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Bug 1244848 - [RFE] automate the creation of a capsule
Summary: [RFE] automate the creation of a capsule
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Satellite
Classification: Red Hat
Component: Installation
Version: 6.1.0
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: Unspecified
Assignee: satellite6-bugs
QA Contact: Katello QA List
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2015-07-20 15:17 UTC by Dave Sullivan
Modified: 2018-09-04 19:06 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Enhancement
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2018-09-04 19:06:39 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Dave Sullivan 2015-07-20 15:17:27 UTC
Description of problem:

capsule-certs-generate currently generates certs and helper steps to setup capsule-installer.

This could be automated a bit more.

The request here is to establish ssh passwordless configuraiton to the capsule.

Once that is done the steps can be further automated.

first any capsule pre-requisites should be validated 

see section

6.2. Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server Prerequisites


 1. Ensure that the capsule-installer package is installed on the system.
  2. Copy sun-x4-2l-1-certs.tar to the system

Once ssh password is configured these two steps above can be automated

Also this can be automated.

rpm -Uvh

Next part needs to query user on which [Organization/Environment]s they want to register to

1. acme_org/dev_app1
2. acme_org/dev_app2

Assumming a capsule can hook up to more than one organization/environment.

Next the the user needs to be queried on which type of capsule to install.

see section 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4. 

This should supply a validated capsule-installer command that can be auto run against the capsule server now that we have supplied passwordless access.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual results:

Expected results:

Additional info:

Comment 1 Bryan Kearney 2016-07-08 20:39:02 UTC
Per 6.3 planning, moving out non acked bugs to the backlog

Comment 3 Stephen Benjamin 2016-10-14 14:27:34 UTC
For now, you could do this with Ansbile. We use ansible upstream to automate capsule installs, and it works pretty well.

Our playbook:

And then if you look at the capsule role you can see how we orchestrate creation of the certs, etc:

Comment 4 Stephen Benjamin 2016-10-14 14:27:58 UTC
Created redmine issue from this bug

Comment 7 Bryan Kearney 2018-09-04 18:56:14 UTC
Thank you for your interest in Satellite 6. We have evaluated this request, and we do not expect this to be implemented in the product in the foreseeable future. We are therefore closing this out as WONTFIX. If you have any concerns about this, please feel free to contact Rich Jerrido or Bryan Kearney. Thank you.

Comment 8 Bryan Kearney 2018-09-04 19:06:39 UTC
Thank you for your interest in Satellite 6. We have evaluated this request, and we do not expect this to be implemented in the product in the foreseeable future. We are therefore closing this out as WONTFIX. If you have any concerns about this, please feel free to contact Rich Jerrido or Bryan Kearney. Thank you.

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