neutronclient and neutron-lbaas patches. Thus, one should update both packages:

1. Client: python-neutronclient-3.1.0-4.el7ost
2. neutron-lbaas: as specified in bug 1482671

Comment 13 errata-xmlrpc 2017-10-25 17:03:35 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.
