This is an automatically created tracking bug! It was created to ensure that one or more security vulnerabilities are fixed in all affected branches.
For comments that are specific to the vulnerability please use bugs filed against "Security Response" product referenced in "Blocks" field.
bug #526637: CVE-2009-3608 xpdf/poppler: integer overflow in ObjectStream::ObjectStream (oCERT-2009-016)
bug #526911: CVE-2009-3604 xpdf/poppler: Splash::drawImage integer overflow and missing allocation return value check
bug #526915: CVE-2009-3603 xpdf/poppler: SplashBitmap::SplashBitmap integer overflow
bug #526924: CVE-2009-3607 poppler: create_surface_from_thumbnail_data integer overflow
bug #526877: CVE-2009-3606 xpdf/poppler: PSOutputDev::doImageL1Sep integer overflow
bug #526893: CVE-2009-3609 xpdf/poppler: ImageStream::ImageStream integer overflow
bug #491840: CVE-2009-0791 xpdf: multiple integer overflows
When creating a Bodhi update request, please include the bug IDs of the respective parent bugs filed against the "Security Response" product.
Please mention CVE ids in the RPM changelog when available and only close this bug once all affected Fedora versions are fixed.
Bodhi update submission link:,526911,526915,526924,526877,526893,491840