Bug 1856630 - [day2] Warning pops up with expand cluster operation to use device with format /dev/mapper even with blacklist gluster devices enabled
Summary: [day2] Warning pops up with expand cluster operation to use device with forma...
Alias: None
Product: cockpit-ovirt
Classification: oVirt
Component: gluster-ansible
Version: 0.14.9
Hardware: x86_64
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ovirt-4.4.2
: 0.14.11
Assignee: Parth Dhanjal
Depends On:
Blocks: 1856629 1875362
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2020-07-14 05:08 UTC by SATHEESARAN
Modified: 2020-09-18 07:11 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

Fixed In Version: cockpit-ovirt-0.14.11
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of: 1856629
Last Closed: 2020-09-18 07:11:59 UTC
oVirt Team: Gluster
sasundar: ovirt-4.4?

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
oVirt gerrit 110687 0 master MERGED Fixing Day 2 expand volume mapper validation 2020-09-07 06:24:34 UTC

Description SATHEESARAN 2020-07-14 05:08:51 UTC
Description of problem:
when expanding the volume from the web console ( cockpit ) as part of day2 operation, warning note is seen with the device name changed to /dev/sdx, asking to use device name with format /dev/mapper/<WWID> even with blacklist gluster device checkbox enabled

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
RHHI-V 1.8
RHGS 3.5.2

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Deploy RHHI-V
2. Choose the option to expand the volume from web console ( cockpit ) as part of 'Manager Gluster' button
3. On the bricks tab, change the device name from /dev/sdb to /dev/sdX

Actual results:
Warning pops up asking to use device name of the format /dev/mapper/<WWID>
It may confuse the customers

Expected results:
No error to be reported

Additional info:

--- Additional comment from RHEL Program Management on 2020-07-14 05:05:57 UTC ---

This bug is automatically being proposed for RHHI-V 1.8 release at Red Hat Hyperconverged Infrastructure for Virtualization product, by setting the release flag 'rhiv‑1.8' to '?'.

If this bug should be proposed for a different release, please manually change the proposed release flag.

--- Additional comment from SATHEESARAN on 2020-07-14 05:07:35 UTC ---

Marking this bug for known issue.

So workaround here is to 'ignore' this error and proceed to next step of deployment
and complete the action. This warning is not legitimate. This error happens only with 
expand volume operation.

Comment 1 SATHEESARAN 2020-09-07 13:37:01 UTC
Tested with cockpit-ovirt-dashboard-0.14.11.

1. Expand the existing volume from cockpit
2. While updating the disk, there is no error message seen

Comment 2 Sandro Bonazzola 2020-09-18 07:11:59 UTC
This bugzilla is included in oVirt 4.4.2 release, published on September 17th 2020.

Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in oVirt 4.4.2 release, it has been closed with a resolution of CURRENT RELEASE.

If the solution does not work for you, please open a new bug report.

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.