Description of problem: nftables 0.4 is released. Can we get an update? Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): nftables-0.100-4.20140704git -> nftables-0.4-1 libnftnl-1.0.3-0.1.20140903git -> libnftnl-1.0.3-1
yeah, I suppose I should hold my nose and just use an Epoch and update it. ;( Look for an update at some point here...
Built in rawhide. Did you need/want f21 as well?
I use f21 so I hope we can get it on f21. :)
Sure, will push an update here in a few...
libnftnl-1.0.3-1.fc21,nftables-0.4-1.fc21 has been submitted as an update for Fedora 21.,nftables-0.4-1.fc21
Package nftables-0.4-1.fc21, libnftnl-1.0.3-1.fc21: * should fix your issue, * was pushed to the Fedora 21 testing repository, * should be available at your local mirror within two days. Update it with: # su -c 'yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing nftables-0.4-1.fc21 libnftnl-1.0.3-1.fc21' as soon as you are able to. Please go to the following url:,nftables-0.4-1.fc21 then log in and leave karma (feedback).
I think this is an upstream bug, as the master branch of nftables still has this problem. I inserted this simple rule using 'nft -f': table inet filter { chain input { reject with icmp type host-prohibited } } However, 'nft list table inet filter' gave me: table inet filter { chain input { reject } } which caused error when I used the output to restore settings using 'nft -f': Error: Could not process rule: Invalid argument
Please do report that upstream if you are able...
I hope netfilter bugzilla is the correct place to report the bug ...
Not sure how active they are there... I know the netfilter-devel list is pretty active. If you don't get a response on bugzilla you might mention your bug on the list.
Patch available:
Fixed in the master branch:
Package nftables-0.4-2.fc21, libnftnl-1.0.3-1.fc21: * should fix your issue, * was pushed to the Fedora 21 testing repository, * should be available at your local mirror within two days. Update it with: # su -c 'yum update --enablerepo=updates-testing nftables-0.4-2.fc21 libnftnl-1.0.3-1.fc21' as soon as you are able to. Please go to the following url:,nftables-0.4-2.fc21 then log in and leave karma (feedback).
nftables-0.4-2.fc21, libnftnl-1.0.3-1.fc21 has been pushed to the Fedora 21 stable repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.