Bug 1847924 - [SRIOV - Cold Migration] some issues after a server with a VF port is migrated
Summary: [SRIOV - Cold Migration] some issues after a server with a VF port is migrated
Alias: None
Product: Red Hat OpenStack
Classification: Red Hat
Component: openstack-nova
Version: 16.1 (Train)
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ga
: 16.1 (Train on RHEL 8.2)
Assignee: smooney
QA Contact: OSP DFG:Compute
Depends On:
Blocks: 1666684
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2020-06-17 11:05 UTC by Eduardo Olivares
Modified: 2023-03-21 19:32 UTC (History)
17 users (show)

Fixed In Version: openstack-nova-20.3.1-0.20200626213433.38ee1f3.el8ost
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2020-07-29 07:53:29 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Launchpad 1883671 0 None None None 2020-07-02 11:15:48 UTC
OpenStack gerrit 739017 0 None MERGED catch libvirt exception when nodedev not found. 2021-01-05 13:45:22 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHBA-2020:3148 0 None None None 2020-07-29 07:54:39 UTC

Description Eduardo Olivares 2020-06-17 11:05:49 UTC
A VM with a VF port is migrated (by means of cold migration) successfully, but two issues have been found when that VM is deleted:
A) wrong "count" value (wrong number of available VF interfaces) on the last compute were that VM was running. No VMs are running on that compute, but that value shows that one VF port is in use.
B) unable to spawn a VM with a PF port on the last compute were that VM was running.
See Steps to Reproduce, below, for more details. See "BUG" comments.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:
Very often (almost always)

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create VM with VF port
openstack port create --vnic-type direct --network nova --binding-profile trusted=true sriov-port-prov-0
openstack server create --image rhel8.2-pass --flavor rhel_flavor_1ram_1vpu_10disk --port sriov-port-prov-0 --key-name mykey vm-sriov-prov-0
# Verify the instance has been spawned on compute-0 using virsh list
# Check the number of available VF insterfaces is 4 for compute-0 and 5 for compute-1 running the following command on controller-0: podman exec -it -uroot galera-bundle-podman-0 mysql nova -e "select hypervisor_hostname,pci_stats from compute_nodes;"

2) Migrate that VM
openstack server migrate vm-sriov-prov-0
# Wait until server status is VERIFY_RESIZE
openstack server resize confirm vm-sriov-prov-0
# Wait until server status is ACTIVE
# Verify the instance has been moved to compute-1 using virsh list
# Check the number of available VF insterfaces is 4 for compute-1 and 5 for compute-0 running the following command on controller-0: podman exec -it -uroot galera-bundle-podman-0 mysql nova -e "select hypervisor_hostname,pci_stats from compute_nodes;"

3) Remove server and VF ports previously created
openstack server delete vm-sriov-prov-0; openstack port delete sriov-port-prov-0
# BUG: The number of available VF interfaces is for compute-1, according to the output of the following command: podman exec -it -uroot galera-bundle-podman-0 mysql nova -e "select hypervisor_hostname,pci_stats from compute_nodes;"

4) Create two VMs with PF ports
for i in {0..1}; do openstack port create --vnic-type direct-physical --network nova --binding-profile trusted=true sriov-port-pf-prov-$i && openstack server create --image rhel8.2-pass --flavor rhel_flavor_1ram_1vpu_10disk --port sriov-port-pf-prov-$i --key-name mykey vm-sriov-prov-pf-$i; done
# BUG: No VM can be created on compute-1, despite no VM is running there and all its VF or PF ports should be available

Expected results:
After VM deletion, "count" value should be 5 again because that is the total number of available VF ports for this environment on compute-1
Spawining a VM with a PF port on that compute should be possible

Comment 2 smooney 2020-06-18 16:52:38 UTC
i will need to look into this more but i think this is related to the fact you are trying to use a single inteface for PF passthough after it has been used for VF passthough.

in step 3 you would have to wait for the vm to be fully delete before checking the db to see the correct value but assuming you didi the avaiable vf should have reset. there is however a dely in udev notifying libvirt of the fact the inteface is now avaiable again so perhaps that coudl be a factor.

ill take a look a the logs and we we triage this tomorrow.

the behavior in step 4 is expected and correct if the nova db still reports one of the VFs as in use.

so if there is a bug here its only the bug in step 3 step 4 is correct.
we do not allow the PF to be assgined if any of its VFs are marked as in use.

Comment 3 smooney 2020-06-18 17:16:01 UTC
just quickly looking at the nova log its littered with 

ibvirt.libvirtError: Node device not found: no node device with matching name 'net_enp7s0f3v0_2a_a8_d8_cd_13_c6'

messages so i suspect that there is some issue with either the vf name changeing, it not being bound back to the nic driver or we are getting stale data form libvirt
due to how it caches node devices and how it expects to be updated via udev.

