An external upstream contributor has discovered a memory leak in JSS. It requires non-standard configuration, but is a low-effort DoS vector if configured that way (repeatedly hit the login page). further information below in a forwarded email.
Created tomcat tracking bugs for this issue: Affects: epel-all [bug 2157647] Affects: fedora-all [bug 2157648]
Is there more information on this issue? Is it reported upstream as well?
Hi Salvatore, this was related to an upstream JSS PR and the code has been already fixed in the latest releases.
Is it ?
(In reply to Salvatore Bonaccorso from comment #10) > Is it ? Upstream PR was This was triggered by the PR
Thank you!
Can we please correct the component that this CVE is reported against? All of the trackers filed against tomcat are closed as notabug or wontfix, but that's not an accurate status of the issue. There isn't a problem within tomcat, but rather the tomcatjss library. If it's actually an issue (there's limited information here...) the tomcatjss maintainer has likely already fixed it and we should be providing accurate information to our customers about it's status. Thanks!
Created jss tracking bugs for this issue: Affects: fedora-all [bug 2240985]