Bug 2297478 (CVE-2024-39506) - CVE-2024-39506 kernel: liquidio: Adjust a NULL pointer handling path in lio_vf_rep_copy_packet
Summary: CVE-2024-39506 kernel: liquidio: Adjust a NULL pointer handling path in lio_v...
Status: NEW
Alias: CVE-2024-39506
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Product Security DevOps Team
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Reported: 2024-07-12 13:23 UTC by OSIDB Bzimport
Modified: 2024-08-12 14:08 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version: kernel 4.19.317, kernel 5.4.279, kernel 5.10.221, kernel 5.15.162, kernel 6.1.95, kernel 6.6.35, kernel 6.9.6, kernel 6.10-rc4
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
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Description OSIDB Bzimport 2024-07-12 13:23:35 UTC
In the Linux kernel, the following vulnerability has been resolved:

liquidio: Adjust a NULL pointer handling path in lio_vf_rep_copy_packet

In lio_vf_rep_copy_packet() pg_info->page is compared to a NULL value,
but then it is unconditionally passed to skb_add_rx_frag() which looks
strange and could lead to null pointer dereference.

lio_vf_rep_copy_packet() call trace looks like:
	    ...search in the dispatch_list...
	     ->disp_fn(rdisp->rinfo, ...)
	      lio_vf_rep_pkt_recv(struct octeon_recv_info *recv_info, ...)
In this path there is no code which sets pg_info->page to NULL.
So this check looks unneeded and doesn't solve potential problem.
But I guess the author had reason to add a check and I have no such card
and can't do real test.
In addition, the code in the function liquidio_push_packet() in
liquidio/lio_core.c does exactly the same.

Based on this, I consider the most acceptable compromise solution to
adjust this issue by moving skb_add_rx_frag() into conditional scope.

Found by Linux Verification Center (linuxtesting.org) with SVACE.

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