Your package scanssh failed to build from source in current rawhide. For details on mass rebuild see
Created attachment 1048294 [details] build.log
Created attachment 1048295 [details] root.log
Created attachment 1048296 [details] state.log
This bug appears to have been reported against 'rawhide' during the Fedora 23 development cycle. Changing version to '23'. (As we did not run this process for some time, it could affect also pre-Fedora 23 development cycle bugs. We are very sorry. It will help us with cleanup during Fedora 23 End Of Life. Thank you.) More information and reason for this action is here:
Mosaab, this package does not depend on a newer version of libevent (RHBZ#1241281). This package's configure script is broken and simply returns a bogus and misleading error message, because it doesn't handle CFLAGS correctly. Proof for this is the fact that fc22 and rawhide use the same version of libevent. On fc22 scanssl builds, on fc > 22 it fails to build.
Created attachment 1066005 [details] Patch to fix the FTBFS Mosaab, the patch (against Fedora's git) from the attachment would fix this FTBFS. I am not going to apply it, because I think, this package's code is of low quality (which in ssh-contexts is not likely to mean vulnerable) and better should be retired.
I think it still benefits ... thanx for patch ...
scanssh-2.1.1-8.fc23 has been submitted as an update to Fedora 23.
scanssh-2.1.1-8.fc23 has been pushed to the Fedora 23 testing repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.\nIf you want to test the update, you can install it with \n su -c 'yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update scanssh'. You can provide feedback for this update here:
scanssh-2.1.1-8.fc23 has been pushed to the Fedora 23 stable repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.