Created attachment 835486 [details] XFCE app menu from the desktop (screenshot) Description of problem: The menu icon for speedcrunch is a bit too large compared to the other applications. I am using the XFCE desktop environment. Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): speedcrunch-0.11-0.7.alpha.fc20.x86_64 How reproducible: Every time Steps to Reproduce: 1. Login to XFCE 2. Look at the applications menu Actual results: The menu icon for speedcrunch is too large (see attached screenshot) Expected results: The menu icon for speedcrunch should be like the others. Additional info: xfce4-session-4.10.1-3.fc20.x86_64
Created attachment 835487 [details] XFCE app menu from a panel (screenshot) The icon from the menu attached to a panel is normal (see attached screenshot).
Created attachment 835488 [details] rpm -q -a
I can't see any difference in icon sizes in the attached screenshot. Even if there were, I'd argue its the deskop environment's job to pick the right sized icon (and potentially scale it as appropriate).
Ah, the difference it present in the other screenshot (I'd only notice one at first). Reassigning to xfce per comment #3 rationale.
This seems wrong: % file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/speedcrunch.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/speedcrunch.png: PNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced In fact all of them are the same png. Shouldn't it simply not claim to provide the sizes it doesn't have so the desktop can scale? I can confirm if I remove all of them except the 48x48 one, Xfce correctly uses that and scales it.
OK, that is indeed wrong and should be fixed in speedcrunch, thanks.
Kevin Fenzi, though I'm puzzled that the two XFCE menus display different sizes. Perhaps there's hidden tiny issue in XFCE too.
Yeah, I suppose you could say that Xfce was being too trusting there. ;) Would you like to file an upstream bug on it? Or would you like me to?
I think you have a better idea about what's going on under the hood, so I'd like you to report the bug to the XFCE project.
Filed: upstream. Note that this should still get fixed in speedcrunch. ;)
I'm on it, looks like a minor bug in the packaging.
speedcrunch-0.11-0.8.alpha.fc20 has been submitted as an update for Fedora 20.
speedcrunch-0.11-0.8.alpha.fc19 has been submitted as an update for Fedora 19.
Package speedcrunch-0.11-0.8.alpha.fc20: * should fix your issue, * was pushed to the Fedora 20 testing repository, * should be available at your local mirror within two days. Update it with: # su -c 'yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing speedcrunch-0.11-0.8.alpha.fc20' as soon as you are able to. Please go to the following url: then log in and leave karma (feedback).
speedcrunch-0.11-0.8.alpha.fc20 has been pushed to the Fedora 20 stable repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.
speedcrunch-0.11-0.8.alpha.fc19 has been pushed to the Fedora 19 stable repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.