Bug 1477109 - [Backport] Add TrunkPort support for heat templates
Summary: [Backport] Add TrunkPort support for heat templates
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat OpenStack
Classification: Red Hat
Component: openstack-heat
Version: 10.0 (Newton)
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: z6
: 10.0 (Newton)
Assignee: Thomas Hervé
QA Contact: Ronnie Rasouli
: 1484503 (view as bug list)
Depends On: 1485958
Blocks: 1335593 1396159
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2017-08-01 08:45 UTC by Aviv Guetta
Modified: 2020-12-14 09:17 UTC (History)
21 users (show)

Fixed In Version: openstack-heat-7.0.5-3.el7ost
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
This update introduces a new resource, `OS::Neutron::Trunk`, that adds support of neutron trunks in heat templates.
Clone Of:
: 1485958 (view as bug list)
Last Closed: 2017-11-15 13:44:01 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
OpenStack gerrit 442496 0 None MERGED New resource: Neutron Trunk 2020-05-01 04:19:39 UTC
OpenStack gerrit 451799 0 None MERGED Add trunk functional testcases to heat 2020-05-01 04:19:39 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHBA-2017:3232 0 normal SHIPPED_LIVE openstack-heat bug fix advisory 2017-11-15 18:36:22 UTC

Description Aviv Guetta 2017-08-01 08:45:04 UTC
Description of problem:
Add TrunkPort support for heat templates feature is merged in OSP 12[1]. 
I have a customer who would like to backport this feature to OSP 10.

[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/heat/+spec/support-trunk-port

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Red Hat OpenStack 10.

Comment 6 Thomas Hervé 2017-08-28 14:30:54 UTC
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/442496/ is the main patch that we need to land, with possibly https://review.openstack.org/#/c/451799/ being the funtional tests. It has low impact and is fairly contained, so it's low risk though it adds some testing burden.

Comment 7 Thomas Hervé 2017-08-28 14:31:44 UTC
It won't be backported upstream as we don't backport such features.

Comment 8 Thomas Hervé 2017-08-28 14:35:06 UTC
I opened https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1485958 to track for OSP11.

Comment 9 Thomas Hervé 2017-08-28 14:40:13 UTC
Note that we can ignore the patch to heat-templates at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/475794/ as it's for documentation purposes.

Comment 13 Thomas Hervé 2017-10-12 14:19:03 UTC
*** Bug 1484503 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 22 Ronnie Rasouli 2017-11-02 08:07:59 UTC
Modified the template with newton, stack has been created with trunk ports, subnet and networks

openstack port list
| ID                                   | Name               | MAC Address       | Fixed IP Addresses                               |
| 2d33990d-49a3-4072-8fe7-ae51d98da35c |                    | fa:16:3e:2b:06:b1 | ip_address='', subnet_id='69c9321e-     |
|                                      |                    |                   | b27e-42cc-b082-e9090b7644de'                     |
| 692ed8f7-cda4-4b49-a8f7-c0f23e246bfb |                    | fa:16:3e:aa:e6:6e | ip_address='', subnet_id='60f14a9e-      |
|                                      |                    |                   | 55f9-4508-8a58-cb394c172eb0'                     |
| 70d90bcf-bbf7-43cf-bdec-3e0a0a2aeaff | trunk_sub_port_two | fa:16:3e:05:47:21 | ip_address='',                          |
|                                      |                    |                   | subnet_id='59460328-2334-4602-8b4c-4d3d4d210c83' |
| 81d05ff1-3735-42dd-93f9-0febfb469471 |                    | fa:16:3e:be:e5:5f | ip_address='', subnet_id='34c9c1a0-739c- |
|                                      |                    |                   | 427a-83b0-5e5c5fa57540'                          |
| 87977cf0-0dd9-4042-8df5-100c9e491fca | trunk_parent_port  | fa:16:3e:d5:8c:24 | ip_address='', subnet_id='60f14a9e-     |
|                                      |                    |                   | 55f9-4508-8a58-cb394c172eb0'                     |
| 8c20ca8e-2463-4576-be04-5ff004e971f4 |                    | fa:16:3e:42:34:0d | ip_address='',                          |
|                                      |                    |                   | subnet_id='59460328-2334-4602-8b4c-4d3d4d210c83' |
| 9c54849d-c0bd-4dad-8514-15b7b2bc4359 | trunk_sub_port_one | fa:16:3e:44:e6:0e | ip_address='', subnet_id='69c9321e-    |
|                                      |                    |                   | b27e-42cc-b082-e9090b7644de'                     |
| abc879df-7d68-4de5-af9d-777c9cafeaa1 |                    | fa:16:3e:2c:28:30 | ip_address='', subnet_id='34c9c1a0-739c- |
|                                      |                    |                   | 427a-83b0-5e5c5fa57540'                          |
[stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ openstack subnet list
| ID                                   | Name                                | Network                              | Subnet       |
| 34c9c1a0-739c-427a-83b0-5e5c5fa57540 | heat-subnet                         | 99f1756b-7f62-417c-b8e2-18ab69dc2954 |  |
| 59460328-2334-4602-8b4c-4d3d4d210c83 | trunk-trunk_subnet_two-omjyvenfoihg | 6a429afc-1577-4eef-9fda-5bfb77b32640 | |
| 60f14a9e-55f9-4508-8a58-cb394c172eb0 | trunk-parent_subnet-xu3kwnxvrzmv    | 2f90633e-7dcc-4300-8b19-da84e795ec29 |  |
| 69c9321e-b27e-42cc-b082-e9090b7644de | trunk-trunk_subnet_one-sehewpbampxs | 144dd9dd-3ca1-4f24-82fa-3b4d7975453e | |
| f6ac54d4-349c-4ec1-851f-42d53ab32db9 | external_subnet                     | 3820d1c4-f8f4-4bd4-a4e6-5b919b9b502c |  |

 openstack network list
| ID                                   | Name                             | Subnets                              |
| 144dd9dd-3ca1-4f24-82fa-3b4d7975453e | trunk-trunk_net_one-q3nnmrk4hpdo | 69c9321e-b27e-42cc-b082-e9090b7644de |
| 2f90633e-7dcc-4300-8b19-da84e795ec29 | trunk-parent_net-dof43drxnfre    | 60f14a9e-55f9-4508-8a58-cb394c172eb0 |
| 3820d1c4-f8f4-4bd4-a4e6-5b919b9b502c | public                           | f6ac54d4-349c-4ec1-851f-42d53ab32db9 |
| 6a429afc-1577-4eef-9fda-5bfb77b32640 | trunk-trunk_net_two-25orwxpg45ds | 59460328-2334-4602-8b4c-4d3d4d210c83 |
| 99f1756b-7f62-417c-b8e2-18ab69dc2954 | heat-net                         | 34c9c1a0-739c-427a-83b0-5e5c5fa57540 |

The stack successfully deleted as well

Comment 26 errata-xmlrpc 2017-11-15 13:44:01 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


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