Bug 1457357 - Allow editing all the shared storage configuration values
Summary: Allow editing all the shared storage configuration values
Alias: None
Product: ovirt-hosted-engine-ha
Classification: oVirt
Component: RFEs
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ovirt-4.1.5
: 2.1.5
Assignee: Jenny Tokar
QA Contact: Nikolai Sednev
Depends On:
Blocks: 1400890 1439069 1449561 1479855
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2017-05-31 14:47 UTC by Simone Tiraboschi
Modified: 2017-08-29 03:12 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Enhancement
Doc Text:
You can now change more self-hosted engine configuration in the hosted-engine.conf file. For example, to set the value: hosted-engine --set-shared-config gateway To get the value: hosted-engine --get-shared-config gateway The commands can be used with the additional parameter "type", if there is concern for duplicate keys in different files: hosted-engine --set-shared-config gateway --type=he_conf hosted-engine --get-shared-config gateway --type=he_conf
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2017-08-23 08:03:52 UTC
oVirt Team: SLA
rule-engine: ovirt-4.1+
rule-engine: exception+
ylavi: planning_ack+
msivak: devel_ack+
mavital: testing_ack+

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
oVirt gerrit 78699 0 master MERGED Allow editing configuration on hosted-engine.conf file 2020-07-30 10:14:40 UTC
oVirt gerrit 78702 0 master MERGED Document changes in get and set shared config commands 2020-07-30 10:14:40 UTC
oVirt gerrit 79224 0 v2.1.z MERGED Allow editing configuration on hosted-engine.conf file 2020-07-30 10:14:40 UTC
oVirt gerrit 79225 0 ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-2.1 MERGED Document changes in get and set shared config commands 2020-07-30 10:14:43 UTC

Description Simone Tiraboschi 2017-05-31 14:47:47 UTC
Description of problem:
Currently with 'hosted-engine --set-shared-config' the user could just edit broker related values.
Due to other reasons (eg. decommissioning one of the initial gluster hosts, modifying the engine FQDN...), the user should be also able to change values from the initial answer file.

Actual results:
[root@c72he20170530h1 ~]# hosted-engine --set-shared-config --help
Usage: /usr/sbin/hosted-engine --set-shared-config key value [--type=<type>]
    Set shared storage configuration.
    Valid types are: broker.
    Available only after deployment has completed.

Comment 1 Sandro Bonazzola 2017-06-06 11:40:15 UTC
Please note this bug is marked as blocker for a bug targeted to 4.1.4 when targeting this bug.

Comment 3 Nikolai Sednev 2017-08-21 10:28:38 UTC
Available keys are:
he_conf : ['bridge', 'domainType', 'connectionUUID', 'ca_subject', 'conf', 'vm_disk_id', 'gateway', 'console', 'metadata_image_UUID', 'storage', 'lockspace_volume_UUID', 'port', 'sdUUID', 'iqn', 'metadata_volume_UUID', 'vm_disk_vol_id', 'conf_image_UUID', 'ca_cert', 'conf_volume_UUID', 'portal', 'user', 'host_id', 'password', 'lockspace_image_UUID', 'vmid', 'fqdn', 'vdsm_use_ssl', 'mnt_options', 'spUUID']
broker : ['smtp-port', 'destination-emails', 'smtp-server', 'source-email', 'state_transition']

Getting and setting key values is working without errors, but also without key value verification, i.e. "gateway" key value might be provided with letters, while only numbers should be allowed.

Details of test results available here:

Tested on ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-, using rhvm-appliance-4.1.20170709.3-1.el7.noarch.

I'm moving this bug to verified, while opening another bug on lack of verification for key values.

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