Bug 1272390 - JDG Performance degradation with replicated cache
Summary: JDG Performance degradation with replicated cache
Alias: None
Product: JBoss Data Grid 6
Classification: JBoss
Component: Performance
Version: 6.6.0
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: CR1
: 6.6.0
Assignee: Nobody
QA Contact: Martin Gencur
Depends On: 1235332
Blocks: 1272389
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2015-10-16 10:19 UTC by Dan Berindei
Modified: 2023-09-30 08:27 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
Clone Of: 1235332
Last Closed:
Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-5857 0 Critical Resolved HotRod client should use the consistent hash in replicated mode 2018-11-24 09:45:58 UTC
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-5858 0 Major Resolved ValueMatcher and AvailabilityMode should have externalizers 2018-11-24 09:45:58 UTC
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-5859 0 Major Resolved HotRod server should not use privileged actions for common stuff 2018-11-24 09:45:58 UTC
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-5860 0 Major Resolved ComponentRegistry should cache the VersionGenerator in a field 2018-11-24 09:45:58 UTC
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-6002 0 Major Resolved Cache log.isTraceEnabled() as much as possible 2018-11-24 09:45:58 UTC
Red Hat Issue Tracker ISPN-6003 0 Major Resolved Reduce number of allocations 2018-11-24 09:45:58 UTC

Comment 19 Alan Field 2015-12-21 16:47:12 UTC
Moving target release to CR1

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