Description of problem: When using a CA certificate file (ca.pem) that contains a newline at the end in the ignition shim as security.tls.certificateAuthorities (as described in the OpenShift on OpenStack UPI documentation [1]), the ignition of the bootstrap machine aborts with: ~~~ ------ Ignition has failed. Please ensure your config is valid. Note that only Ignition spec v3.0.0+ configs are accepted. A CLI validation tool to check this called ignition-validate can be downloaded from GitHub: ------ Displaying logs from failed units: ignition-fetch.service -- Logs begin at Fri 2020-09-18 08:36:55 UTC, end at Fri 2020-09-18 08:37:29 UTC. -- Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: Adding "Packstack" to list of CAs Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mUnable to decode CA (0xc000481950)[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mignition-fetch.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mUnable to parse CA bundle: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mignition-fetch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mfailed to fetch config: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mFailed to start Ignition (fetch).[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mfailed to acquire config: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mIgnition failed: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: ignition-fetch.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 5 minutes for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes 45 seconds for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes 30 seconds for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes 15 seconds for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes for reboot. ~~~ [1] How reproducible: Always when using a certificate with newline at the end. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Follow the OpenShift on OpenStack UPI documentation to install OpenShift 2. In section "Preparing the bootstrap Ignition files" step 7 use a certificate file with a newline at the end (See 3. Check the console output of the bootstrap machine Actual results: Bootstrap machine can not get the ignition file from the glace endpoint: ~~~ Displaying logs from failed units: ignition-fetch.service -- Logs begin at Fri 2020-09-18 08:36:55 UTC, end at Fri 2020-09-18 08:37:29 UTC. -- Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: Adding "Packstack" to list of CAs Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mUnable to decode CA (0xc000481950)[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mignition-fetch.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mUnable to parse CA bundle: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mignition-fetch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mfailed to fetch config: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mFailed to start Ignition (fetch).[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mfailed to acquire config: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 ignition[716]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mIgnition failed: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 08:37:29 systemd[1]: ignition-fetch.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 5 minutes for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes 45 seconds for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes 30 seconds for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes 15 seconds for reboot. