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Bug 1087372 - unify API parameters and return values
Summary: unify API parameters and return values
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Satellite
Classification: Red Hat
Component: API
Version: Nightly
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: Unspecified
Assignee: Bryan Kearney
QA Contact:
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2014-04-14 09:31 UTC by Tomas Lestach
Modified: 2019-09-26 18:16 UTC (History)
12 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2014-09-11 12:20:48 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Foreman Issue Tracker 5178 0 None None None 2016-04-22 16:12:44 UTC

Description Tomas Lestach 2014-04-14 09:31:05 UTC
Description of problem:
@api ={
  :uri => HammerCLI::Settings.get(:foreman, :host),
  :username => HammerCLI::Settings.get(:foreman, :username),
  :password => HammerCLI::Settings.get(:foreman, :password),
  :api_version => 2
@api.resource(entity_type).call(:create, entity_hash)

expects different level of hash encapsulation for different entity_types:

* for entity_type :organizations :
@api.resource(:organizations).call(:create, entity_hash)
the entity_hash is expected to be a simple hash of organization attributes
{:description=>"Imported 'Red Hat IT' organization from Red Hat Satellite 5", :name=>"Red Hat IT"}

* for entity_type :users :
@api.resource(:users).call(:create, entity_hash)
the entity_hash is expected to be a simple hash of user attributes embedded/wrapped into a extra higher level hash with a single :user key:
{:user => user_hash}
{:user=>{:location_ids=>[], :firstname=>"another", :role_ids=>[], :lastname=>"another", :login=>"another", :mail=>"root@localhost", :auth_source_id=>1, :organization_ids=>[5], :password=>"another_gfolvwxr"}}

Similarly the return values of these API calls are not consistent:

* when creating an organization, the return value is an organization hash embedded in a higher level hash with one "organization" key
{"organization" => organization_hash}
{"organization"=>{"apply_info_task_id"=>nil, "updated_at"=>"2014-04-14T09:21:50Z", "description"=>"Imported 'Red Hat IT' organization from Red Hat Satellite 5", "default_info"=>{"system"=>[], "distributor"=>[]}, "id"=>2, "deletion_task_id"=>nil, "owner_auto_attach_all_systems_task_id"=>nil, "ancestry"=>nil, "created_at"=>"2014-04-14T09:21:49Z", "service_level"=>nil, "title"=>"Red Hat IT", "name"=>"Red Hat IT", "label"=>"Red_Hat_IT", "ignore_types"=>[], "service_levels"=>[]}}

* when creating a new user, the API return value is a simple user_hash.
{"locations"=>[], "lastname"=>"another", "firstname"=>"another", "roles"=>[{"name"=>"Anonymous", "id"=>8}], "updated_at"=>"2014-04-14T09:26:32Z", "admin"=>nil, "last_login_on"=>nil, "usergroups"=>[], "organizations"=>[{"title"=>"Red Hat IT", "name"=>"Red Hat IT", "id"=>5}], "created_at"=>"2014-04-14T09:26:32Z", "mail"=>"root@localhost", "id"=>4, "auth_source_id"=>1, "auth_source_name"=>"Internal", "login"=>"another", "auth_source_internal"=>{"type"=>"AuthSourceInternal", "name"=>"Internal", "id"=>1}}

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

This is a request to unify to API parameter and return value encapsulation.

Comment 1 RHEL Program Management 2014-04-14 09:45:44 UTC
Since this issue was entered in Red Hat Bugzilla, the release flag has been
set to ? to ensure that it is properly evaluated for this release.

Comment 3 Tom McKay 2014-04-14 13:32:55 UTC
Created redmine issue from this bug

Comment 4 Adam Price 2014-05-12 13:42:41 UTC
@tlestach, what are you looking at that's describing what's expected? thanks!

i agree this should be fixed, but it should be fixed in the documented places as well as just what the code accepts.


Comment 5 David Davis 2014-05-12 13:59:58 UTC
For the parameters, foreman is requiring POST/PUT calls to be nested (users) while Katello isn't (organizations). The v2 spec examples say that the attributes should NOT be nested:

Regarding what's being returned for organizations and users, both of those are coming from foreman so I don't know what's going on there.

Comment 6 Tomas Lestach 2014-05-13 07:26:19 UTC
(In reply to Adam Price from comment #4)
> @tlestach, what are you looking at that's describing what's expected? thanks!

Expected is to unify the parameters and return values - either to choose the nested variant or the not nested - and use it globally - for the whole API interface.
My personal preference would be to use the not nested version.

> i agree this should be fixed, but it should be fixed in the documented
> places as well as just what the code accepts.


Comment 7 2014-05-13 13:22:00 UTC
submitted fix at

Comment 9 Adam Saleh 2014-05-26 14:02:44 UTC
Fix still not merged, the scope of the bug is unclear (some of the foreman issues seem to reference just /users endpoint, other suggests larger rewrite)

Comment 11 David Davis 2014-06-17 15:46:47 UTC
Technically the second part of this bug (nested hashes with root nodes in JSON) is still an issue. I opened a separate bug for it though:

Comment 13 Bryan Kearney 2014-07-15 16:01:53 UTC
Moving to POST since upstream bug has been closed
Joseph Magen
PR 4181 is docs only, so it's not related to this.

