There doesn't seem to be any way to automate installation of Workstation from offline media (USB/DVD). * Workstation-netinst isn't offline * Workstation-Live doesn't boot into Anaconda * Server-dvd doesn't contain Workstation packages * Everything is only available as a netinstall image AFAICS the only option for offline automated installation of Workstation would be to roll my own image. Some obvious fixes I can think of for this would be: * Fedora to add a Workstation-dvd ISO (like the server ISO) * Fedora to add an Everything-dvd ISO (so it can be used offline) * Workstation-Live to gain an "install" boot option that boots directly into Anaconda like Server-dvd does, allowing the use of KS files Someone else reported this same issue two years ago, here: (but I can't re-open it, and it's not an Anaconda bug really).
Can you please file this over at: Thats the workstation working group thats in charge of the workstation product.