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Bug 1337860 - [RFE] missing RTM_DELROUTE event when `ip route change` replaces existing route
Summary: [RFE] missing RTM_DELROUTE event when `ip route change` replaces existing route
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Classification: Red Hat
Component: kernel
Version: 7.3
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: rc
: ---
Assignee: Sabrina Dubroca
QA Contact: Jianlin Shi
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2016-05-20 09:39 UTC by Thomas Haller
Modified: 2023-08-04 13:40 UTC (History)
12 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
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Last Closed: 2020-12-15 07:41:32 UTC
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Description Thomas Haller 2016-05-20 09:39:32 UTC
As explained in bug 1337855, different routes to the same destination can be added:

    unshare -n
    ip link add name L type dummy
    ip link set L up
    ip addr add dev L

    ip route add dev L
    ip route append dev L advmss 100

After that, we end up with two routes.
# ip route dev L  proto kernel  scope link  src dev L  scope link dev L  scope link  advmss 100

now, `ip route change` (or `ip route replace`) replaces an existing route with a different one.

    ip monitor &
    ip route change dev L advmss 200
    #prints: dev L  scope link  advmss 200

# ip route dev L  proto kernel  scope link  src dev L  scope link  advmss 200 dev L  scope link  advmss 100

you see, we got an event RTM_NEW_ROUTE( dev L advmss 200), but it also replaced an existing route without sending a RTM_DEL_ROUTE( dev L)

How would user-space know about that?

Well, the RTM_NEW_ROUTE() event above actually has NLM_F_REPLACE set (see for example: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=a2bb6d7d6f4249691b6a554cde59969d55b0d9c3 ).
But user-space now only know that this was a replace, it still doesn't know which route exactly was replaced.
Well, it seems that during a dump RTM_GETROUTE,NLM_F_DUMP the routes arrive in a certain order. So, the one that is replaced is the first one that matches in in the attributes family,table,destination/plen,metric.

To properly implement this, user-space must also track the relative order of the routes to know which was replaced. So, it is doable, although difficult (NetworkManager, sd-networkd and libnl3 currently don't even properly implement bug 1337855, so they certainly don't handle this).

(NetworkManager currently requests a new dump when it suspects that the cache might become invalid due to this, which is bad too).

Maybe we could add instead get a new event that indicates *which* route was replaced? Maybe not a RTM_DEL_ROUTE(), because that might disturb existing applications which don't expect that a `ip route change` results in RTM_DELROUTE,RTM_NEWROUTE.
Maybe a new RTM_REPLACEROUTE event?

Comment 2 Tom Gundersen 2016-05-20 14:50:27 UTC
Simply having a route id like you suggested in #1337855 would be sufficient, right? The new route would retain the same ID as the route you replace, so you would immediately know what happened. Or am I missing something?

Comment 3 Thomas Haller 2016-05-20 15:37:31 UTC
(In reply to Tom Gundersen from comment #2)
> Simply having a route id like you suggested in #1337855 would be sufficient,
> right? The new route would retain the same ID as the route you replace, so
> you would immediately know what happened. Or am I missing something?

Yes, that would be one possibility!

But maybe not?

Currently, all/most fields of a route constitute to its ~ID~ (old-ID).
After introducing int64-ID, maybe we still don't want that for a given int64-ID the old-ID can be modified. Maybe, both old-ID and int64-ID should continue to identify a route.

The question is, does `ip route change` update the old-ID fields of an existing route, or does it add a new route and delete another one?
It's a matter of how you look at it, but I dislike the ID of a single route changing (because, then, what is really the determining factor for route_is_equal()?).

I think I'd prefer a netlink event telling that ~another~ route was replaced.

Comment 8 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2019-07-03 15:10:37 UTC
Mass-moving bugs RHEL <= 7.6.0 to 7.7.0.
As we are past RFE deadline for 7.7.0 and we should have no new features on 7.8.0, please evaluate if it's still wanted on RHEL7 and contact PM for exception. You may also move it to RHEL8 if that's wanted. Thanks!

Comment 10 Marcelo Ricardo Leitner 2020-10-23 23:51:48 UTC
If this is still wanted, we need to move it to rhel8.

Comment 12 RHEL Program Management 2020-12-15 07:41:32 UTC
After evaluating this issue, there are no plans to address it further or fix it in an upcoming release.  Therefore, it is being closed.  If plans change such that this issue will be fixed in an upcoming release, then the bug can be reopened.

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