specificaly this is what the error looks like

2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager [req-74b38a2e-6269-4696-8c54-e897e7a3baa4 - - - - -] Error updating resources for node computesriov-1.localdomain.: libvirt.libvirtError: Node device not found: no node device with matching name 'net_enp7s0f3v1_ea_60_77_1f_21_50'
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager Traceback (most recent call last):
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/compute/manager.py", line 8740, in _update_available_resource_for_node
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     startup=startup)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/compute/resource_tracker.py", line 871, in update_available_resource
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     resources = self.driver.get_available_resource(nodename)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 8034, in get_available_resource
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     data['pci_passthrough_devices'] = self._get_pci_passthrough_devices()
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 6795, in _get_pci_passthrough_devices
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     pci_info.append(self._get_pcidev_info(name))
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 6756, in _get_pcidev_info
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     device.update(_get_device_capabilities(device, address))
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 6727, in _get_device_capabilities
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     pcinet_info = self._get_pcinet_info(address)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py", line 6670, in _get_pcinet_info
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     virtdev = self._host.device_lookup_by_name(devname)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nova/virt/libvirt/host.py", line 1147, in device_lookup_by_name
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     return self.get_connection().nodeDeviceLookupByName(name)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eventlet/tpool.py", line 190, in doit
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     result = proxy_call(self._autowrap, f, *args, **kwargs)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eventlet/tpool.py", line 148, in proxy_call
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     rv = execute(f, *args, **kwargs)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eventlet/tpool.py", line 129, in execute
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     six.reraise(c, e, tb)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/six.py", line 693, in reraise
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     raise value
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/eventlet/tpool.py", line 83, in tworker
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     rv = meth(*args, **kwargs)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager   File "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/libvirt.py", line 4612, in nodeDeviceLookupByName
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager     if ret is None:raise libvirtError('virNodeDeviceLookupByName() failed', conn=self)
2020-06-17 10:36:56.563 7 ERROR nova.compute.manager libvirt.libvirtError: Node device not found: no node device with matching name 'net_enp7s0f3v1_ea_60_77_1f_21_50'

since its failing in the device lookup from libvirt we are not going to be able to update the resouce tracker properly which is likely why nova thinks the pci device is in use.

can you provide a dump of the pci_devices table for both hosts so we can see 

the pci whitelist appears to be 

which makes sence based on teh the name 'net_enp7s0f3v1_ea_60_77_1f_21_50

looking at the ip link output net_enp7s0f3v1_ea_60_77_1f_21_50 is present with the name and mac libvirt is expecting

205: enp7s0f3v1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether ea:60:77:1f:21:50 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 0 minmtu 68 maxmtu 9702 addrgenmode none numtxqueues 4 numrxqueues 4 gso_max_size 65536 gso_max_segs 65535 
    RX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped overrun mcast   
    86379      451      0       0       0       0       
    TX: bytes  packets  errors  dropped carrier collsns 
    26698      169      0       0       0       0       

so it looks like libvirt is not in sync with the current system state and is returning cached data.

Comment 16 Stephen Finucane 2020-07-02 15:07:31 UTC
There's a lot of information in this bug, including references to additional bugs with the SR-IOV functionality. To summarize *this* bug, nova is doing a lookup of an SR-IOV VIF using libvirt's 'device_lookup_by_name' API and this call is failing, resulting in knock on effects elsewhere. The 'device_lookup_by_name' API expects a unique device name, which for network devices takes the format 'net_{ifname}_{mac}'. For some reason, the MAC address that nova thinks the NIC has is getting out-of-sync with libvirt's cached list of devices, causing the "Node device not found" error messages described in comment 3 above.

The solution to this is likely to be in two parts: a short term fix to simply ignore any errors raised during the lookup, since the lookup is part of code that's non-critical, and a second, more expansive fix to change the API we're using and look up the device by hardware ID instead, avoiding the caching issue.

Comment 18 smooney 2020-07-06 20:06:32 UTC
The minimal fix is now merged on master and a downstream backport is inflight.
it will merge once tempest has completed and we make a minor change to the commit message later

Comment 23 Eduardo Olivares 2020-07-16 18:23:32 UTC
Verified on RHOS-16.1-RHEL-8-20200714.n.0, with openstack-nova-common-20.3.1-0.20200626213433.38ee1f3.el8ost.noarch

Following the reproduction steps from this bug's description, the issue is not reproduced:
1) Create VM with VF port

2) Migrate that VM
OK (tested both cold and live migration)

3) Remove server and VF ports previously created
OK - the pci_stats counters from the nova DB are correct, showing all the available VF and PF ports from the computes.

4) Create two VMs with PF ports
VMs are created successfully

The following WARNING message is printed on nova-compute.log frequently:
2020-07-16 18:21:16.803 7 WARNING nova.virt.libvirt.driver [req-f139bfa9-21bb-423a-ba37-86ce58fe1d33 - - - - -] Node device not found: no node device with matching name 'net_enp6s0f3v1_e6_aa_8c_ef_0d_ce': libvirt.libvirtError: Node device not found: no node device with matching name 'net_enp6s0f3v1_e6_aa_8c_ef_0d_ce'

However, no related harmful effect has been detected, so this can be consider a minor issue that could be resolved separately.

Comment 25 Alex McLeod 2020-07-21 11:13:20 UTC
If this bug requires doc text for errata release, please set the 'Doc Type' and provide draft text according to the template in the 'Doc Text' field. The documentation team will review, edit, and approve the text.

If this bug does not require doc text, please set the 'requires_doc_text' flag to -.

Comment 27 errata-xmlrpc 2020-07-29 07:53:29 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory, and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.