Bug 1797849

Summary: app registry redhat-operators-art doesn't have 4.4 packagemanifest for tsb
Product: OpenShift Container Platform Reporter: Cuiping HUO <chuo>
Component: ReleaseAssignee: Luke Meyer <lmeyer>
Status: CLOSED ERRATA QA Contact: Cuiping HUO <chuo>
Severity: urgent Docs Contact:
Priority: high    
Version: 4.4CC: aos-bugs, chezhang, jfan, jiazha, jlanford, jokerman
Target Milestone: ---   
Target Release: 4.4.0   
Hardware: Unspecified   
OS: Unspecified   
Fixed In Version: Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Story Points: ---
Clone Of: Environment:
Last Closed: 2020-05-04 11:33:06 UTC Type: Bug
Regression: --- Mount Type: ---
Documentation: --- CRM:
Verified Versions: Category: ---
oVirt Team: --- RHEL 7.3 requirements from Atomic Host:
Cloudforms Team: --- Target Upstream Version:
Bug Depends On:    
Bug Blocks: 1800696    

Description Cuiping HUO 2020-02-04 02:58:24 UTC
Description of problem:
app registry redhat-operators-art doesn't have 4.4 packagemanifest for tsb.
according to https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSDK-838, we still tsb for 4.4.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. disable app registry redhat-operators
2. enable app registry redhat-operators-art
3. check tsb packagemanifest version

Actual results:
tsb packagemanifest doesn't have packagemanifest for 4.4 release.

Expected results:
tsb packagemanifest should have packagemanifest for 4.4 release.

Additional info:
$ oc get opsrc -n openshift-marketplace | grep redhat-operators-art
qe-app-registry       appregistry   https://quay.io/cnr   redhat-operators-art                                     Succeeded   The object has been successfully reconciled   13h

