Bug 2118605 (CVE-2022-30580)

Summary: CVE-2022-30580 golang: os/exec: Code injection in Cmd.Start
Product: [Other] Security Response Reporter: Avinash Hanwate <ahanwate>
Component: vulnerabilityAssignee: Red Hat Product Security <security-response-team>
Status: CLOSED NOTABUG QA Contact:
Severity: medium Docs Contact:
Priority: medium    
Version: unspecifiedCC: abishop, agerstmayr, alakatos, amackenz, amasferr, amctagga, amurdaca, ansmith, aoconnor, apevec, asm, bbaude, bbuckingham, bcl, bcoca, bcourt, bdettelb, bkundu, bniver, bodavis, btotty, chazlett, chousekn, cmeyers, cnv-qe-bugs, davidn, dbenoit, debarshir, deparker, dwalsh, dwd, dwhatley, dymurray, eduardo.ramalho, eglynn, ehelms, emachado, etamir, fdeutsch, flucifre, gblomqui, gmeno, gparvin, grafana-maint, hchiramm, ibolton, jaharrin, jburrell, jcajka, jcammara, jcantril, jchui, jeder, jhardy, jjoyce, jkurik, jligon, jmatthew, jmontleo, jmulligan, jnovy, jobarker, joelsmith, jpadman, jramanat, jsherril, jwendell, jwon, krathod, lball, lemenkov, lhh, lsm5, lzap, mabashia, madam, matzew, maxwell, mbenjamin, mboddu, mburns, mcressma, mgarciac, mhackett, mheon, mhulan, mkudlej, mmagr, mmccune, mnewsome, mokumar, mwringe, myarboro, nathans, nbecker, nboldt, njean, nmoumoul, nobody, notting, ocs-bugs, opohorel, orabin, osapryki, osbuilders, oskutka, ovanders, pahickey, pcreech, pehunt, periklis, pjindal, ploffay, pthomas, rcernich, rchan, relrod, rhcos-sst, rhos-maint, rhs-bugs, rhuss, rpetrell, rrajasek, rsroka, saroy, scorneli, sdoran, sgott, sipoyare, slucidi, smcdonal, sostapov, spower, sseago, stcannon, sttts, tjochec, tkral, tkuratom, tstellar, tsweeney, twalsh, umohnani, vereddy, vkareh, vrothber, whayutin
Target Milestone: ---Keywords: Security
Target Release: ---   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Fixed In Version: Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
A flaw was found in the os/exec golang package. This issue occurs when invoking different Cmd methods and the Cmd.Path is unset. This could lead to a command injection, allowing an attacker to execute any binaries in the working directory.
Story Points: ---
Clone Of: Environment:
Last Closed: 2022-08-19 16:53:32 UTC Type: ---
Regression: --- Mount Type: ---
Documentation: --- CRM:
Verified Versions: Category: ---
oVirt Team: --- RHEL 7.3 requirements from Atomic Host:
Cloudforms Team: --- Target Upstream Version:
Bug Depends On:    
Bug Blocks: 2117836    

Description Avinash Hanwate 2022-08-16 09:11:23 UTC
Code injection in Cmd.Start in os/exec before Go 1.17.11 and Go 1.18.3 allows execution of any binaries in the working directory named either "..com" or "..exe" by calling Cmd.Run, Cmd.Start, Cmd.Output, or Cmd.CombinedOutput when Cmd.Path is unset.


Comment 1 Sage McTaggart 2022-08-19 16:49:43 UTC
only affects windows. closing main task as not a bug.