Bug 910269 (TRACKER-bugs-affecting-libguestfs) - Tracker: Bugs in other packages that stop libguestfs working
Summary: Tracker: Bugs in other packages that stop libguestfs working
Status: NEW
Alias: TRACKER-bugs-affecting-libguestfs
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: libguestfs
Version: rawhide
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Richard W.M. Jones
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
: 910270 922891 (view as bug list)
Depends On: 1033632 1431652 1443066 1588447 1647156 2213346 2275252 636156 753882 863978 870071 871196 890291 895901 916644 921135 922888 927369 967509 971790 981729 987088 990258 995883 996007 998692 998722 1002066 1003088 1003162 1003495 1003685 1005551 1005581 1007309 1009701 1011063 1014604 1014682 1018251 1020216 1024075 1024781 1025269 1028667 1033508 1033971 1034433 1040606 1043162 1043249 1044014 1045033 1045039 1045069 1045386 1046317 1047861 1048818 1048820 1053532 1057535 1061654 1062533 1064375 1066145 1066630 1070221 1074327 1075520 1080569 1084215 1096343 1099206 1099892 1101534 1107842 1112275 1118334 1118504 1119885 1120544 1122937 1123390 1123420 1123555 1123882 1130700 1134453 1134454 1134455 1134592 1134878 1135388 1135632 1135680 1138436 1138604 1139544 1139659 1140166 1141451 1146320 1147057 1148972 1151404 1151838 1152901 1154778 1157233 1160488 1160883 1161950 1166289 1168275 1183234 1183236 1184411 1185325 1186948 1194366 1197256 1197305 1198244 1200149 1208176 1211272 1215042 1219191 1219198 1222286 1225641 1225818 1225837 1226806 1226848 1232241 1233220 1233292 1234969 1238615 1240283 1247746 1250715 1258223 1261738 1263574 1265196 1266930 1268345 1268347 1269948 1269975 1271183 1275087 1285245 1285368 1293024 1297690 1301093 1302071 1303147 1305582 1312462 1312688 1315606 1315895 1316206 1318596 1319483 1325022 1325085 1333191 1335671 1337869 1337969 1339565 1339977 1340596 1344016 1344819 1345964 1346070 1346202 1346744 1348895 1351477 1351968 1351995 1353225 1354335 1358179 1358181 1365270 1376547 1382318 1382530 1383451 1388596 1398491 1403745 1403897 1406304 1413922 1414081 1420301 1420481 1426796 1430258 1430297 1431178 1431454 1432219 1433575 1433577 1434550 1434651 1434841 1435432 1438539 1439922 1447590 1448312 1451546 1452792 1452813 1452932 1454614 1460519 1460577 1460692 1463615 1464083 1464244 1464389 1464654 1469491 1469505 1470157 1473536 1473605 1474405 1475018 1476464 1478201 1483253 1483254 1483342 1484155 1484261 1484384 1494814 1497091 1498426 1500723 1503507 1504002 1519242 1523338 1542728 1544927 1551130 1554995 1560917 1565714 1571145 1573462 1573538 1574577 1575925 1576573 1584678 1585558 1585658 1593411 1595327 1598348 1598440 1599983 1600962 1601146 1612874 1613277 1614948 1615402 1622043 1623528 1623819 1625641 1632231 1632668 1636843 1638304 1638335 1639230 1641477 1642385 1650975 1651021 1655826 1657928 1660234 1661940 1665063 1665903 1666960 1666996 1667478 1668244 1669240 1692035 1692047 1709211 1719647 1726075 1727270 1732497 1733743 1758413 1782329 1794518 1795052 1795585 1798148 1826925 1833346 1837809 1837812 1843174 1843865 1860461 1866823 1893892 1906600 1910063 1917950 1918767 1921698 1924986 1926954 1927184 1931047 1931821 1931866 1935572 1935737 1945122 1961558 1964317 1967905 1969209 1973515 1984938 1986509 1999700 1999878 2000506 2006709 2015745 2018182 2027654 2034336 2034715 2043382 2057769 2064274 2084719 2113008 2133768 2133884 2144277 2148179 2168082 2216496 2274528
Blocks: 1743477
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2013-02-12 08:49 UTC by Richard W.M. Jones
Modified: 2024-04-16 09:38 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
: 922891 (view as bug list)
Last Closed:
Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Richard W.M. Jones 2013-02-12 08:49:18 UTC
This tracks bugs in other packages that stop libguestfs
working on current Rawhide.

Comment 1 Jaroslav Reznik 2013-03-22 12:08:32 UTC
Add Tracking keyword to avoid bug closure during Rawhide rebase process.

Comment 2 Richard W.M. Jones 2013-08-30 18:10:27 UTC
*** Bug 910270 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 3 Richard W.M. Jones 2013-09-03 10:38:19 UTC
*** Bug 922891 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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