This is a tracking bug for Change: Ruby on Rails 5.0 For more details, see: Ruby on Rails 5.0 is the latest version of well known web framework written in Ruby.
Okay, I am still processing for the Rails 5.0.0 now.
This bug appears to have been reported against 'rawhide' during the Fedora 25 development cycle. Changing version to '25'.
On 2016-July-26, we have reached Fedora 25 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable). At this point, all accepted changes should be substantially complete, and testable. Additionally, if a change is to be enabled by default, it must be enabled at Change Completion deadline as well. Change tracking bug should be set to the MODIFIED state to indicate it achieved completeness. Incomplete and non testable Changes will be reported to FESCo on 2016-July-29 meeting.
The basic set of RoR5 packages is available in Copr ATM: We are still polishing some of the addon packages required for more advanced RoR5 application, but it should not be show stopper, hence I am switching this issue to MODIFIED.
Jan, I got it! Vit Should we need to push the basic RoR5 packages to RAWHIDE master now, also update the status to "pass" on the wiki?
The RoR is now in F25, but some pieces of asset pipeline are still WIP.
On 2016-Sep-27 we reached the "Change Checkpoint: 100% Code Complete Deadline" milestone for Fedora 25 release. At this point all the Changes not at least in "ON_QA" state should be brought to FESCo for review. Please update the state of this bug to "ON_QA" if it is already 100% completed. Please let me know in case you have any trouble with the implementation and the Change needs any help or review. Thanks, Jan