Bug 1232144 - [Backup]: .trashcan being considered in the changelog, and hence the outfile
Summary: [Backup]: .trashcan being considered in the changelog, and hence the outfile
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Gluster Storage
Classification: Red Hat Storage
Component: glusterfind
Version: rhgs-3.1
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: ---
Assignee: Bug Updates Notification Mailing List
QA Contact: Sweta Anandpara
Depends On:
Blocks: 1223636
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2015-06-16 07:11 UTC by Sweta Anandpara
Modified: 2018-04-16 03:04 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2018-04-16 03:04:02 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Sweta Anandpara 2015-06-16 07:11:31 UTC
Description of problem:
Had a 2node cluster, with a volume nash. When files/directories/links were created and glusterfind pre was executed a couple of times, across 2 sessions, .trashcan directory got a mention in the outfile, as a MODIFY entry, even though nothing was done in that directory

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have a 2 node cluster, with a dist-4 volume 'nash.
2. Create 2 glusterfind sessions - 'sessn1' and 'sessn2'
3. Create files 'test1' and 'test2' and a directory 'dir1' and a file '1' under 'dir1'
4. Run glusterfind pre and post on 'sessn1' and verify what is seen in the outfile
5. Create a softlink 'test1ln' for 'test1' (at the mountpoint) and a hardlink 'test2l' for 'test2' under 'dir11'
6. Run glusterfind pre and post in 'sessn1' and 'sessn2' and verify the outfiles
7. Modify the contents of 'test2l' and run glusterfind pre and post for both the sessions 'sessn1' and 'sessn2'
8. This is when a mention of '.trashcan' and/or 'internal_op' (the directory under it) is seen as a MODIFY entry in both the outfiles.

Actual results:
.trashcan has a mention in the outfile

Expected results:
We are supposed to ignore anything related to .trashcan

Additional info:

[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# rpm -qa | grep glusterfs
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]#

