Bug 1203129 - Fail to start openshift-node service due not to support "--master" option when using ansible to install environment
Summary: Fail to start openshift-node service due not to support "--master" option whe...
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Container Platform
Classification: Red Hat
Component: Installer
Version: 3.0.0
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: ---
Assignee: Jason DeTiberus
QA Contact:
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2015-03-18 08:11 UTC by xjia
Modified: 2015-10-30 03:31 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2015-10-30 03:31:26 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description xjia 2015-03-18 08:11:51 UTC
Description of problem:
The "openshift start node" command don't have "--master
" option. And check the value of OPTIONS in /etc/sysconfig/openshift-node. OPTIONS="--master= --loglevel=4". This is the root cause of problem.

[root@ose3-minion2 sysconfig]# openshift start node -h
Start an OpenShift node
This command helps you launch an OpenShift node.  Running

    $ openshift start node --master=<masterIP>

will start an OpenShift node that attempts to connect to the master on the provided IP. The 
node will run in the foreground until you terminate the process.

  openshift start node [options]

      --cert-dir="openshift.local.certificates": The certificate data directory.
      --config="": Location of the node configuration file to run from, or write to (when used with --write-config). When running from a configuration file, all other command-line arguments are ignored.
      --create-certs=true: Create any missing certificates required for launch or for writing the config file.
      --hostname="ose3-minion2.example.com": The hostname to identify this node with the master.
      --images="openshift/origin-${component}:${version}": When fetching images used by the cluster for important components, use this format on both master and nodes. The latest release will be used by default.
      --kubeconfig="": Path to the kubeconfig file to use for requests to the Kubernetes API.
      --kubernetes=https://localhost:8443: The address of the Kubernetes server (host, host:port, or URL). If specified, no Kubernetes components will be started.
      --latest-images=false: If true, attempt to use the latest images for the cluster instead of the latest release.
      --listen= The address to listen for connections on (host, host:port, or URL).
      --volume-dir="openshift.local.volumes": The volume storage directory.
      --write-config=false: Indicates that the command should build the configuration from command-line arguments, write it to the location specified by --config, and exit.

Global Options:
  -h, --help=false: help for node
      --loglevel=0: Set the level of log output (0-5)

Log from /var/log/message:
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: unknown flag: --images
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: Usage:
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: openshift start node [options]
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: Options:
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --cert-dir="openshift.local.certificates": The certificate data directory.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --config="": Location of the node configuration file to run from, or write to (when used with --write-config). When running from a configuration file, all other command-line arguments are ignored.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --create-certs=true: Create any missing certificates required for launch or for writing the config file.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --hostname="ose3-minion2.example.com": The hostname to identify this node with the master.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --images="openshift/origin-${component}:${version}": When fetching images used by the cluster for important components, use this format on both master and nodes. The latest release will be used by default.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --kubeconfig="": Path to the kubeconfig file to use for requests to the Kubernetes API.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --kubernetes=https://localhost:8443: The address of the Kubernetes server (host, host:port, or URL). If specified, no Kubernetes components will be started.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --latest-images=false: If true, attempt to use the latest images for the cluster instead of the latest release.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --listen= The address to listen for connections on (host, host:port, or URL).
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --volume-dir="openshift.local.volumes": The volume storage directory.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --write-config=false: Indicates that the command should build the configuration from command-line arguments, write it to the location specified by --config, and exit.
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: Global Options:
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: -h, --help=false: help for node
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 openshift: --loglevel=0: Set the level of log output (0-5)
Mar 18 11:09:09 openshift-v3 systemd: openshift-node.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

Another small issue is "openshift start node" gives the wrong message if using "--master" option. It needs to say "unknown flag: --master" instead of "unknown flag: --images"
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
puddle: 3.0/2015-03-17.1/

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Using ansible to install v3 environment.
2.Check openshift-node service on minions

Actual results:
[root@ose3-minion1 openshift-ansible]# systemctl status openshift-node
openshift-node.service - OpenShift Node
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openshift-node.service; disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2015-03-18 11:09:15 CST; 3min 28s ago
     Docs: https://github.com/openshift/origin
  Process: 6174 ExecStart=/usr/bin/openshift start $ROLE --images=${IMAGES} --kubeconfig=${KUBECONFIG} $OPTIONS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 6174 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com openshift[6174]: --latest-images=false: If true, attempt to use the latest images for the cluster instead of the latest release.
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com openshift[6174]: --listen= The address to listen for connections on (host, host:port, or URL).
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com openshift[6174]: --volume-dir="openshift.local.volumes": The volume storage directory.
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com openshift[6174]: --write-config=false: Indicates that the command should build the configuration from command-line arguments, write it ..., and exit.
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com openshift[6174]: Global Options:
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com openshift[6174]: -h, --help=false: help for node
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com openshift[6174]: --loglevel=0: Set the level of log output (0-5)
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com systemd[1]: openshift-node.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com systemd[1]: Failed to start OpenShift Node.
Mar 18 11:09:15 ose3-minion1.example.com systemd[1]: Unit openshift-node.service entered failed state.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

Expected results:
2. Succeed

Additional info:

Comment 2 David Eads 2015-03-26 11:55:26 UTC
See https://github.com/openshift/origin/pull/1257.  I will make the upstream pull request and then we'll probably merge this in.

