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Bug 1372279 - ipsec auto --down CONNECTION returns error for tunnels
Summary: ipsec auto --down CONNECTION returns error for tunnels
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Classification: Red Hat
Component: libreswan
Version: 7.3
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: rc
: ---
Assignee: Paul Wouters
QA Contact: Ondrej Moriš
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2016-09-01 10:23 UTC by Jaroslav Aster
Modified: 2017-08-01 12:31 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version: 3.20-3
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2017-08-01 12:31:06 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Product Errata RHBA-2017:2101 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE libreswan bug fix and enhancement update 2017-08-01 16:07:26 UTC

Description Jaroslav Aster 2016-09-01 10:23:13 UTC
Description of problem:

ipsec auto --down CONNECTION returns error for tunnels.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


How reproducible:


Steps to Reproduce:

1, configuration for both, initiator and responder

# cat /etc/ipsec.conf 
config setup

conn test

# cat /etc/ipsec.secrets 
: PSK "redhat"


I: # service ipsec start 

R: # service ipsec start

I: # ipsec auto --up test

# ipsec auto --up test
000 initiating all conns with alias='test'
002 "test/2x1" #1: initiating Main Mode
104 "test/2x1" #1: STATE_MAIN_I1: initiate
003 "test/2x1" #1: received Vendor ID payload [Dead Peer Detection]
003 "test/2x1" #1: received Vendor ID payload [FRAGMENTATION]
003 "test/2x1" #1: received Vendor ID payload [RFC 3947]
002 "test/2x1" #1: enabling possible NAT-traversal with method RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal)
002 "test/2x1" #1: transition from state STATE_MAIN_I1 to state STATE_MAIN_I2
106 "test/2x1" #1: STATE_MAIN_I2: sent MI2, expecting MR2
003 "test/2x1" #1: NAT-Traversal: Result using RFC 3947 (NAT-Traversal) sender port 500: no NAT detected
002 "test/2x1" #1: transition from state STATE_MAIN_I2 to state STATE_MAIN_I3
108 "test/2x1" #1: STATE_MAIN_I3: sent MI3, expecting MR3
003 "test/2x1" #1: received Vendor ID payload [CAN-IKEv2]
002 "test/2x1" #1: Main mode peer ID is ID_IPV4_ADDR: 'RIGHT_IP'
002 "test/2x1" #1: transition from state STATE_MAIN_I3 to state STATE_MAIN_I4
004 "test/2x1" #1: STATE_MAIN_I4: ISAKMP SA established {auth=PRESHARED_KEY cipher=aes_256 integ=sha group=MODP2048}
002 "test/1x1" #2: initiating Quick Mode PSK+ENCRYPT+TUNNEL+PFS+UP+IKEV1_ALLOW+IKEV2_ALLOW+SAREF_TRACK+IKE_FRAG_ALLOW {using isakmp#1 msgid:28677a16 proposal=defaults pfsgroup=OAKLEY_GROUP_MODP2048}
002 "test/2x1" #3: initiating Quick Mode PSK+ENCRYPT+TUNNEL+PFS+UP+IKEV1_ALLOW+IKEV2_ALLOW+SAREF_TRACK+IKE_FRAG_ALLOW {using isakmp#1 msgid:c4a367bc proposal=defaults pfsgroup=OAKLEY_GROUP_MODP2048}
117 "test/1x1" #2: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate
117 "test/2x1" #3: STATE_QUICK_I1: initiate
002 "test/1x1" #2: transition from state STATE_QUICK_I1 to state STATE_QUICK_I2
004 "test/1x1" #2: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel mode {ESP=>0x9c718cf1 <0x9e2071b8 xfrm=AES_128-HMAC_SHA1 NATOA=none NATD=none DPD=passive}
002 "test/2x1" #3: transition from state STATE_QUICK_I1 to state STATE_QUICK_I2
004 "test/2x1" #3: STATE_QUICK_I2: sent QI2, IPsec SA established tunnel mode {ESP=>0x048fcacb <0x87133f3e xfrm=AES_128-HMAC_SHA1 NATOA=none NATD=none DPD=passive}

# echo $?

# ipsec auto --down test
021 no connection named "test"
000 terminating all conns with alias='test'
002 "test/2x1": terminating SAs using this connection
002 "test/2x1" #3: deleting state #3 (STATE_QUICK_I2)
005 "test/2x1" #3: ESP traffic information: in=0B out=0B
002 "test/2x1" #1: deleting state #1 (STATE_MAIN_I4)
002 "test/1x1": terminating SAs using this connection
002 "test/1x1" #2: deleting state #2 (STATE_QUICK_I2)
005 "test/1x1" #2: ESP traffic information: in=0B out=0B

# echo $?

Actual results:

ipsec auto --down test fails and returns non-zero return code.

Expected results:

ipsec auto --down test does not fail and return zero return code.

Comment 1 Paul Wouters 2016-09-01 18:45:13 UTC
Note this seems to be a side-effect of using connection aliases, as regular connections dont give that error:

root@thinkpad:/home/paul# ipsec auto --down private-or-clear#
002 "private-or-clear#"[1] ... terminating SAs using this connection
005 "private-or-clear#" #2: ESP traffic information: in=84B out=84B
002 "private-or-clear#" #1: deleting state (STATE_PARENT_I3)
root@thinkpad:/home/paul# echo $?

Comment 4 Ondrej Moriš 2017-05-24 10:57:21 UTC
OLD (libreswan-3.15-8.el7)
:: [  BEGIN   ] :: Running 'ipsec auto --down test'
021 no connection named "test"
000 terminating all conns with alias='test'
002 "test/1x1": terminating SAs using this connection
002 "test/1x1" #2: deleting state #2 (STATE_QUICK_I2)
005 "test/1x1" #2: ESP traffic information: in=0B out=0B
002 "test/1x1" #2: down-client output: sending disconnect signal to NetworkManager
002 "test/1x1" #2: down-client output: nm-libreswan-helper[???,26235]: <warn>  Could not call the plugin: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.libreswan was not provided by any .service files
002 "test/1x1" #1: deleting state #1 (STATE_MAIN_I4)
:: [   FAIL   ] :: Command 'ipsec auto --down test' (Expected 0, got 21)

NEW (libreswan-3.20-2.el7)
:: [  BEGIN   ] :: Running 'ipsec auto --down test'
000 no such connection found, looking for all conns with alias='test'
002 "test/1x1": terminating SAs using this connection
002 "test/1x1" #2: deleting state (STATE_QUICK_I2)
005 "test/1x1" #2: ESP traffic information: in=0B out=0B
002 "test/1x1" #2: down-client output: sending disconnect signal to NetworkManager
002 "test/1x1" #2: down-client output: /usr/libexec/ipsec/_updown.netkey: line 345: /usr/libexec/nm-libreswan-service-helper: No such file or directory
002 "test/1x1" #1: deleting state (STATE_MAIN_I4)
:: [   PASS   ] :: Command 'ipsec auto --down test' (Expected 0, got 0)

See TJ#1870062 for more details.

Comment 13 errata-xmlrpc 2017-08-01 12:31:06 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.