$ oc get packagemanifest openshifttemplateservicebroker -n openshift-marketplace -o yaml
apiVersion: packages.operators.coreos.com/v1
kind: PackageManifest
  creationTimestamp: "2020-02-03T13:46:04Z"
    catalog: qe-app-registry
    catalog-namespace: openshift-marketplace
    olm-visibility: hidden
    openshift-marketplace: "true"
    operatorframework.io/arch.amd64: supported
    operatorframework.io/os.linux: supported
    opsrc-datastore: "true"
    opsrc-owner-name: qe-app-registry
    opsrc-owner-namespace: openshift-marketplace
    provider: Red Hat, Inc.
    provider-url: ""
  name: openshifttemplateservicebroker
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  selfLink: /apis/packages.operators.coreos.com/v1/namespaces/openshift-marketplace/packagemanifests/openshifttemplateservicebroker
spec: {}
  catalogSource: qe-app-registry
  catalogSourceDisplayName: ""
  catalogSourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  catalogSourcePublisher: ""
  - currentCSV: openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.4.2.18-202002031246
        alm-examples: '[{"apiVersion":"osb.openshift.io/v1","kind":"TemplateServiceBroker","metadata":{"name":"template-service-broker","namespace":"template-service-broker"},"spec":{}}]'
        capabilities: Seamless Upgrades
        containerImage: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ose-template-service-broker@sha256:d043deed8a0496e0a42bf5304c151d4b277e53a3ea2a4ca3546514bc81f3ec21
        description: OpenShift Template Service Broker is an implementation of the
          [Open Service Broker API](https://github.com/openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker)
      apiservicedefinitions: {}
        - description: An Open Service Broker supporting management of OpenShift templates.
          displayName: Template Service Broker
          kind: TemplateServiceBroker
          name: templateservicebrokers.osb.openshift.io
          version: v1
      description: |
        The OpenShift Template Service Broker implements the [Open Service Broker
        - *Catalog*: returns a list of available templates as OSB API
          *Service* objects (the templates are read from one or more
          namespaces configured in the master config).
        - *Provision*: provision a given template (referred by its UID) into a
          namespace.  Under the covers, this creates a non-namespaced
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object for the template service broker to
          store state associated with the the instantiation, as well as the
          **Secret** and **TemplateInstance** objects which are picked up by
          the **TemplateInstance** controller.  *Provision* is an asynchronous
          operation: it may return before provisioning is completed, and the
          provision status can (must) be recovered via the *Last Operation*
          endpoint (see below).
        - *Bind*: for a given template, return "credentials" exposed in any
          created ConfigMap, Secret, Service or Route object (see
          ExposeAnnotationPrefix and Base64ExposeAnnotationPrefix
          documentation).  The *Bind* call records the fact that it took
          place in the appropriate **BrokerTemplateInstance** object.
        - *Unbind*: this simply removes the metadata previously placed in the
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object by a *Bind* call.
        - *Deprovision*: removes the objects created by the *Provision* call.
          The garbage collector removes all additional objects created by the
          **TemplateInstance** controller, hopefully transitively, as
          documented above.
        - *Last Operation*: returns the status of the previously run
          asynchronous operation.  In the template service broker, *Provision*
          is the only asynchronous operation.
      displayName: OpenShift Template Service Broker Operator
      - supported: true
        type: OwnNamespace
      - supported: true
        type: SingleNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: MultiNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: AllNamespaces
        name: Red Hat, Inc.
      version: 4.2.18-202002031246
    name: "4.2"
  - currentCSV: openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.4.2.18-202002031246-s390x
        alm-examples: '[{"apiVersion":"osb.openshift.io/v1","kind":"TemplateServiceBroker","metadata":{"name":"template-service-broker","namespace":"template-service-broker"},"spec":{}}]'
        capabilities: Seamless Upgrades
        containerImage: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ose-template-service-broker@sha256:56a99fefeb2ff3fcab12d158903693eca0eb4c0fa787978e90407651ce28a722
