Bug 1299073 (CVE-2016-0448) - CVE-2016-0448 OpenJDK: logging of RMI connection secrets (JMX, 8130710)
Summary: CVE-2016-0448 OpenJDK: logging of RMI connection secrets (JMX, 8130710)
Alias: CVE-2016-0448
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Red Hat Product Security
QA Contact:
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Blocks: 1295699
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Reported: 2016-01-15 21:35 UTC by Tomas Hoger
Modified: 2021-02-17 04:30 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
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Last Closed: 2016-02-02 15:20:52 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0049 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.8.0-openjdk security update 2016-01-21 00:30:34 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0050 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Important: java-1.8.0-openjdk security update 2016-01-21 00:14:13 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0053 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.7.0-openjdk security update 2016-01-21 16:39:02 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0054 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Important: java-1.7.0-openjdk security update 2016-01-21 16:54:56 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0055 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.8.0-oracle security update 2017-12-15 03:12:59 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0056 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.7.0-oracle security update 2017-12-15 15:31:39 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0057 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Important: java-1.6.0-sun security update 2017-12-15 03:12:03 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0067 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Important: java-1.6.0-openjdk security update 2016-01-26 18:10:31 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0098 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.8.0-ibm security update 2016-02-02 18:39:03 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0099 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.7.1-ibm security update 2016-02-02 18:52:52 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0100 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.7.0-ibm security update 2016-02-02 15:04:39 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:0101 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Critical: java-1.6.0-ibm security update 2016-02-02 15:00:49 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2016:1430 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE Moderate: java-1.7.0-ibm and java-1.7.1-ibm security update 2016-07-18 17:51:35 UTC

Description Tomas Hoger 2016-01-15 21:35:00 UTC
It was discovered that the RMIConnector and RMIConnectionImpl classes in the JMX component of OpenJDK could log sensitive information such as user passwords in its debug log, possibly leading the exposure of the information.

Comment 1 Tomas Hoger 2016-01-19 21:57:53 UTC
Public now via Oracle Critical Patch Update - January 2016.  Fixed in Oracle Java SE 6u111, 7u95, and 8u71.

External References:


Comment 2 Tomas Hoger 2016-01-20 14:04:38 UTC
OpenJDK 8 upstream commit:


Comment 3 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-20 19:15:23 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Via RHSA-2016:0050 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0050.html

Comment 4 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-20 19:33:38 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Via RHSA-2016:0049 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0049.html

Comment 5 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-21 11:23:25 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Via RHSA-2016:0057 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0057.html

Comment 6 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-21 11:39:59 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Via RHSA-2016:0056 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0056.html

Comment 7 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-21 11:41:23 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  Oracle Java for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Via RHSA-2016:0055 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0055.html

Comment 8 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-21 11:43:06 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Via RHSA-2016:0053 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0053.html

Comment 9 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-21 11:59:05 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Via RHSA-2016:0054 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0054.html

Comment 10 errata-xmlrpc 2016-01-26 13:12:35 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Via RHSA-2016:0067 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0067.html

Comment 11 errata-xmlrpc 2016-02-02 10:05:50 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Supplementary for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
  Supplementary for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Via RHSA-2016:0101 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0101.html

Comment 12 errata-xmlrpc 2016-02-02 10:07:19 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Supplementary for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5

Via RHSA-2016:0100 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0100.html

Comment 13 errata-xmlrpc 2016-02-02 13:40:06 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Supplementary for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Via RHSA-2016:0098 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0098.html

Comment 14 errata-xmlrpc 2016-02-02 13:54:01 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Supplementary for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  Supplementary for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Via RHSA-2016:0099 https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016-0099.html

Comment 16 errata-xmlrpc 2016-07-18 13:56:40 UTC
This issue has been addressed in the following products:

  Red Hat Satellite 5.6
  Red Hat Satellite 5.7

Via RHSA-2016:1430 https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2016:1430

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