This bug was caused by password [filtered] attributes not being wrapped, so POST /users didn't work unless the Hash was wrapped. Now it should work.
Joseph Magen
Applied in changeset commit:c980e9a8917cc9fdee5835732428462e22fa3f5b.

Comment 16 2014-08-25 19:26:17 UTC
In Snap6, this is what I get calling org and user create apis:

# curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:changeme --insecure -d '{"name":"testorgapiAug25"}' https://sat6host/katello/api/v2/organizations


#curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:changeme --insecure -d '{"user":{"login":"testuseraug25","mail":"test","password":"testuseraug25","auth_source_id":"1"}}'


Comment 17 2014-08-25 19:35:02 UTC
Verified as per my Comment 16 above.

Version Tested:
GA Snap 6 - Satellite-6.0.4-RHEL-6-20140820.1

* apr-util-ldap-1.3.9-3.el6_0.1.x86_64
* candlepin-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-common-1.0.1-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-scl-1-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-quartz-2.1.5-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-rhino-1.7R3-1.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-runtime-1-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-selinux-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-tomcat6-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
* elasticsearch-0.90.10-6.el6sat.noarch
* foreman-
* foreman-compute-
* foreman-gce-
* foreman-libvirt-
* foreman-ovirt-
* foreman-postgresql-
* foreman-proxy-
* foreman-selinux-
* foreman-vmware-
* katello-1.5.0-29.el6sat.noarch
* katello-ca-1.0-1.noarch
* katello-certs-tools-1.5.6-1.el6sat.noarch
* katello-installer-0.0.60-1.el6sat.noarch
* openldap-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
* openldap-devel-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
* pulp-katello-0.3-3.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-nodes-common-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-nodes-parent-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-puppet-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-puppet-tools-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-rpm-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-selinux-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-server-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* python-ldap-2.3.10-1.el6.x86_64
* ruby193-rubygem-net-ldap-0.3.1-3.el6sat.noarch
* ruby193-rubygem-runcible-1.1.0-2.el6sat.noarch

Comment 18 Tomas Lestach 2014-08-26 08:06:43 UTC
Checking encapsulation for input parameters:

* POST /katello/api/organizations now really expects individual parameters, not an organization hash
- correct

* POST /api/users still expects user hash, not individual parameters
- still an issue

* checking just API documentation of create APIs, where a hash is expected:
 - POST /api/architectures 
 - POST /api/auth_source_ldaps
 - POST /api/bookmarks 
 - POST /api/common_parameters 
 - POST /api/compute_profiles 
 - POST /api/compute_resources 
 - POST /api/config_groups 
 - POST /api/config_templates 
 - POST /api/domains 
 - POST /api/environments 
 - POST /api/filters 
 - POST /api/hostgroups 
 - POST /api/hosts 
 - POST /api/locations 
 - POST /api/media 
 - POST /api/models 
 - POST /api/operatingsystems 
 - POST /api/ptables 
 - POST /api/puppetclasses 
 - POST /api/realms 
 - POST /api/reports 
 - POST /api/roles 
 - POST /api/smart_proxies 
 - POST /api/smart_variables 
 - POST /api/subnets 
 - POST /api/usergroups 
 - and POST /api/users
(I see 27 APIs, where the extra encapsulation is still an issue)

Encapsulation of return values:
* organization isn't encapsulated in an extra organization hash for the create API - correct
(not sure about the rest, it up to QA to verify that)

seen on compose: Satellite-6.0.4-RHEL-6-20140823.0-Satellite-x86_64

Comment 19 2014-08-27 15:12:03 UTC
Failed with respect to Comment 18.

Version Tested:
GA Snap 6 - Satellite-6.0.4-RHEL-6-20140820.1

Comment 20 Dominic Cleal 2014-08-27 15:17:49 UTC
Regarding API documentation, this should be regarded as WONTFIX ( upstream).

The API will support unwrapped or wrapped as inputs (which is the subject of this bug), Foreman's API documentation will remain wrapped (not the subject of this bug).

Comment 23 2014-09-01 07:45:02 UTC
I agree with Dominic per comment #20. It's an issue that has been discussed and agree that Foreman's API docs will remain wrapped (i.e. require a hash) for POST/PUT, but show unwrapped for GET requests.

Comment 24 Tomas Lestach 2014-09-01 09:17:38 UTC
I see, both approaches (unwrapped and wrapped parameter variant) get accepted for POST /api/users:

$ curl -s -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json,version=2" -k -u admin:changeme -X POST -d'{"login":"new_user", "mail":"root@localhost", "password":"secret", "auth_source_id":1}' https://$(hostname)/api/users

$ curl -s -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json,version=2" -k -u admin:changeme -X POST -d'{"user":{"login":"new_user2", "mail":"root@localhost", "password":"secret", "auth_source_id":1}}' https://$(hostname)/api/users

Let's hope the behavior is the same for all the other entities.
As it was decided to keep API documentation as is, I'll respect that. :-)

I'm ok with switching the BZ to VERIFIED.

Comment 25 Daniel Lobato Garcia 2014-09-01 14:46:54 UTC
Agreed with comment #20 too, either move to WONTFIX or VERIFIED.

Comment 26 2014-09-02 13:33:28 UTC
Verified - As per Comment 17 through Comment 25 above.

Comment 27 Bryan Kearney 2014-09-11 12:20:48 UTC
This was delivered with Satellite 6.0 which was released on 10 September 2014.

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