Bug 1989233

Summary: Bootloader password is different from the root password after the root password update
Product: Red Hat Satellite Reporter: Ondrej Gajdusek <ogajduse>
Component: Provisioning TemplatesAssignee: satellite6-bugs <satellite6-bugs>
Status: CLOSED WONTFIX QA Contact: sganar
Severity: medium Docs Contact:
Priority: unspecified    
Version: 6.10.0CC: lzap, mhulan, sganar
Target Milestone: UnspecifiedKeywords: Triaged
Target Release: Unused   
Hardware: Unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   
Fixed In Version: Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Story Points: ---
Clone Of: Environment:
Last Closed: 2022-10-28 18:05:34 UTC Type: Bug
Regression: --- Mount Type: ---
Documentation: --- CRM:
Verified Versions: Category: ---
oVirt Team: --- RHEL 7.3 requirements from Atomic Host:
Cloudforms Team: --- Target Upstream Version:

Description Ondrej Gajdusek 2021-08-02 17:02:27 UTC
Description of problem:
After the root password is updated, the GRUB password does not match with the root password.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Satellite 6.10

How reproducible:
Every time

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have a host with the `encrypt_grub` parameter set to `true`.
2. Change the root password for the host.
3. Review the Provisioning template

Actual results:
rootpw != bootloader password after the root password is updated.

Expected results:
rootpw == bootloader password after the root password is updated.

Additional info:
Workaround: Cancel host build and build the host again. Then the passwords will match.

Comment 1 Brad Buckingham 2021-08-05 14:19:58 UTC
Is this a regression from Satellite 6.9?

Comment 2 Ondrej Gajdusek 2021-08-06 10:14:08 UTC
It is not a regression from Satellite 6.9.

Comment 6 Lukas Zapletal 2021-10-12 07:05:56 UTC
Here is a summary. It works as expected for a host without any hg:

> Host.create!(name: "grub-pass", root_pass: "test")
=> #<Host::Managed:0x00000000159446b0
 id: 3,
 name: "grub-pass",
 last_compile: nil,
 last_report: nil,
 updated_at: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 06:41:01 UTC +00:00,
 created_at: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 06:41:01 UTC +00:00,
 root_pass: "[FILTERED]",
 architecture_id: nil,
 operatingsystem_id: nil,
 environment_id: nil,
 ptable_id: nil,
 medium_id: nil,
 build: false,
 comment: nil,
 disk: nil,
 installed_at: nil,
 model_id: nil,
 hostgroup_id: nil,
 owner_id: 2,
 owner_type: "User",
 enabled: true,
 puppet_ca_proxy_id: nil,
 managed: false,
 use_image: nil,
 image_file: nil,
 uuid: nil,
 compute_resource_id: nil,
 puppet_proxy_id: nil,
 certname: nil,
 image_id: nil,
 organization_id: nil,
 location_id: nil,
 type: "Host::Managed",
 otp: nil,
 realm_id: nil,
 compute_profile_id: nil,
 provision_method: nil,
 grub_pass: "$6$OvfLPeg45hRnI1Sa$G8Vx3CBtFFYvQuNfSuwnjUvs8msZo2wiL2YT7AkTCf48CG4l9HESIYjCQSUWStLkpwbgDTgO5tLfmZxNAA9e1/",
 discovery_rule_id: nil,
 global_status: 0,
 lookup_value_matcher: "[FILTERED]",
 openscap_proxy_id: nil,
 pxe_loader: nil,
 initiated_at: nil,
 build_errors: nil>

[19] pry(main)> Host.find(3).root_pass
=> "$5$lKYZNatltpksaQ9e$9QDHDK/xOArM5lqZtQPPuxZQjAFCCKZPnE8fUajgT95"
[20] pry(main)> Host.find(3).grub_pass
=> "$6$OvfLPeg45hRnI1Sa$G8Vx3CBtFFYvQuNfSuwnjUvs8msZo2wiL2YT7AkTCf48CG4l9HESIYjCQSUWStLkpwbgDTgO5tLfmZxNAA9e1/"
[21] pry(main)> "test".crypt("$6$OvfLPeg45hRnI1Sa")
=> "$6$OvfLPeg45hRnI1Sa$G8Vx3CBtFFYvQuNfSuwnjUvs8msZo2wiL2YT7AkTCf48CG4l9HESIYjCQSUWStLkpwbgDTgO5tLfmZxNAA9e1/"
[22] pry(main)> "test".crypt("$5$lKYZNatltpksaQ9e")
=> "$5$lKYZNatltpksaQ9e$9QDHDK/xOArM5lqZtQPPuxZQjAFCCKZPnE8fUajgT95"