        description: OpenShift Template Service Broker is an implementation of the
          [Open Service Broker API](https://github.com/openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker)
      apiservicedefinitions: {}
        - description: An Open Service Broker supporting management of OpenShift templates.
          displayName: Template Service Broker
          kind: TemplateServiceBroker
          name: templateservicebrokers.osb.openshift.io
          version: v1
      description: |
        The OpenShift Template Service Broker implements the [Open Service Broker
        - *Catalog*: returns a list of available templates as OSB API
          *Service* objects (the templates are read from one or more
          namespaces configured in the master config).
        - *Provision*: provision a given template (referred by its UID) into a
          namespace.  Under the covers, this creates a non-namespaced
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object for the template service broker to
          store state associated with the the instantiation, as well as the
          **Secret** and **TemplateInstance** objects which are picked up by
          the **TemplateInstance** controller.  *Provision* is an asynchronous
          operation: it may return before provisioning is completed, and the
          provision status can (must) be recovered via the *Last Operation*
          endpoint (see below).
        - *Bind*: for a given template, return "credentials" exposed in any
          created ConfigMap, Secret, Service or Route object (see
          ExposeAnnotationPrefix and Base64ExposeAnnotationPrefix
          documentation).  The *Bind* call records the fact that it took
          place in the appropriate **BrokerTemplateInstance** object.
        - *Unbind*: this simply removes the metadata previously placed in the
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object by a *Bind* call.
        - *Deprovision*: removes the objects created by the *Provision* call.
          The garbage collector removes all additional objects created by the
          **TemplateInstance** controller, hopefully transitively, as
          documented above.
        - *Last Operation*: returns the status of the previously run
          asynchronous operation.  In the template service broker, *Provision*
          is the only asynchronous operation.
      displayName: OpenShift Template Service Broker Operator
      - supported: true
        type: OwnNamespace
      - supported: true
        type: SingleNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: MultiNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: AllNamespaces
        name: Red Hat, Inc.
      version: 4.2.18-202002031246
    name: 4.2-s390x
  - currentCSV: openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.4.3.0-202001271032
        alm-examples: '[{"apiVersion":"osb.openshift.io/v1","kind":"TemplateServiceBroker","metadata":{"name":"template-service-broker","namespace":"template-service-broker"},"spec":{}}]'
        capabilities: Seamless Upgrades
        containerImage: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ose-template-service-broker@sha256:f45b330fe52d4d373a21c6c1c34a1b22f7eac871c2f8ef3a24b32baa87c006ce
        description: OpenShift Template Service Broker is an implementation of the
          [Open Service Broker API](https://github.com/openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker)
        olm.skipRange: '>=4.2.0 <4.3.0-202001271032'
      apiservicedefinitions: {}
        - description: An Open Service Broker supporting management of OpenShift templates.
          displayName: Template Service Broker
          kind: TemplateServiceBroker
          name: templateservicebrokers.osb.openshift.io
          version: v1
      description: |
        The OpenShift Template Service Broker implements the [Open Service Broker
        - *Catalog*: returns a list of available templates as OSB API
          *Service* objects (the templates are read from one or more
          namespaces configured in the master config).
        - *Provision*: provision a given template (referred by its UID) into a
          namespace.  Under the covers, this creates a non-namespaced
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object for the template service broker to
          store state associated with the the instantiation, as well as the
          **Secret** and **TemplateInstance** objects which are picked up by
          the **TemplateInstance** controller.  *Provision* is an asynchronous
          operation: it may return before provisioning is completed, and the
          provision status can (must) be recovered via the *Last Operation*
