Description of problem: I installed Fedora Server from the Fedora-24-20160314.n.0/ compose. It installed successfully, but after boot I was unable to access the Cockpit admin console. Looking at `systemctl status cockpit.socket`, I noticed that it was listed as "disabled". Investigating /usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/, I discovered that the expected symlink to 80-server.preset is missing. Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): fedora-release-server-24-0.14.noarch How reproducible: Every time Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install a recent Fedora Server from any install media 2. Attempt to access the Cockpit admin console on port 9090 with a supported web browser 3. Actual results: Connection is refused Expected results: The Cockpit admin console should be presented Additional info: Looks like fallout from the conversion of the setup scripts to lua. Running the bash `convert-to-edition` script properly creates the symlink.
Proposed as a Blocker for 24-alpha by Fedora user sgallagh using the blocker tracking app because: "after system installation the Cockpit web management interface must be running and accessible on its default port (9090)."
Pull-requests out for review: (F24) (Rawhide/F25)
+1 alpha blocker
Accepted as an Alpha blocker per votes above.
fedora-release-24-0.15 has been submitted as an update to Fedora 24.
fedora-release-24-0.15 has been pushed to the Fedora 24 testing repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report. See for instructions on how to install test updates. You can provide feedback for this update here:
Testing with Alpha candidate 5, cockpit.socket shows as 'enabled', but I still cannot access Cockpit out of the box after a default Server DVD install. I have to manually 'systemctl start cockpit.service' before it will work. I tested both from a remote system and from localhost using links.
Same here with Alpha c. 5. I have to start cockpit.service (which is disabled by default) to be able to connect.
OK, the first patches properly put the presets in place, but the actual enabling of them silently failed. New patches enable as well. (Fedora 24) (Fedora 25/Rawhide)
fedora-release-24-0.16 has been submitted as an update to Fedora 24.
Fedora-Server-netinst-x86_64-24_Alpha-1.6.iso still does not have cockpit starting by default; I can login and systemctl start cockpit and now it's active/running. If I reboot the server, it's no longer active.
fedora-release-24-0.16 has been pushed to the Fedora 24 testing repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report. See for instructions on how to install test updates. You can provide feedback for this update here:
Confirmed fixed in Alpha-1.6, thanks. Cockpit is accessible on boot.
Chris: the service won't show as running if you check it, because it's socket activated. You just have to try and connect to it and see if that works. It does for me. If you're using the netinst, though, you may not be getting the updated fedora-release anyway, it is best to test with the DVD.
Yep nevermind, it does work on a new installation upon connecting.
Tested with Alpha 1.6 Server DVD, works fine.
fedora-release-24-0.16 has been pushed to the Fedora 24 stable repository. If problems still persist, please make note of it in this bug report.