Bug 1535110 (CVE-2018-5703) - CVE-2018-5703 kernel: net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c:tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock function allows attackers to cause a denial of service
Summary: CVE-2018-5703 kernel: net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c:tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock function allow...
Alias: CVE-2018-5703
Product: Security Response
Classification: Other
Component: vulnerability
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Red Hat Product Security
QA Contact:
Depends On: 1535111 1535112
Blocks: 1535117
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2018-01-16 16:11 UTC by Adam Mariš
Modified: 2021-03-11 16:55 UTC (History)
49 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Bug Fix
Doc Text:
The tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock function in net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c in the Linux kernel, through 4.14.11, allows attackers to cause a denial of service (slab out-of-bounds write) or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors involving in-kernel TLS implementation. Due to the nature of the flaw, privilege escalation cannot be fully ruled out, although we believe it is unlikely.
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2018-02-13 08:42:46 UTC

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Adam Mariš 2018-01-16 16:11:43 UTC
The tcp_v6_syn_recv_sock function in net/ipv6/tcp_ipv6.c in the Linux kernel through 4.14.11 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (slab out-of-bounds write) or possibly have unspecified other impact via vectors involving in-kernel TLS implementation. Due to the nature of the flaw, privilege escalation cannot be fully ruled out, although we believe it is unlikely.




Comment 1 Adam Mariš 2018-01-16 16:16:10 UTC
Created kernel tracking bugs for this issue:

Affects: fedora-all [bug 1535111]

Comment 6 Eric Christensen 2018-02-13 17:02:58 UTC

This issue does not affect the Linux kernel packages as shipped with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, 6, and 7, its real-time kernel, Red Hat Enterprise MRG 2, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for ARM 64 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for Power 9 LE. The code of in-kernel TLS implementation with the flaw is not enabled and is not built in the products listed.

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