Bug 1663432

Summary: [ALL LANG][RHSM CLI] Unlocalized messages in syspurpose module.
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Reporter: Lijun Li <lijli>
Component: subscription-managerAssignee: Jiri Hnidek <jhnidek>
Status: CLOSED ERRATA QA Contact: Red Hat subscription-manager QE Team <rhsm-qe>
Severity: medium Docs Contact:
Priority: medium    
Version: 8.0CC: cdonnell, jhnidek, jsefler, khowell, qe-i18n-bugs
Target Milestone: rcKeywords: Translation, Triaged
Target Release: ---   
Hardware: x86_64   
OS: Linux   
Fixed In Version: subscription-manager-1.26.5-1 Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Story Points: ---
Clone Of: Environment:
Last Closed: 2020-04-28 16:54:49 UTC Type: Bug
Regression: --- Mount Type: ---
Documentation: --- CRM:
Verified Versions: Category: ---
oVirt Team: --- RHEL 7.3 requirements from Atomic Host:
Cloudforms Team: --- Target Upstream Version:
Bug Depends On: 1682763    
Bug Blocks:    

Description Lijun Li 2019-01-04 10:10:14 UTC
Description of problem:
[ALL LANG][RHSM CLI] All messages are unlocalized for syspurpose module.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install latest rhel8 workstation build.
2. Run rhsm cli from terminal.

Actual results:
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose -h
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Sets the value for the given property
    unset               Unsets (clears) the value for the given property
    add                 Adds the value(s) to the given property
    remove              Removes the value(s) from the given property
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Set the system sla
    unset-sla           Clear set sla
    set-usage           Set the system usage
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Show the current system syspurpose

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose set-role "RHEL Server"
role set to RHEL Server
System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose add-addons "Smart Management"
Added Smart Management to addons.
System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose set-sla "Self-Support"
service_level_agreement set to Self-Support
System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose set-usage "Production"
usage set to Production
System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose set-usage show
usage set to show
System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.

[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose show
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNEXPECTED RESULT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose show
System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose add
usage: syspurpose add [-h] property values [values ...]
syspurpose add: error: the following arguments are required: property, values
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose add -h
usage: syspurpose add [-h] property values [values ...]

positional arguments:
  property    The name of the property to update
  values      The value(s) to add

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose add usage=test
usage: syspurpose add [-h] property values [values ...]
syspurpose add: error: the following arguments are required: values
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose add usage test
Added test to usage.
System purpose successfully sent to subscription management server.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Expected results:
They should be localized.

Additional info:

Comment 3 Lijun Li 2019-10-15 07:43:29 UTC
Reproduced on latest rhel8.1 build.
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose -h
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

positional arguments:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                        sub-command help
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose set
usage: syspurpose set [-h] property value
syspurpose set: error: the following arguments are required: property, value
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose set-role test
role set to "test".
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose set-role unset-role
role set to "unset-role".
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose unset-role
role unset.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose add-addons test
Added test to addons.
^[[Aaddons updated.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose add-addons test
Not adding value test to addons; it already exists.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose remove-addons test
Removed test from addons.
addons updated.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose set-sla test
service_level_agreement set to "test".
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose unset-sla test
usage: syspurpose [-h]
syspurpose: error: unrecognized arguments: test
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose unset-sla
service_level_agreement unset.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# syspurpose set-usage test
usage set to "test".
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose unset-usage
usage unset.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNLOCALIZED MESSAGES^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[root@localhost ~]# syspurpose show
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^UNEXPECTED RESULT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Comment 5 John Sefler 2020-03-10 15:58:47 UTC

[root@kvm-06-guest32 ~]# rpm -q python3-syspurpose
[root@kvm-06-guest32 ~]# rpm -q python3-syspurpose --changelog | grep 1663432
- 1663432: Updated keys.pot for syspurpose CLI; ENT-1246 (jhnidek)
[root@kvm-06-guest32 ~]# rpm -qa | grep glibc-langpack

[root@kvm-06-guest32 ~]# ALL_LANGS="en_US de_DE es_ES fr_FR it_IT ja_JP ko_KR pt_BR ru_RU zh_CN zh_TW"
[root@kvm-06-guest32 ~]# for L in $ALL_LANGS; do echo ""; echo "# LANG=$L.UTF-8 syspurpose --help"; LANG=$L.UTF-8 syspurpose  --help; done;

# LANG=en_US.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Sets the value for the given property
    unset               Unsets (clears) the value for the given property
    add                 Adds the value(s) to the given property
    remove              Removes the value(s) from the given property
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Set the system sla
    unset-sla           Clear set sla
    set-usage           Set the system usage
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Show the current system syspurpose

