Bug 1039429 (CVE-2013-5613) - CVE-2013-5613 Mozilla: Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement (MFSA 2013-114)
Summary: CVE-2013-5613 Mozilla: Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement (MFSA 2013-...
Alias: CVE-2013-5613
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Red Hat Product Security
QA Contact:
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Blocks: 1030244
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2013-12-09 04:33 UTC by Huzaifa S. Sidhpurwala
Modified: 2023-05-12 01:22 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
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Last Closed: 2013-12-12 04:16:18 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2013:1812 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: firefox security update 2013-12-11 10:27:00 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2013:1823 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Important: thunderbird security update 2013-12-11 22:26:18 UTC

Description Huzaifa S. Sidhpurwala 2013-12-09 04:33:16 UTC
Security researchers Tyson Smith and Jesse Schwartzentruber of the BlackBerry Security Automated Analysis Team used the Address Sanitizer tool while fuzzing to discover a user-after-free in the functions for synthetic mouse movement handling. Security researcher Atte Kettunen from OUSPG also reported a variant of the same flaw. This issue leads to a potentially exploitable crash.

In general these flaws cannot be exploited through email in the Thunderbird and Seamonkey products because scripting is disabled, but are potentially a risk in browser or browser-like contexts.

External Reference:



Red Hat would like to thank the Mozilla project for reporting this issue. Upstream acknowledges Tyson Smith, Jesse Schwartzentruber and Atte Kettunen as the original reporters.

Comment 1 errata-xmlrpc 2013-12-11 05:28:27 UTC
This issue has been addressed in following products:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Via RHSA-2013:1812 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2013-1812.html

Comment 2 errata-xmlrpc 2013-12-11 17:28:00 UTC
This issue has been addressed in following products:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Via RHSA-2013:1823 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2013-1823.html

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