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Bug 1473418 - OpenSC unable to read Alt Token Card
Summary: OpenSC unable to read Alt Token Card
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Classification: Red Hat
Component: opensc
Version: 7.5
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: rc
: ---
Assignee: Jakub Jelen
QA Contact: Asha Akkiangady
Mirek Jahoda
: 1546938 (view as bug list)
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2017-07-20 18:41 UTC by Scott Poore
Modified: 2021-12-10 15:09 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

Fixed In Version: opensc-0.16.0-8.20170227git777e2a3.el7
Doc Type: Enhancement
Doc Text:
*OpenSC* now supports the SCE7.0 144KDI CAC Alt. tokens This update adds support for the SCE7.0 144KDI Common Access Card (CAC) Alternate tokens. These new cards were not compliant with the previous U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Implementation Guide for CAC PIV End-Point specification, and the *OpenSC* driver has been updated to reflect the updated specification.
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2018-04-10 18:28:08 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)
proposed patch/hack (2.41 KB, patch)
2017-08-24 07:53 UTC, Jakub Jelen
no flags Details | Diff

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Red Hat Product Errata RHBA-2018:0987 0 None None None 2018-04-10 18:28:18 UTC

Internal Links: 1480441 1570524

Description Scott Poore 2017-07-20 18:41:52 UTC
Description of problem:

I am unable to see data on an Alt Token card using opensc.

[root@vm1 ~]# p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/opensc-pkcs11.so --list-all-certs
No matching objects found

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:
consistently reproducible with my card.

Steps to Reproduce:
1.  yum -y install opensc gnutls-utils pcsc-lite
2.  systemctl start pcscd.service pcscd.socket
3.  connect reader and insert Alt-Token card
4.  p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/opensc-pkcs11.so --list-all-certs

Actual results:

[root@vm1 ~]# p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/opensc-pkcs11.so --list-all-certs
No matching objects found

Expected results:

I expected to see the listing of certs on the card.

Additional info:

It should be noted that I'm seeing similar results with coolkey so I'm not sure of the actual source of the problem.

[root@vm1 ~]# p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/libcoolkeypk11.so --list-all-certs
warning: no token URL was provided for this operation; the available tokens are:

Comment 2 Jakub Jelen 2017-07-21 11:13:51 UTC
This card behaves somehow weirdly and does not response to the instructions to retrieve CCC nor from VM nor from filesystem (according to the section 6.2.1 from CAC specification [1]). I would appreciate some more information about the card from the vendor.

The changes so far for this and the bug #1301817 are available in my branch on github [2].

[1] http://www.cardwerk.com/smartcards/smartcard_standard_ISO7816-4_5_basic_organizations.aspx
[2] https://github.com/Jakuje/OpenSC/commits/cac-improvements

Comment 3 Jakub Jelen 2017-07-31 15:26:27 UTC
AFAIK, the updated document that is related to this issue is the [1] (10 years old ... sigh ...). It has a different flow chart and counts also with the CACv2 cards without CCC.

If I will get access to the card from Scott, I will have a look into that. So far I put together an idea how it can look like [2]. But clearly I will need to test it, because the chart is very vague.

[1] http://www.cac.mil/Portals/53/Documents/ref1.c.i-CAC_End-Point_Implementation_Guide_v1-22.pdf
[2] https://github.com/Jakuje/OpenSC/commit/3e7794b

Comment 4 Jakub Jelen 2017-08-24 07:53:40 UTC
Created attachment 1317476 [details]
proposed patch/hack

I put together a patch that allows me to pass testsuite with OpenSC (for both standard CAC cards and this ALT token). But this solution has several assumptions and one rough edge that I would like to avoid/resolve before submitting the change upstream and shipping it in RHEL:

 * The AID of ACA object is hard-coded to a value different than in the implementation guide [1]
 * The list of PKI objects is hardcoded (from CAC1), even though it could be picked from the ACA in ideal case (this would involve a lot of new code and parsing of ACRs).
 * The ACA applet needs to be selected before calling VERIFY APDU (I didn't see this requirement anywhere in the specifications)

I am still waiting if I will get some update from DoD about this.

[1] http://www.cac.mil/Portals/53/Documents/ref1.c.i-CAC_End-Point_Implementation_Guide_v1-22.pdf

Comment 7 Scott Poore 2017-11-09 20:06:01 UTC

Version ::


Results ::

[root@rhel7-1 ~]# p11tool --provider /usr/lib64/opensc-pkcs11.so --list-all-certs
Object 0:
	URL: pkcs11:model=PKCS%2315%20emulated;manufacturer=Common%20Access%20Card;serial=00000000;token=<string removed>;id=%00%02;object=CAC%20Email%20Signature%20Certificate;type=cert
	Type: X.509 Certificate
	Label: CAC Email Signature Certificate
	ID: 00:02

I was unable to see anything before this patched version so this looks fixed to me.

Comment 9 Jakub Jelen 2017-11-29 08:20:18 UTC
It looks like the pam_pkcs11 is still using the coolkey. Can you try to remove the coolkey from the nss db, check that the opensc is correctly selected in pam_pkcs11.conf and also the DB is added to the opensc section as described in the following article:


Comment 17 Jakub Jelen 2018-01-02 10:18:14 UTC
Hemant, thank you for the debug logs. The working card is connected through the PIV interface so the comparison is not very useful.

But it looks there is a problem with parsing the certificate data from that card. I have got that data from the debug log, so I investigate what went wrong. There is a bug in parsing multi-byte length tags in SimpleTLV function. After fixing that, I am able to correctly parse your data. I will build you a test package and I hope we will be able to fix it also in the next update. The upstream PR:


Can you verify your card is read correctly with the following scratch build?