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Legt den Wert für die angegebene Eigenschaft fest
    unset               Löscht (löscht) den Wert für die angegebene
    add                 Fügt den/die Wert(e) zu der angegebenen Eigenschaft
    remove              Entfernt den/die Wert(e) aus der angegebenen
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Setzen des Systemslaves
    unset-sla           Slaves löschen
    set-usage           Einstellen der Systemnutzung
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Zeigt den aktuellen Systemzweck an

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=es_ES.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Establece el valor de la propiedad en cuestión
    unset               Desactiva (borra) el valor de la propiedad en cuestión
    add                 Añade el(los) valor(es) a la propiedad en cuestión
    remove              Elimina el valor o valores de la propiedad en cuestión
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Ajustar la sla del sistema
    unset-sla           Borrar set sla
    set-usage           Fijar la utilización del sistema
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Mostrar el propósito del sistema actual

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Définit la valeur pour la propriété donnée
    unset               Supprime la valeur d'une propriété donnée
    add                 Ajoute la ou les valeur(s) pour une propriété donnée
    remove              Supprimer la ou les valeur(s) de la propriété donnée
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Définir sla système
    unset-sla           Supprimer sla défini
    set-usage           Définir utilisation système
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Afficher syspurpose du système actuel

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=it_IT.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Imposta il valore per la proprietà data
    unset               Annulla (cancella) il valore per la proprietà data
    add                 Aggiunge il valore (s) alla proprietà data
    remove              Rimuove il valore (s) dalla proprietà data
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Imposta il sistema sla
    unset-sla           Cancella set sla
    set-usage           Imposta l'utilizzo del sistema
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Mostra il sistema attuale condiviso

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 指定プロパティーの値を設定
    unset               指定プロパティーの値を無効化 (削除)
    add                 指定プロパティーに値を追加
    remove              指定プロパティーから値を削除
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             システム SLA を設定
    unset-sla           SLA の設定を削除
    set-usage           システムの使用方法を設定します
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                現行システムの syspurpose を表示します

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=ko_KR.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 주어진 속성에 대한 값 설정
    unset               주어진 속성에 대한 설정 취소 (설정 지우기)
    add                 주어진 속성에 대한 값 추가
    remove              주어진 속성에서 값을 제거합니다
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             시스템의 SLA 설정
    unset-sla           SLA 설정 해제
    set-usage           시스템의 사용 방법 설정
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                현재 시스템의 syspurpose 표시

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=pt_BR.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Define o valor para a propriedade especificada
    unset               Desativa (limpa) o valor da propriedade especificada
    add                 Adiciona o (s) valor (es) à propriedade especificada
    remove              Remove o (s) valor (es) da propriedade especificada
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Definir o sla do sistema
    unset-sla           Conjunto claro sla
    set-usage           Definir o uso do sistema
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Mostrar o sistema atual syspurpose

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 Устанавливает значение для данного свойства
    unset               Unsets (очищает) значение для данного свойства
    add                 Добавляет значение (значения) к данному свойству
    remove              Удаляет значения (ы) из данного свойства
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             Установите системную sla
    unset-sla           Очистить набор sla
    set-usage           Установка использования системы
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                Показать текущую систему syspurpose

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 为给定属性设置值
    unset               为给定属性取消设置(清除设置)
    add                 为给定属性添加值
    remove              从给定属性中删除值
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             设置系统的 SLA
    unset-sla           取消设置 SLA
    set-usage           设置系统的使用
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                显示当前系统的 syspurpose

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# LANG=zh_TW.UTF-8 syspurpose --help
usage: syspurpose [-h]

System Syspurpose Management Tool

positional arguments:
                        sub-command help
    set                 設置給定屬性的值
    unset               取消(清除)給定屬性的值
    add                 將值添加到給定屬性
    remove              從給定屬性中刪除值
    set-role            Set the system role to the system syspurpose
    unset-role          Clear set role
    add-addons          Add addons to the system syspurpose
    remove-addons       Remove addons from the system syspurpose
    unset-addons        Clear set addons
    set-sla             設置系統sla
    unset-sla           清除設置sla
    set-usage           設置系統使用情況
    unset-usage         Clear set usage
    show                顯示當前系統syspurpose

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
[root@kvm-06-guest32 ~]# 

PARTIALLY VERIFIED: Among the ten languages identified for syspurpose translation, all ten languages have values, but not all values are translated.  I have opened new bug 1812140 to continue this work.  In the mean time I will move this bug to partially VERIFIED.

Comment 7 errata-xmlrpc 2020-04-28 16:54:49 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.