[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# gluster v create nash 
volume create: nash: success: please start the volume to access data
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# gluster v status
Volume nash is not started
Status of volume: ozone
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick     49152     0          Y       12377
Brick    49152     0          Y       2811 
Brick     49153     0          Y       12382
Brick    49153     0          Y       2806 
NFS Server on localhost                     2049      0          Y       12362
Self-heal Daemon on localhost               N/A       N/A        Y       12369
NFS Server on                  2049      0          Y       2796 
Self-heal Daemon on            N/A       N/A        Y       2797 
Task Status of Volume ozone
There are no active volume tasks
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# gluster v status nash
Volume nash is not started
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# gluster v info nash
Volume Name: nash
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: 85a962ea-4cfc-4c15-8712-a7b42566b477
Status: Created
Number of Bricks: 4
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# gluster  v start nash
volume start: nash: success
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# gluster v info nash
Volume Name: nash
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: 85a962ea-4cfc-4c15-8712-a7b42566b477
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 4
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sesso1                    ozone                     2015-06-15 23:48:42      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind create sessn1 nash
Session sessn1 created with volume nash
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind create sess21 nash
Session sess21 created with volume nash
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind delete sess21 nash
Session sess21 with volume nash deleted
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sesso1                    ozone                     2015-06-15 23:48:42      
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:10      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind create sessn2 nash
Session sessn2 created with volume nash
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind create sessn3 nash
Session sessn3 created with volume nash
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sessn2                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:51      
sessn3                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:47:02      
sesso1                    ozone                     2015-06-15 23:48:42      
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:10      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list --help
usage: glusterfind list [-h] [--session SESSION] [--volume VOLUME] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --session SESSION  Session Name
  --volume VOLUME    Volume Name
  --debug            Debug
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list sessn1
usage: glusterfind [-h] {pre,create,list,post,delete} ...
glusterfind: error: unrecognized arguments: sessn1
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list --session sessn1
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:10      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list --volume nash
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sessn2                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:51      
sessn3                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:47:02      
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:10      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list --volume nash --debug
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sessn2                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:51      
sessn3                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:47:02      
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:10      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list --debug
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sessn2                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:51      
sessn3                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:47:02      
sesso1                    ozone                     2015-06-15 23:48:42      
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:10      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind create
usage: glusterfind create [-h] [--debug] [--force] [--reset-session-time]
                          session volume
glusterfind create: error: too few arguments
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn1 nas /tmp/out.txt
Session sessn1 not created with volume nas
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sessn2                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:51      
sessn3                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:47:02      
sesso1                    ozone                     2015-06-15 23:48:42      
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:10      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cd /var/lib/glusterd/glusterfind/
.keys/  sessn1/ sessn2/ sessn3/ sesso1/ sesso2/ sesso3/ sessv1/ 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cd /var/log/glusterfs/glusterfind/
cli.log  nash/    sess21/  sessn1/  sessn2/  sessn3/  sesso1/  sesso2/  sesso3/  sessv1/  
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cd /var/log/glusterfs/glusterfind/sessn1/
cli.log  nash/    
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /var/log/glusterfs/glusterfind/sessn1/nash/cli.log 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /var/log/glusterfs/glusterfind/
cli.log  nash/    sess21/  sessn1/  sessn2/  sessn3/  sesso1/  sesso2/  sesso3/  sessv1/  
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /var/log/glusterfs/glusterfind/nash/cli.log 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn1 nash /tmp/out.txt
Generated output file /tmp/out.txt
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cat /tmp/out.txt 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind post sessn1 nash 
Session sessn1 with volume nash updated
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn1 nash /tmp/out.txt
Generated output file /tmp/out.txt
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cat /tmp/out.txt 
MODIFY .trashcan%2F 
NEW test1 
NEW test2 
NEW dir1 
NEW dir1%2F%2F1 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind post sessn1 nash 
Session sessn1 with volume nash updated
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn1 nash /tmp/out.txt
Generated output file /tmp/out.txt
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cat /tmp/out.txt 
NEW test1ln 
NEW dir1%2F%2Ftest2l 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind post sessn1 nash 
Session sessn1 with volume nash updated
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn2 nash /tmp/out2.txt
Generated output file /tmp/out2.txt
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn1 nash /tmp/out.txt
Generated output file /tmp/out.txt
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cat /tmp/out.txt 
MODIFY test2 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cat /tmp/out2.txt 
MODIFY .trashcan%2F 
NEW test1 
NEW test2 
NEW dir1 
NEW dir1%2F%2F1 
NEW test1ln 
NEW dir1%2F%2Ftest2l 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn2 nash /tmp/out2.txt --regenerate-outfile
Generated output file /tmp/out2.txt
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cat /tmp/out2.txt 
MODIFY .trashcan%2F 
NEW test1 
NEW test2 
NEW dir1 
NEW dir1%2F%2F1 
NEW test1ln 
NEW dir1%2F%2Ftest2l 
MODIFY .trashcan%2Finternal_op%2F 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /rhs/thinbrick1/nash/
dir1/       .glusterfs/ test1       test2       .trashcan/  
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /rhs/thinbrick1/nash/.glusterfs/
00/           5f/           85/           af/           d7/           indices/      nash.db       
2d/           6e/           8b/           changelogs/   health_check  landfill/     
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /rhs/thinbrick1/nash/.glusterfs/changelogs/
CHANGELOG             CHANGELOG.1434457345  CHANGELOG.1434457555  csnap/                
CHANGELOG.1434457330  CHANGELOG.1434457465  CHANGELOG.1434457810  htime/                
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /rhs/thinbrick1/nash/.glusterfs/changelogs/CHANGELOG
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /rhs/thinbrick1/nash/.glusterfs/changelogs/CHANGELOG.1434457810
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind list
SESSION                   VOLUME                    SESSION TIME             
sessn2                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:46:51      
sessn3                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:47:02      
sesso1                    ozone                     2015-06-15 23:48:42      
sessn1                    nash                      2015-06-16 17:54:33      
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# glusterfind pre sessn1 nash /tmp/out.txt --regenerate-outfile
Generated output file /tmp/out.txt
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# cat /tmp/out.txt 
MODIFY test2 
MODIFY .trashcan%2Finternal_op%2F 
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /rhs/thinbrick1/nash/.glusterfs/changelogs/CHANGELOG.1434457810
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]# vi /rhs/thinbrick1/nash/.glusterfs/changelogs/CHANGELOG.1434457555
[root@dhcp43-93 ~]#

Comment 4 Amar Tumballi 2018-04-16 03:04:02 UTC
Feel free to open this bug if the issue still persists and you require a fix. Closing this as WONTFIX as we are not working on this bug, and treating it as a 'TIMEOUT'.

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.