Bug 1075703 (CVE-2014-2323, CVE-2014-2324) - CVE-2014-2323 CVE-2014-2324 lighttpd: SQL injection and directory traversal vulnerabilities
Summary: CVE-2014-2323 CVE-2014-2324 lighttpd: SQL injection and directory traversal v...
Alias: CVE-2014-2323, CVE-2014-2324
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Red Hat Product Security
QA Contact:
Depends On: 1075710 1075711 1075712
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2014-03-12 15:53 UTC by Martin Prpič
Modified: 2023-09-07 18:37 UTC (History)
7 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
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Last Closed: 2020-05-20 21:15:23 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Martin Prpič 2014-03-12 15:53:58 UTC
It was reported [1] that lighttpd's mod_mysql_vhost module is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks (CVE-2014-2323), and the mod_evhost or mod_simple_vhost modules are vulnerable to directory traversal attacks (CVE-2014-2324). More information can be found at [2].

This issue has been fixed in version 1.4.35 of lighttpd [3], and the patch is available at [4].

A workaround for this issue exists:

* Disable the mod_mysql_vhost module.
* Do not use the mod_evhost or mod_simple_vhost modules for IPv6 addresses as host names (i.e. don't have and don't allow creation of "[...]" directories in the base directories).

[1] http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2014/q1/561
[2] http://download.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/security/lighttpd_sa_2014_01.txt
[3] http://www.lighttpd.net/2014/3/12/1.4.35/
[4] http://download.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/security/lighttpd-1.4.34_fix_mysql_injection.patch

Comment 2 Martin Prpič 2014-03-12 16:05:51 UTC
Created lighttpd tracking bugs for this issue:

Affects: fedora-all [bug 1075710]
Affects: epel-all [bug 1075711]

Comment 3 Product Security DevOps Team 2020-05-20 21:15:23 UTC
This CVE Bugzilla entry is for community support informational purposes only as it does not affect a package in a commercially supported Red Hat product. Refer to the dependent bugs for status of those individual community products.

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