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Bug 1114065 - broken API for registering a content host
Summary: broken API for registering a content host
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Satellite
Classification: Red Hat
Component: API
Version: 6.0.3
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: Unspecified
Assignee: Dustin Tsang
QA Contact:
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2014-06-27 15:29 UTC by Tomas Lestach
Modified: 2019-09-26 18:10 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2014-09-11 12:24:01 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Foreman Issue Tracker 7024 0 None None None 2016-04-22 16:16:19 UTC

Description Tomas Lestach 2014-06-27 15:29:46 UTC
Description of problem:
API for creating a content host fails with: "Cp type is not included in the list". cp type isn't among the list of required API parameters.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. call API to create/register a content host:

curl -s -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json,version=2" -k -u admin:changeme -X POST -d'{"name":"one", "organization_id":1, "type":"content host", "facts":{"1":1}}' `hostname`/katello/api/systems

Actual results:
API fails with:
    "displayMessage": "Validation failed: Cp type is not included in the list", 
    "errors": {
        "cp_type": [
            "is not included in the list"

Expected results:
content host created/registered

Additional info:
This is a blocker for system profile migration from Sat5.

Comment 2 Dustin Tsang 2014-06-30 19:22:33 UTC
redmine issue created

Comment 3 Bryan Kearney 2014-07-02 22:04:55 UTC
Moving to POST since upstream bug has been closed

Comment 4 Dustin Tsang 2014-07-02 22:10:31 UTC
type being sent should be 'system'.

Previously, the apipie docs asked the user to enter 'content host' as the type. That actually isn't a valid candlepin type. I updated the docs to ask for 'system'.

I also allowed the creation of a system/content-host without having to specify a type.

Comment 6 2014-08-10 14:35:16 UTC

Using content-host:
# curl -s -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json,version=2" -k -u admin:changeme -X POST -d'{"name":"one", "organization_id":3, "type":"content-host", "facts":{"1":1}}' https://host/katello/api/systems

{"displayMessage":"undefined method `default_environment' for #<User:0x0000000e3c3530>","errors":["undefined method `default_environment' for #<User:0x0000000e3c3530>"]}

Using system:
curl -s -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json,version=2" -k -u admin:changeme -X POST -d'{"name":"one", "organization_id":3, "type":"system", "facts":{"1":1}}' https://host/katello/api/systems

{"displayMessage":"undefined method `default_environment' for #<User:0x007fe65088be98>","errors":["undefined method `default_environment' for #<User:0x007fe65088be98>"]}

Using content host:
# curl -s -H "Conte"Accept:application/json,version=2" -k -u admin:changeme -X POST -d'{"name":"one", "organization_id":3, "type":"content host", "facts":{"1":1}}' https://host/katello/api/systems

{"displayMessage":"undefined method `default_environment' for #<User:0x0000000d84cd00>","errors":["undefined method `default_environment' for #<User:0x0000000d84cd00>"]}

Version Tested:
GA Snap 4 - Satellite-6.0.4-RHEL-6-20140806.0

* apr-util-ldap-1.3.9-3.el6_0.1.x86_64
* candlepin-0.9.19-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-scl-1-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-quartz-2.1.5-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-rhino-1.7R3-1.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-runtime-1-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-selinux-0.9.19-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-tomcat6-0.9.19-1.el6_5.noarch
* elasticsearch-0.90.10-4.el6sat.noarch
* foreman-
* foreman-compute-
* foreman-gce-
* foreman-libvirt-
* foreman-ovirt-
* foreman-postgresql-
* foreman-proxy-
* foreman-selinux-
* foreman-vmware-
* katello-1.5.0-28.el6sat.noarch
* katello-ca-1.0-1.noarch
* katello-certs-tools-1.5.6-1.el6sat.noarch
* katello-installer-0.0.57-1.el6sat.noarch
* openldap-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
* pulp-katello-0.3-3.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-nodes-common-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-nodes-parent-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-puppet-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-puppet-tools-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-rpm-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-selinux-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-server-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* python-ldap-2.3.10-1.el6.x86_64
* ruby193-rubygem-net-ldap-0.3.1-3.el6sat.noarch
* ruby193-rubygem-runcible-1.1.0-2.el6sat.noarch
* sssd-ldap-

Comment 7 Dustin Tsang 2014-08-11 20:34:51 UTC
different issue is causing problems in systems api. changing the redmine issue.

Comment 10 2014-08-14 04:32:02 UTC

Step 1: Tried the same command from bug description and got an error message that there is more than one environment
# curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:changeme --insecure -d '{"type":"system","facts":{"1":"1"}, "organization_id":3, "name":""}' https://host/katello/api/systems
{"displayMessage":"Organization rhcorp has more than one environment. Please specify target environment for content host registration.","errors":["Organization rhcorp has more than one environment. Please specify target environment for content host registration."]}

Step 2: Passing the environment id. Got an error saying content view must be provided
# curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:changeme --insecure -d '{"type":"system","facts":{"1":"1"}, "organization_id":3, "name":"","environment_id":3}' https://host/katello/api/systems
{"displayMessage":"Validation failed: Content view can't be blank","errors":{"content_view":["can't be blank"]}}

Step 3: Passing the content view id also.  Now it all works fine.

