I got same problem as https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1266712 when I build trojita-0.5-6 in epel7 ppc64le. I guess package trojita-0.5-8 needs to be pushed in epel7.
Not arch specific; cause is epel7 qt5-* rebase to 5.5.
trojita-0.5-8.el7 has been submitted as an update to Fedora EPEL 7. https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-3eee2c5463
trojita-0.5-8.el7 has been pushed to the Fedora EPEL 7 testing repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report. If you want to test the update, you can install it with $ su -c 'yum --enablerepo=epel-testing update trojita' You can provide feedback for this update here: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-EPEL-2015-3eee2c5463
trojita-0.5-8.el7 has been pushed to the Fedora EPEL 7 stable repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.