          endpoint (see below).
        - *Bind*: for a given template, return "credentials" exposed in any
          created ConfigMap, Secret, Service or Route object (see
          ExposeAnnotationPrefix and Base64ExposeAnnotationPrefix
          documentation).  The *Bind* call records the fact that it took
          place in the appropriate **BrokerTemplateInstance** object.
        - *Unbind*: this simply removes the metadata previously placed in the
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object by a *Bind* call.
        - *Deprovision*: removes the objects created by the *Provision* call.
          The garbage collector removes all additional objects created by the
          **TemplateInstance** controller, hopefully transitively, as
          documented above.
        - *Last Operation*: returns the status of the previously run
          asynchronous operation.  In the template service broker, *Provision*
          is the only asynchronous operation.
      displayName: OpenShift Template Service Broker Operator
      - supported: true
        type: OwnNamespace
      - supported: true
        type: SingleNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: MultiNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: AllNamespaces
        name: Red Hat, Inc.
      version: 4.3.0-202001271032
    name: "4.3"
  - currentCSV: openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.4.1.34-202001310309
        alm-examples: '[{"apiVersion":"osb.openshift.io/v1","kind":"TemplateServiceBroker","metadata":{"name":"template-service-broker","namespace":"template-service-broker"},"spec":{}}]'
        capabilities: Seamless Upgrades
        containerImage: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ose-template-service-broker@sha256:149da18d61a1b06587f4e473ea1e8cd64c6c856cbc45336189e6aa706d84f20b
        description: OpenShift Template Service Broker is an implementation of the
          [Open Service Broker API](https://github.com/openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker)
        olm.skipRange: '>=4.1.0 <4.1.34-202001310309'
      apiservicedefinitions: {}
        - description: An Open Service Broker supporting management of OpenShift templates.
          displayName: Template Service Broker
          kind: TemplateServiceBroker
          name: templateservicebrokers.osb.openshift.io
          version: v1
      description: |
        The OpenShift Template Service Broker implements the [Open Service Broker
        - *Catalog*: returns a list of available templates as OSB API
          *Service* objects (the templates are read from one or more
          namespaces configured in the master config).
        - *Provision*: provision a given template (referred by its UID) into a
          namespace.  Under the covers, this creates a non-namespaced
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object for the template service broker to
          store state associated with the the instantiation, as well as the
          **Secret** and **TemplateInstance** objects which are picked up by
          the **TemplateInstance** controller.  *Provision* is an asynchronous
          operation: it may return before provisioning is completed, and the
          provision status can (must) be recovered via the *Last Operation*
          endpoint (see below).
        - *Bind*: for a given template, return "credentials" exposed in any
          created ConfigMap, Secret, Service or Route object (see
          ExposeAnnotationPrefix and Base64ExposeAnnotationPrefix
          documentation).  The *Bind* call records the fact that it took
          place in the appropriate **BrokerTemplateInstance** object.
        - *Unbind*: this simply removes the metadata previously placed in the
          **BrokerTemplateInstance** object by a *Bind* call.
        - *Deprovision*: removes the objects created by the *Provision* call.
          The garbage collector removes all additional objects created by the
          **TemplateInstance** controller, hopefully transitively, as
          documented above.
        - *Last Operation*: returns the status of the previously run
          asynchronous operation.  In the template service broker, *Provision*
          is the only asynchronous operation.
      displayName: OpenShift Template Service Broker Operator
      - supported: true
        type: OwnNamespace
      - supported: true
        type: SingleNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: MultiNamespace
      - supported: false
        type: AllNamespaces
        name: Red Hat, Inc.
      version: 4.1.34-202001310309
    name: stable
  defaultChannel: "4.3"
  packageName: openshifttemplateservicebroker
    name: Red Hat, Inc.

