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Bug 1769727 - kexec fast reboot as a Technology Preview
Summary: kexec fast reboot as a Technology Preview
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8
Classification: Red Hat
Component: doc-Release_Notes-8-en-US
Version: 8.1
Hardware: All
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: rc
: 8.0
Assignee: Lucie Vařáková
QA Contact: RHEL DPM
Sujata Kurup
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2019-11-07 10:13 UTC by Bhupesh Sharma
Modified: 2023-06-28 13:37 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: Technology Preview
Doc Text:
.The `kexec` fast reboot feature is available as a Technology Preview The `kexec` fast reboot feature continues to be available as a Technology Preview. The `kexec` fast reboot significantly speeds the boot process as you can boot directly into the second kernel without passing through the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) or firmware first. To use this feature: . Load the `kexec` kernel manually. . Reboot for changes to take effect. Note that the `kexec` fast reboot capability is available with a limited scope of support on RHEL 9 and later releases.
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2020-01-06 11:34:01 UTC
Type: Bug
Target Upstream Version:
skurup: needinfo+
skurup: needinfo+

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Bhupesh Sharma 2019-11-07 10:13:22 UTC
Document URL: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/8.1_release_notes/

Section Number and Name: Chapter 6. Technology Previews, Section 6.3. Kernel

Describe the issue:

kexec as a Technology Preview

The kexec system call has been provided as a Technology Preview. This system call enables loading and booting into another kernel from the currently running kernel, thus performing the function of the boot loader from within the kernel. Hardware initialization, which is normally done during a standard system boot, is not performed during a kexec boot, which significantly reduces the time required for a reboot. 

kexec fast reboot as a Technology Preview

The kexec fast reboot feature, continues to be available as a Technology Preview. kexec fast reboot makes the reboot significantly faster. To use this feature, you must load the kexec kernel manually, and then reboot the operating system. 

Suggestions for improvement: Add sections 'kexec as a Technology Preview' and 'kexec fast reboot as a Technology Preview' to the Release Notes 

Additional information:

Comment 2 Baoquan He 2019-11-21 06:41:04 UTC
Hi Bhupesh, Jaroslav

Talked with DaveY on IRC, he is worried that the 'kexec syscall call' saying could be misleading, to cause misunderstanding about the kexec fast reboot method to customers. Since here for kexec fast reboot, we use kexec_load/_file_load system calls to load kernel, then execute 'kexec -e' to call 'reboot' system call. People may wrongly think the kexec system call as kexec_load/_file_load. So how about we tune it as 'kexec fast reboot' directly?


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