Description of problem: Now that Copr has (readonly) distgit support (thanks so much!) it would be cool if copr-cli could support fedpkg-like commands such as 'clone', 'prep', 'local', 'srpm', etc. Allowing 'build' to also build from current git working dir would also be nice: maybe it could get sort out git pull after successful build? Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): copr-cli-1.44-1.fc22
Jens, you can (with a bit of work) rpkg. See the "see also" bug with PoC, that's read-only of course.
Thanks I installed fedpkg-copr
Hey Jens! We now have `rpkg` command-line utility exactly for this. It is based on python-rpkg library and does exactly what you have asked for. Upstream is placed here: (name of the repository is rpkg-client because there already exists rpkg repo, which is the library). Thank you for this suggestion!