Bug 2298134 (CVE-2022-48798) - CVE-2022-48798 kernel: s390/cio: verify the driver availability for path_event call
Summary: CVE-2022-48798 kernel: s390/cio: verify the driver availability for path_even...
Status: NEW
Alias: CVE-2022-48798
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Product Security DevOps Team
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Reported: 2024-07-16 12:27 UTC by OSIDB Bzimport
Modified: 2024-09-22 22:41 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version: kernel 5.15.24, kernel 5.16.10, kernel 5.17
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
A vulnerability was found in the Linux kernel's S390 driver, where the path_event function can lead to a kernel panic if no driver is attached to a device or if the driver does not implement the function. This occurs when an FCES path-event is triggered without verifying the driver's availability first. The impact of this vulnerability can result in unexpected system crashes, affecting overall system stability.
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Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description OSIDB Bzimport 2024-07-16 12:27:43 UTC
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:

s390/cio: verify the driver availability for path_event call

If no driver is attached to a device or the driver does not provide the
path_event function, an FCES path-event on this device could end up in a
kernel-panic. Verify the driver availability before the path_event
function call.

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