Comment 3 Scott Dodson 2015-03-26 13:18:24 UTC
Previous versions of the ansible installer appended the --master parameter to the node invocation. This is fixed in Jason's reworkNodeRegistration branch that will be merged soon.

You can find his current work at 

Comment 4 xjia 2015-04-21 05:56:28 UTC
Now it works. Could you move it "ON_QA"?

Comment 5 xjia 2015-04-22 09:32:01 UTC

[root@minion1 ~]# openshift start node -h | grep master
Start an OpenShift node
This command helps you launch an OpenShift node.  Running

    $ openshift start node --master=<masterIP>

will start an OpenShift node that attempts to connect to the master on the provided IP. The 
node will run in the foreground until you terminate the process.

      --cert-dir='openshift.local.certificates': The certificate data directory.
      --config='': Location of the node configuration file to run from, or write to (when used with --write-config). When running from a configuration file, all other command-line arguments are ignored.
      --create-certs=true: Create any missing certificates required for launch or for writing the config file.
      --hostname='minion1.local': The hostname to identify this node with the master.
      --images='openshift/origin-${component}:${version}': When fetching images used by the cluster for important components, use this format on both master and nodes. The latest release will be used by default.
      --kubeconfig='': Path to the kubeconfig file to use for requests to the Kubernetes API.
      --kubernetes='https://localhost:8443': removed in favor of --kubeconfig
      --latest-images=false: If true, attempt to use the latest images for the cluster instead of the latest release.
      --listen='': The address to listen for connections on (scheme://host:port).
      --network-plugin='': The network plugin to be called for configuring networking for pods.
      --volume-dir='openshift.local.volumes': The volume storage directory.
      --write-config=false: Indicates that the command should build the configuration from command-line arguments, write it to the location specified by --config, and exit.

Use "openshift start --help" for a list of all commands available in openshift start.
Use "openshift start options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).
[root@minion1 ~]# systemctl status openshift-node
openshift-node.service - OpenShift Node
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openshift-node.service; disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2015-04-22 08:45:45 CST; 8h ago
     Docs: https://github.com/openshift/origin
 Main PID: 4442 (openshift)
   CGroup: /system.slice/openshift-node.service
           └─4442 /usr/bin/openshift start node --images=registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3_beta/ose-${component}:${version} --kubeconfig=/var/lib/openshift/openshift....

Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: a163ef364fe", ResourceVersion:"8410", CreationTimestamp:util.Time{Time:time.Time{sec:63565280631, nsec:0x0, ...c:api.PodS
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: CreationTimestamp:util.Time{Time:time.Time{sec:63565280883, nsec:0x0, loc:(*time.Location)(0x33dd5e0)}}, Del...ruby-sampl
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: .185:5000\"}},\"status\":\"Pending\",\"config\":{\"kind\":\"BuildConfig\",\"namespace\":\"zhouy\",\"name\":\...es:api.Res
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: ntainerPort{Name:"", HostPort:0, ContainerPort:3306, Protocol:"TCP", HostIP:""}}, Env:[]api.EnvVar{api.EnvVa...s{Limits:a
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: erfsVolumeSource)(nil)}}}, Containers:[]api.Container{api.Container{Name:"sti-build", Image:"registry.access...i.EnvVar{N
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: (nil), Drop:[]api.CapabilityType(nil)}}}, RestartPolicy:"Never", DNSPolicy:"ClusterFirst", NodeSelector:map[...nerStatuse
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: shift/mysql-55-centos7:latest", Command:[]string(nil), Args:[]string(nil), WorkingDir:"", Ports:[]api.Contai...ue:"test"}
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: :[]api.ContainerPort{api.ContainerPort{Name:"", HostPort:0, ContainerPort:5432, Protocol:"TCP", HostIP:""}},...sampledb"}
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: pi.ISCSIVolumeSource)(nil), Glusterfs:(*api.GlusterfsVolumeSource)(nil)}}}, Containers:[]api.Container{api.C..."", Ports:
Apr 22 17:06:55 minion1.local openshift-node[4442]: dition(nil), Message:"", HostIP:"", PodIP:"", ContainerStatuses:[]api.ContainerStatus(nil)}}, api.Pod{TypeMe...ces/zhouy1
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

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