Comment 3 Cuiping HUO 2020-02-18 11:05:51 UTC

$ oc get sub -n openshift-template-service-broker
NAME                             PACKAGE                          SOURCE            CHANNEL
openshifttemplateservicebroker   openshifttemplateservicebroker   qe-app-registry   4.4

$ oc get opsrc -n openshift-marketplace | grep redhat-operators-art
qe-app-registry       appregistry   https://quay.io/cnr   redhat-operators-art                                     Succeeded   The object has been successfully reconciled   8m35s

$ oc get csv -n openshift-template-service-broker openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.4.4.0-202002111717 -o yaml
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: ClusterServiceVersion
    alm-examples: '[{"apiVersion":"osb.openshift.io/v1","kind":"TemplateServiceBroker","metadata":{"name":"template-service-broker","namespace":"template-service-broker"},"spec":{}}]'
    capabilities: Seamless Upgrades
    containerImage: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ose-template-service-broker@sha256:bdc9b4e43fbe5fdc6959138a69b5bf34d08e51113350d8d76a61eb9f1ea31585
    description: OpenShift Template Service Broker is an implementation of the [Open
      Service Broker API](https://github.com/openservicebrokerapi/servicebroker)
    olm.operatorGroup: openshift-template-service-broker-wbxwc
    olm.operatorNamespace: openshift-template-service-broker
    olm.skipRange: '>=4.3.0 <4.4.0'
    olm.targetNamespaces: openshift-template-service-broker
  creationTimestamp: "2020-02-18T10:56:36Z"
  generation: 1
    olm.api.57b56b9c59508420: provided
  name: openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.4.4.0-202002111717
  namespace: openshift-template-service-broker
  resourceVersion: "251387"
  selfLink: /apis/operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1/namespaces/openshift-template-service-broker/clusterserviceversions/openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.4.4.0-202002111717
  uid: 1e511dc9-204e-45fd-b401-9d9c72cff957
  apiservicedefinitions: {}
    - description: An Open Service Broker supporting management of OpenShift templates.
      displayName: Template Service Broker
      kind: TemplateServiceBroker
      name: templateservicebrokers.osb.openshift.io
      version: v1
  description: |
    The OpenShift Template Service Broker implements the [Open Service Broker
    - *Catalog*: returns a list of available templates as OSB API
      *Service* objects (the templates are read from one or more
      namespaces configured in the master config).
    - *Provision*: provision a given template (referred by its UID) into a
      namespace.  Under the covers, this creates a non-namespaced
      **BrokerTemplateInstance** object for the template service broker to
      store state associated with the the instantiation, as well as the
      **Secret** and **TemplateInstance** objects which are picked up by
      the **TemplateInstance** controller.  *Provision* is an asynchronous
      operation: it may return before provisioning is completed, and the
      provision status can (must) be recovered via the *Last Operation*
      endpoint (see below).
    - *Bind*: for a given template, return "credentials" exposed in any
      created ConfigMap, Secret, Service or Route object (see
      ExposeAnnotationPrefix and Base64ExposeAnnotationPrefix
      documentation).  The *Bind* call records the fact that it took
      place in the appropriate **BrokerTemplateInstance** object.
    - *Unbind*: this simply removes the metadata previously placed in the
      **BrokerTemplateInstance** object by a *Bind* call.
    - *Deprovision*: removes the objects created by the *Provision* call.
      The garbage collector removes all additional objects created by the
      **TemplateInstance** controller, hopefully transitively, as
      documented above.
    - *Last Operation*: returns the status of the previously run
      asynchronous operation.  In the template service broker, *Provision*
      is the only asynchronous operation.
  displayName: OpenShift Template Service Broker Operator
      - rules:
        - apiGroups:
          - osb.openshift.io
          - templateservicebrokers
          - templateservicebrokers/status
          - '*'
        - apiGroups:
          - servicecatalog.k8s.io
          - clusterservicebrokers
          - servicebrokers
          - '*'
        - apiGroups:
          - rbac.authorization.k8s.io
          - clusterroles
          - clusterrolebindings
          - create
          - delete
          - patch
          - get
          - list
        - apiGroups:
          - authorization.k8s.io
          - subjectaccessreviews
          - create
        - apiGroups:
          - authentication.k8s.io
          - tokenreviews
          - create
        - apiGroups:
          - authorization.openshift.io
          - subjectaccessreviews
          - create
        - apiGroups:
          - template.openshift.io
          - brokertemplateinstances
          - create
          - delete
          - get
          - update
        - apiGroups:
          - template.openshift.io
          - brokertemplateinstances/finalizers
          - update
        - apiGroups:
          - template.openshift.io
          - templateinstances
          - assign
          - create
          - delete
          - get
        - apiGroups:
          - template.openshift.io
          - templates
          - get
          - list
          - watch
        - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - services
          - get
          - list
          - watch
        - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - secrets
          - create
          - delete
          - get
        - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - configmaps
          - get
        - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - routes
          - get
        - apiGroups:
          - route.openshift.io
          - routes
          - get
        - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - events
          - create
          - patch
          - update
        - nonResourceURLs:
          - /brokers/template.openshift.io/*
          - delete
          - get
          - put
          - update
        serviceAccountName: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
      - name: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
          replicas: 1
              name: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
                name: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
              name: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
              - env:
                - name: IMAGE
                  value: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ose-template-service-broker@sha256:bdc9b4e43fbe5fdc6959138a69b5bf34d08e51113350d8d76a61eb9f1ea31585
                - name: OPERATOR_NAME
                  value: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
                - name: POD_NAME
                      fieldPath: metadata.name
                - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
                      fieldPath: metadata.namespace
                image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/ose-template-service-broker-operator@sha256:898f10dd55fa326155a9084dca3054d86b053a1d8c9e07c5f1090f7ede1cea6f
                imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                name: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
              serviceAccountName: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
      - rules:
        - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - pods
          - configmaps
          - secrets
          - services
          - services/finalizers
          - serviceaccounts
