Bug 1075061 - OneOff 6.1.0 : Preload with async cache store and HotRod client issues in a clustered environment
Summary: OneOff 6.1.0 : Preload with async cache store and HotRod client issues in a c...
Alias: None
Product: JBoss Data Grid 6
Classification: JBoss
Component: Infinispan
Version: 6.1.0
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: One-off release,6.2.1
Assignee: Tristan Tarrant
QA Contact: Martin Gencur
Depends On: 1058887 1059277 1059489 1060199 1135520
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2014-03-11 12:13 UTC by Jiri Pallich
Modified: 2023-04-01 08:00 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Configuring on a AdvancedCacheLoader preload=true and asyn=true cause it to load each entry in the store in a loop, each entry being loaded through a store read. This is caused by the way loadAll is implemented in the AsynLoader: in order to enforce consistency with whatever is in memory it does some special handling. However, this advanced async loader logic is not required during the initial preload, as the async cache loader is empty. </para> <para> The current implemented fix is only an enhancement and not the final resolution. It is still possible that the client try to re-establish the connection if there is a multi-threaded access to the connection from the client. The resolution needs to change the API, which is not possible within a patch or minor release.
Clone Of: 1060199
Last Closed:
Type: Support Patch

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-3845 0 Major Resolved CACHE_MODE_LOCAL flag only works in primary owner for non-tx caches 2016-02-22 14:28:45 UTC
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-3947 0 Critical Resolved HotRod client keep trying recover connections to a failed cluster 2016-02-22 14:28:44 UTC
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-3957 0 Major Resolved Preload with async cache store is not efficient 2016-02-22 14:28:44 UTC

Comment 2 gsheldon 2014-03-23 23:06:35 UTC
Setting this bug to verified for Release Notes.

Comment 3 Martin Gencur 2014-03-25 07:38:07 UTC
I don't think this bug should be included in release notes for JDG 6.2.1 as it's a one-off patch tracking BZ. We should include only individual issues referenced by this umbrella issue.

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