# curl -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u admin:changeme --insecure -d '{"type":"system","facts":{"1":"1"}, "organization_id":3, "name":"","environment_id":3, "content_view_id":3}' https://host/katello/api/systems

**Success - the content host is created.**

Version Tested:
GA Snap 5 - Satellite-6.0.4-RHEL-6-20140813.2

* apr-util-ldap-1.3.9-3.el6_0.1.x86_64
* candlepin-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-common-1.0.1-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-scl-1-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-quartz-2.1.5-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-rhino-1.7R3-1.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-scl-runtime-1-5.el6_4.noarch
* candlepin-selinux-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
* candlepin-tomcat6-0.9.23-1.el6_5.noarch
* elasticsearch-0.90.10-4.el6sat.noarch
* foreman-
* foreman-compute-
* foreman-gce-
* foreman-libvirt-
* foreman-ovirt-
* foreman-postgresql-
* foreman-proxy-
* foreman-selinux-
* foreman-vmware-
* katello-1.5.0-28.el6sat.noarch
* katello-ca-1.0-1.noarch
* katello-certs-tools-1.5.6-1.el6sat.noarch
* katello-installer-0.0.59-1.el6sat.noarch
* openldap-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
* openldap-devel-2.4.23-34.el6_5.1.x86_64
* pulp-katello-0.3-3.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-nodes-common-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-nodes-parent-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-puppet-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-puppet-tools-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-rpm-plugins-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-selinux-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* pulp-server-2.4.0-0.30.beta.el6sat.noarch
* python-ldap-2.3.10-1.el6.x86_64
* ruby193-rubygem-net-ldap-0.3.1-3.el6sat.noarch
* ruby193-rubygem-runcible-1.1.0-2.el6sat.noarch

Comment 11 2014-08-14 04:33:06 UTC
@Tomas Lestach: Can you please review my Comment 10 and let me know if you are okay with the behavior now?

Comment 12 Tomas Lestach 2014-08-18 08:57:48 UTC
Yes, the behavior is OK nad as expected with Satellite-6.0.4-RHEL-6-20140813.2-Satellite-x86_64.
(Except of the association content-host - host-collection reported in another BZ.)

$ curl -s -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Accept:application/json,version=2" -k -u admin:changeme -X POST -d "{\"host_colletion_id\":[1],\"type\":\"system\",\"description\":\"Initial Registration Parameters:\\nOS: redhat-release-server\\nRelease: 6Server\\nCPU Arch: x86_64\\nsat5_system_id: 1000020001\",\"content_view_id\":6,\"organization_id\":3,\"name\":\"\",\"facts\":{\"architecture\":\"x86_64\",\"release\":\"6Server\"}}" `hostname`/katello/api/systems
{"id":16,"uuid":"4b86c4bf-ce48-409c-ae0d-69f8d76f0277","name":"","description":"Initial Registration Parameters:\nOS: redhat-release-server\nRelease: 6Server\nCPU Arch: x86_64\nsat5_system_id: 1000020001","location":"None","content_view":{"id":6,"name":"Spacewalk nightly client","label":"Spacewalk_nightly_client","description":"Channel migrated from Satellite 5","organization_id":3,"default":false,"created_at":"2014-08-15T07:55:51Z","updated_at":"2014-08-15T07:55:51Z","composite":null,"next_version":2,"organization":"Galactic Empire","environments":["Library"],"versions":[1],"versions_details":[{"version":1,"published":"2014-08-15 07:55:51 UTC","environments":["Library"]}]},"content_view_id":6,"distribution":" ","content_overrides":[],"entitlementStatus":"valid","autoheal":true,"href":"/consumers/4b86c4bf-ce48-409c-ae0d-69f8d76f0277","release":null,"checkin_time":null,"created":"2014-08-18T08:52:37.443+0000","installedProducts":[],"service_level":"","release_ver":null,"permissions":{"editable":true},"products":[],"host":null,"hostCollections":[],"customInfo":[],"environment":{"id":2,"name":"Library","label":"Library","description":null,"organization":{"name":"Galactic Empire","label":"Galactic_Empire"},"created_at":"2014-08-15T07:38:17Z","updated_at":"2014-08-15T07:38:17Z","library":true,"prior":null,"permissions":{"view_lifecycle_environments":true,"edit_lifecycle_environments":true,"destroy_lifecycle_environments":true,"promote_or_remove_content_views_to_environments":true}},"activation_keys":[]}

Thank you.

Comment 13 Bryan Kearney 2014-09-11 12:24:01 UTC
This was delivered with Satellite 6.0 which was released on 10 September 2014.

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