Comment 27 Jakub Jelen 2018-02-22 16:26:13 UTC
The OpenSC is not installed in the system where the above steps were ran! That is good start when you want to test OpenSC.

Please, tell the customer how to configure the pam_pkcs11 to use OpenSC:
 * Install OpenSC and verify it is the version I referred in the previous comment
 * Edit pam_pkcs11.conf:
   * set  use_pkcs11_module = opensc
   * add the following option to the opensc block  nss_dir = /etc/pki/nssdb;
 * Add OpenSC to NSS DB:
     pkcs11switch opensc
 * Try again ...

If it will not work, try to modify the opensc.conf with 

  card_drivers = cac, internal;

Comment 30 Jakub Jelen 2018-02-23 15:16:28 UTC
The p11tool is in gnutls-utils package. But it is not needed to make it working.

> When inserting the HID Alt token from within the GUI (after logging on with
> username/password), the Smart Card Manager launches automatically. It indicates
> that the smart card is not formatted (see attached screen shots). This is not
> the case, however. We can use the same card on Windows without issue.

The ESC (Smart Card Manager) is still using Coolkey, so it will not work there either.

Yes, this is the same identification as the card we were testing with.

Comment 32 Jakub Jelen 2018-02-26 16:44:09 UTC
Please, make sure the OpenSC version installed is the same as the "Fixed in" in this bug. Then, provide a debug log as I requested from others in comment #13:

  rpm -q opensc
  OPENSC_DEBUG=9 pkcs11-tool -O --module /usr/lib64/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.so

Comment 36 Jakub Jelen 2018-02-27 08:09:59 UTC
Thank you for providing more information. It sounds like a problem with the DELL keboard/reader as described in the bug #1547117

The debug log, I requested will be generated only if you pass the environment variable on the same line as the command:

$ OPENSC_DEBUG=9 pkcs11-tool -O --login &> pkcs11-tool-O--login.log

Can you attach this log as an attachment? I was not able to get this log from the other reporter so I hope I will be more successful here.

Comment 38 Jakub Jelen 2018-02-28 09:54:49 UTC
Can you give it a try with different card reader than the Dell keyboard? This really looks like related to the reader, not to the card itself

Anyway, the important part of the log is here:

sec.c:159:sc_pin_cmd: called
reader-pcsc.c:1862:pcsc_pin_cmd: called
reader-pcsc.c:199:pcsc_internal_transmit: called
PC/SC v2 pinpad block (32 bytes):
1E 1E 02 08 00 08 04 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0D ................
00 00 00 00 20 00 00 08 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF .... ...........
reader-pcsc.c:199:pcsc_internal_transmit: called
reader-pcsc.c:1951:pcsc_pin_cmd: PIN command failed: -1109 (Input operation cancelled by user)
iso7816.c:1130:iso7816_pin_cmd: APDU transmit failed: -1109 (Input operation cancelled by user)
sec.c:206:sc_pin_cmd: returning with: -1109 (Input operation cancelled by user)
pkcs15-pin.c:394:_sc_pkcs15_verify_pin: PIN cmd result -1109
card.c:445:sc_unlock: called
reader-pcsc.c:627:pcsc_unlock: called
pkcs15-pin.c:397:_sc_pkcs15_verify_pin: returning with: -1109 (Input operation cancelled by user)
pkcs15-pin.c:306:sc_pkcs15_verify_pin: returning with: -1109 (Input operation cancelled by user)
framework-pkcs15.c:1551:pkcs15_login: PKCS15 verify PIN returned -1109
misc.c:61:sc_to_cryptoki_error_common: libopensc return value: -1109 (Input operation cancelled by user)
pkcs11-session.c:300:C_Login: fLogin() rv 80

The OpenSC sends a request for a pin to the keyboard, but it answers it was canceled by the user. Did you provide the PIN on pin pad?

Unfortunately, we do not see PC/SC answer here. Can you provide the debug log from pcscd with the instructions from [1]:

    systemctl stop pcscd; sudo LIBCCID_ifdLogLevel=0x000F pcscd --foreground --debug --apdu --color | tee log.txt

[1] https://access.redhat.com/articles/3034441

Comment 40 Jakub Jelen 2018-02-28 15:06:53 UTC
Well ... this command will work with pinpad readers (dell keyboard). If the other reader will be without pinpad, the pin will be asked on command-line. In that case, use only the stderr redirection 2> to collect the debug logs, otherwise OpenSC will fail to display the prompt.

From the log, the OpenSC asked the reader to login to the card (on pinpad) and ~25 seconds later failed as "canceled by user" (the log with timestamps):

0x7fb9f4a45740 15:09:26.422 [opensc-pkcs11] reader-pcsc.c:199:pcsc_internal_transmit: called
0x7fb9f4a45740 15:09:53.773 [opensc-pkcs11] reader-pcsc.c:1951:pcsc_pin_cmd: PIN command failed: -1109 (Input operation cancelled by user)

I am not sure how the keyboard signalizes the PIN prompt, but if you did not write a pin, this might be the issue.

Comment 43 Jakub Jelen 2018-03-13 11:59:29 UTC
*** Bug 1546938 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 45 errata-xmlrpc 2018-04-10 18:28:08 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Comment 46 Jakub Jelen 2018-04-12 07:01:11 UTC
Mirek, this does not seem to be included in release notes. Is there something we can do to update the release notes about OpenSC changes? This one is pretty important so it would be great if we could announce it.

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