I also tested hostgroup alone, works fine:

[25] pry(main)> Hostgroup.find(1).root_pass
=> "$5$5gB8jMY9BJpHIyqV$wFhqcic4ffcLC99c3hqfSjte69O/qbazLUuRBBNqNED"
[26] pry(main)> Hostgroup.find(1).grub_pass
=> "$6$EfcqnPlzWm0ESXAb$IPgp/TpTwdu9PoZ71NYpcRoqB3Q.kpEvJ7Yq5Ieg1bYECQDFIuRWTrnrbUyRGCScVFj7fs78vkb1m6osxqwBu/"
[27] pry(main)> "12345678".crypt("$5$5gB8jMY9BJpHIyqV")
=> "$5$5gB8jMY9BJpHIyqV$wFhqcic4ffcLC99c3hqfSjte69O/qbazLUuRBBNqNED"
[28] pry(main)> "12345678".crypt("$6$EfcqnPlzWm0ESXAb")
=> "$6$EfcqnPlzWm0ESXAb$IPgp/TpTwdu9PoZ71NYpcRoqB3Q.kpEvJ7Yq5Ieg1bYECQDFIuRWTrnrbUyRGCScVFj7fs78vkb1m6osxqwBu/"

Ah now I see the problem, when I create a host with a hostgroup and without root_pass set on the host (only on the hostgroup), the grub is copied from root:

[33] pry(main)> Host.create!(name: "grub-pass-w-hg", hostgroup_id: 1)
[31] pry(main)> Host.find(4).root_pass
=> "$5$5gB8jMY9BJpHIyqV$wFhqcic4ffcLC99c3hqfSjte69O/qbazLUuRBBNqNED"
[32] pry(main)> Host.find(4).grub_pass
=> "$5$5gB8jMY9BJpHIyqV$wFhqcic4ffcLC99c3hqfSjte69O/qbazLUuRBBNqNED"

Well, the reason for that is that when we save hostgroup, for security reasons we actually store the root password in the encrypted form which is by default SHA256 ("$5$XYZ") in the DB. When a host is created later, Foreman no longer has a clear password in order to rehash this into SHA512 ($6$XYZ"). It will rehash it only and only if you update the host with a new password, then it has access to cleartext password and can update both versions accordingly.

I believe this is not a problem, grub2 should support all crypt methods so $5$ should work just fine. At least it supported it some time ago. Anaconda documentation does not state which algorithms can be used:


So question for you: If you actually create a host that has no root password with a hostgroup that has a root (and grub) password set, provision it, will grub accept the root password set from the host group?

If not, then the only reasonable solution is to remove this feature from Foreman and only rely on encrypted host param.

Comment 7 Brad Buckingham 2022-09-02 20:25:18 UTC
Upon review of our valid but aging backlog the Satellite Team has concluded that this Bugzilla does not meet the criteria for a resolution in the near term, and are planning to close in a month. This message may be a repeat of a previous update and the bug is again being considered to be closed. If you have any concerns about this, please contact your Red Hat Account team.  Thank you.

Comment 8 Brad Buckingham 2022-09-02 20:30:51 UTC
Upon review of our valid but aging backlog the Satellite Team has concluded that this Bugzilla does not meet the criteria for a resolution in the near term, and are planning to close in a month. This message may be a repeat of a previous update and the bug is again being considered to be closed. If you have any concerns about this, please contact your Red Hat Account team.  Thank you.

Comment 9 Brad Buckingham 2022-10-28 18:05:34 UTC
Thank you for your interest in Red Hat Satellite. We have evaluated this request, and while we recognize that it is a valid request, we do not expect this to be implemented in the product in the foreseeable future. This is due to other priorities for the product, and not a reflection on the request itself. We are therefore closing this out as WONTFIX. If you have any concerns about this feel free to contact your Red Hat Account Team. Thank you.