          - endpoints
          - '*'
        - apiGroups:
          - apps
          - deployments
          - deployments/finalizers
          - replicasets
          - '*'
        - apiGroups:
          - apps.openshift.io
          - deploymentconfigs
          - '*'
        - apiGroups:
          - monitoring.coreos.com
          - prometheusrules
          - servicemonitors
          - '*'
        serviceAccountName: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
    strategy: deployment
  - supported: true
    type: OwnNamespace
  - supported: true
    type: SingleNamespace
  - supported: false
    type: MultiNamespace
  - supported: false
    type: AllNamespaces
  - template
  - broker
  - open service broker
    alm-status-descriptors: openshifttemplateservicebrokeroperator.v0.1.0
    operated-by: openshifttemplateservicebroker
  - name: Documentation
    url: https://docs.okd.io/latest/architecture/service_catalog/template_service_broker.html
  - name: Source Code
    url: https://github.com/openshift/origin/tree/master/pkg/templateservicebroker
  - email: ansible-service-broker
    name: Red Hat, Inc.
  maturity: stable
    name: Red Hat, Inc.
      operated-by: openshifttemplateservicebroker
  version: 4.4.0-202002111717
  certsLastUpdated: null
  certsRotateAt: null
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:36Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:36Z"
    message: requirements not yet checked
    phase: Pending
    reason: RequirementsUnknown
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:36Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:36Z"
    message: one or more requirements couldn't be found
    phase: Pending
    reason: RequirementsNotMet
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:37Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:37Z"
    message: all requirements found, attempting install
    phase: InstallReady
    reason: AllRequirementsMet
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:38Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:38Z"
    message: waiting for install components to report healthy
    phase: Installing
    reason: InstallSucceeded
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:38Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T10:56:40Z"
    message: |
      installing: Waiting: waiting for deployment openshift-template-service-broker-operator to become ready: Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
    phase: Installing
    reason: InstallWaiting
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:37Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:37Z"
    message: install timeout
    phase: Failed
    reason: InstallCheckFailed
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
    message: |
      installing: Waiting: waiting for deployment openshift-template-service-broker-operator to become ready: Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
    phase: Pending
    reason: NeedsReinstall
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
    message: all requirements found, attempting install
    phase: InstallReady
    reason: AllRequirementsMet
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
    message: waiting for install components to report healthy
    phase: Installing
    reason: InstallSucceeded
  - lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:41Z"
    message: |
      installing: Waiting: waiting for deployment openshift-template-service-broker-operator to become ready: Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
    phase: Installing
    reason: InstallWaiting
  lastTransitionTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:39Z"
  lastUpdateTime: "2020-02-18T11:01:41Z"
  message: |
    installing: Waiting: waiting for deployment openshift-template-service-broker-operator to become ready: Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available...
  phase: Installing
  reason: InstallWaiting
  - group: apiextensions.k8s.io
    kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    message: CRD is present and Established condition is true
    name: templateservicebrokers.osb.openshift.io
    status: Present
    uuid: 550afc28-2f87-4683-a291-d3010c802719
    version: v1beta1
  - dependents:
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: namespaced rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["pods","configmaps","secrets","services","services/finalizers","serviceaccounts","endpoints"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: namespaced rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":["apps"],"resources":["deployments","deployments/finalizers","replicasets"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: namespaced rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":["apps.openshift.io"],"resources":["deploymentconfigs"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: namespaced rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":["monitoring.coreos.com"],"resources":["prometheusrules","servicemonitors"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":["osb.openshift.io"],"resources":["templateservicebrokers","templateservicebrokers/status"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["*"],"apiGroups":["servicecatalog.k8s.io"],"resources":["clusterservicebrokers","servicebrokers"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["create","delete","patch","get","list"],"apiGroups":["rbac.authorization.k8s.io"],"resources":["clusterroles","clusterrolebindings"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["create"],"apiGroups":["authorization.k8s.io"],"resources":["subjectaccessreviews"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["create"],"apiGroups":["authentication.k8s.io"],"resources":["tokenreviews"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["create"],"apiGroups":["authorization.openshift.io"],"resources":["subjectaccessreviews"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["create","delete","get","update"],"apiGroups":["template.openshift.io"],"resources":["brokertemplateinstances"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["update"],"apiGroups":["template.openshift.io"],"resources":["brokertemplateinstances/finalizers"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["assign","create","delete","get"],"apiGroups":["template.openshift.io"],"resources":["templateinstances"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["get","list","watch"],"apiGroups":["template.openshift.io"],"resources":["templates"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["get","list","watch"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["services"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["create","delete","get"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["secrets"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["get"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["configmaps"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["get"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["routes"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["get"],"apiGroups":["route.openshift.io"],"resources":["routes"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["create","patch","update"],"apiGroups":[""],"resources":["events"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    - group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: PolicyRule
      message: cluster rule:{"verbs":["delete","get","put","update"],"nonResourceURLs":["/brokers/template.openshift.io/*"]}
      status: Satisfied
      version: v1beta1
    group: ""
    kind: ServiceAccount
    message: ""
    name: openshift-template-service-broker-operator
    status: Present
    version: v1

Comment 6 errata-xmlrpc 2020-05-04 11:33:06 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.
