This is a tracking bug for Change: No more automagic Python bytecompilation (phase 2) For more details, see: See Changes/No_more_automagic_Python_bytecompilation. Now we are changing the default to be %global _python_bytecompile_extra 0.
The first step is to determine what packages ship pyo/pyc files outside of python directories and filter out the ones that use the automagic bytecompilation.
I repoqueried -f '*.pyo' and -f '*.pyc' packages. For each of them, I repoqueried -l | egrep -v '/(mingw|usr)/lib(64)?/python' | egrep '\.py(c|o)$' to see only the files outside of the Python dirs. 287 source packages build 407 packages that ship py(c|o) files outside of python's dirs. From those: 23 packages already set %_python_bytecompile_extra to 0. 2 remaining packages %undefine __brp_python_bytecompile. 1 remaining package %undefines py_auto_byte_compile. 14 remaining packages alter %__os_install_post not to have brp-python-bytecompile. 5 remaining packages explicitly bytecompile all shipped py(c|o)s with %py_byte_compile. copr-frontend explicitly bytecompiles only part of the shipped py(c|o)s, filled bz1627936. That leaves 241 source packages: PySolFC PyXB R-reticulate adonthell ambari arm-none-eabi-gdb atomic audio-convert-mod audit-viewer autocloud backintime bakefile bibus bleachbit blueberry bro btrbk bugyou bugzilla calamares cas catkin ceph chromium cinnamon-screensaver comix cura-lulzbot cyphesis darkserver dracut-modules-olpc edk2 encuentro enemies-of-carlotta eog-plugins epylog exaile fedocal fedora-review firmware-tools fish fleet-commander-admin fleet-commander-client flumotion font-manager freecad fwfstab gaupol gazebo gdb gdesklets gedit gedit-latex gedit-plugins git-cola glib2 glusterfs gnome-activity-journal gnome-code-assistance gnome-devel-docs gnome-python2 gnome-transliteration gnumeric gobject-intrtion.spec golly graphite-web grass gtk-doc gtranslator ibus ibus-anthy ibus-hangul ibus-libpinyin ibus-libzhuyin ibus-pinyin ibus-table ibus-typing-booster ibus-uniemoji ibus-xkbc inkscape-sozi inkscape-table jam-control kajongg kdevelop-python klatexformula koji kupfer lcgdm libgda libopensync-plugin-python libpeas libreoffice libsmbios libunity lilypond lirc lyx magicor mate-menu mesos meta-test-family metromap mingw-glib2 mingw-qpid-cpp mirrormanager2 modularity-testing-framework mongodb nextcloud-client ntop odcs olpc-os-builder ompl onboard openlayers otf2 ovirt-guest-agent paraview passenger pcs phatch php-opencloud-openstack plague playonlinux pulp-rpm pygobject2 pygtk2 python-cherrypy python-cherrypy2 python-cookiecutter python-feedparser python-flask-silk python-genmsg python-genshi python-pgu python-pycurl python-pyqtgraph python-reportlab python-scandir python-tahrir-api python-testscenarios python-uranium-lulzbot python-webtest python3-cherrypy qdigidoc qgis qpid-dispatch qtools rhythmbox rpm-ostree-toolbox sagator scanmem sems sigul sk2py soletta solfege soundconverter spacewalk-koan sugar sugar-abacus sugar-browse sugar-calculator sugar-calendario sugar-castle sugar-chat sugar-clock sugar-colordeducto sugar-connect sugar-countries sugar-deducto sugar-distance sugar-finance sugar-flip sugar-flipsticks sugar-fototoon sugar-fractionbounce sugar-getiabooks sugar-hello-world sugar-imageviewer sugar-implode sugar-infoslicer sugar-jukebox sugar-kuku sugar-labyrinth sugar-locosugar sugar-log sugar-maze sugar-measure sugar-memorize sugar-moon sugar-nutrition sugar-paint sugar-physics sugar-pippy sugar-playgo sugar-portfolio sugar-pukllanapac sugar-read sugar-recall sugar-record sugar-ruler sugar-speak sugar-srilanka sugar-starchart sugar-stopwatch sugar-story sugar-terminal sugar-turtleart sugar-typing-turtle sugar-view-slides sugar-visualmatch sugar-words sugar-write sugar-xoeditor sugar-xoirc sugar-xomail sugar-yupana swatchbooker synce-sync-engine synfigstudio system-config-bind system-config-firewall system-config-kdump system-config-repo system-config-users system-switch-displaymanager system-switch-java system-switch-mail texlive totem transmageddon ufw-kde variety vdsm virt-manager vtk wastesedge xed xplayer xviewer-plugins yum-utils znc I intent to post the following lines on the top of specfiles of those packages: # This package depedns on automagic byte compilation # %global _python_bytecompile_extra 1 I will e-mail the maintainers and will rerun the above query in ~2 weeks before I do so.
Note: In the e-mail I've said I'll do the mass push in 2 weeks. That is 2018-09-26.
Will push the change today. In the meantime:
Packages adjusted.
Everything is done.