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 4 minutes for reboot. ~~~ Expected results: Deployment starts, bootstrap machine fetches ignition file from glance. Bootstrapping completes. Additional info: All relevant tools show the certificate as valid: ~~~ shell$ cat $OS_CACERT | base64 -w0 | base64 -d | openssl x509 -text Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 40:ff:1c:a0:fb:3a:d1:24:06:6e:44:dd:d2:cc:06:82:96:7d:3c:74 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C = DE, ST = Bavaria, L = Germany, O = Elconaslab, OU = Munich, CN = Packstack Validity Not Before: Mar 9 06:16:00 2020 GMT Not After : Mar 8 06:16:00 2025 GMT Subject: C = DE, ST = Bavaria, L = Germany, O = Elconaslab, OU = Munich, CN = Packstack Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:ae:9d:18:56:45:c7:65:5c:35:f3:15:ac:0c:0f: 38:89:a3:87:17:2c:92:a7:4d:2e:f1:12:99:f0:24: aa:5b:8b:a9:af:4f:3b:18:c7:a7:71:3e:31:f1:21: ad:f9:27:1f:9e:45:a3:8c:cb:f4:9b:ae:35:7a:52: ec:0d:67:68:06:6a:aa:1b:1e:ca:36:ee:a6:86:e8: 48:9c:67:a8:f3:db:19:fd:19:bf:76:ad:de:94:78: de:c9:30:14:55:5a:60:69:cd:35:29:3d:bc:47:40: ec:92:af:12:32:56:1b:67:1a:20:40:08:11:c8:fd: 1b:b8:38:0f:19:92:b1:aa:93:29:dc:7d:ac:69:90: 90:39:db:cc:fd:5d:ca:33:43:e8:b9:e0:10:d0:3b: f3:a4:f8:c5:ed:b7:39:58:87:ba:59:30:cc:c8:6c: a6:63:84:da:78:4c:1c:52:d5:5e:55:09:b9:66:c6: 67:0d:c4:84:7b:96:b4:a2:6c:7a:46:64:d3:0f:cc: b4:7e:06:a1:d2:a1:62:81:ac:f0:b3:fa:68:be:90: 08:ef:57:09:cf:2c:12:36:a1:44:1e:72:ee:91:01: c2:7b:c4:70:1a:48:14:53:97:31:01:d5:29:ab:d5: 1b:c9:90:b3:fd:2f:03:e9:55:80:d6:14:a6:07:66: 59:85 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Key Usage: critical Certificate Sign, CRL Sign X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical CA:TRUE X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: F7:3C:E7:F6:34:2B:EA:FE:85:72:60:89:A6:49:7D:9D:2E:10:59:58 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption 25:c4:7c:bc:87:55:fe:28:b0:16:80:e8:ed:10:83:3b:2e:9c: 1b:fc:39:0a:ef:df:68:70:99:f0:68:88:10:da:e4:74:e4:b9: c9:c7:be:61:dc:06:36:83:d7:ea:2d:14:f0:49:18:d6:46:c4: da:ce:a9:07:cf:c9:9e:76:39:85:4f:42:ee:4c:91:8f:ae:92: 09:2e:51:e2:fd:56:0b:7c:7b:f4:05:b7:7c:2b:45:20:cb:26: 8b:45:54:3c:94:d1:74:fc:b2:a7:93:c2:7c:2e:f7:dd:8e:02: 7f:4a:1f:6f:10:82:96:41:38:63:8e:61:0a:c7:7d:c1:da:52: 2c:6c:02:bd:7f:2b:e3:46:a5:69:f5:11:1c:32:5d:e2:66:a1: 99:00:57:23:34:ef:9a:e8:ff:ec:5e:34:bf:b5:28:1b:75:f9: 0f:82:cc:18:54:29:cd:75:47:bc:21:5c:04:c3:77:6d:46:2d: 91:7b:a5:19:45:da:90:7e:6c:8e:08:3e:a3:0e:93:99:34:26: 07:b0:31:85:dc:e0:fc:d2:a7:26:a7:ec:27:c4:3d:c6:b3:ce: ba:dc:37:d7:36:2a:0e:7b:0a:22:d1:73:dd:72:70:cd:33:dc: 46:b2:06:de:33:e4:b4:94:09:39:df:1c:2c:80:f3:8e:f2:05: ce:5b:2f:db -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDpjCCAo6gAwIBAgIUQP8coPs60SQGbkTd0swGgpZ9PHQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL BQAwazELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUxEDAOBgNVBAgTB0JhdmFyaWExEDAOBgNVBAcTB0dl cm1hbnkxEzARBgNVBAoTCkVsY29uYXNsYWIxDzANBgNVBAsTBk11bmljaDESMBAG A1UEAxMJUGFja3N0YWNrMB4XDTIwMDMwOTA2MTYwMFoXDTI1MDMwODA2MTYwMFow azELMAkGA1UEBhMCREUxEDAOBgNVBAgTB0JhdmFyaWExEDAOBgNVBAcTB0dlcm1h bnkxEzARBgNVBAoTCkVsY29uYXNsYWIxDzANBgNVBAsTBk11bmljaDESMBAGA1UE AxMJUGFja3N0YWNrMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEArp0Y VkXHZVw18xWsDA84iaOHFyySp00u8RKZ8CSqW4upr087GMencT4x8SGt+ScfnkWj jMv0m641elLsDWdoBmqqGx7KNu6mhuhInGeo89sZ/Rm/dq3elHjeyTAUVVpgac01 KT28R0Dskq8SMlYbZxogQAgRyP0buDgPGZKxqpMp3H2saZCQOdvM/V3KM0PoueAQ 0DvzpPjF7bc5WIe6WTDMyGymY4TaeEwcUtVeVQm5ZsZnDcSEe5a0omx6RmTTD8y0 fgah0qFigazws/povpAI71cJzywSNqFEHnLukQHCe8RwGkgUU5cxAdUpq9UbyZCz /S8D6VWA1hSmB2ZZhQIDAQABo0IwQDAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/ BAUwAwEB/zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQU9zzn9jQr6v6FcmCJpkl9nS4QWVgwDQYJKoZIhvcN AQELBQADggEBACXEfLyHVf4osBaA6O0QgzsunBv8OQrv32hwmfBoiBDa5HTkucnH vmHcBjaD1+otFPBJGNZGxNrOqQfPyZ52OYVPQu5MkY+ukgkuUeL9Vgt8e/QFt3wr RSDLJotFVDyU0XT8sqeTwnwu992OAn9KH28QgpZBOGOOYQrHfcHaUixsAr1/K+NG pWn1ERwyXeJmoZkAVyM075ro/+xeNL+1KBt1+Q+CzBhUKc11R7whXATDd21GLZF7 pRlF2pB+bI4IPqMOk5k0JgewMYXc4PzSpyan7CfEPcazzrrcN9c2Kg57CiLRc91y cM0z3EayBt4z5LSUCTnfHCyA847yBc5bL9s= -----END CERTIFICATE----- shell$ cat $OS_CACERT | base64 -w0 | base64 -d > error.pem shell$ diff -u ok.pem error.pem --- ok.pem 2020-09-18 11:29:59.510870304 +0000 +++ error.pem 2020-09-18 11:31:45.023886343 +0000 @@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ pRlF2pB+bI4IPqMOk5k0JgewMYXc4PzSpyan7CfEPcazzrrcN9c2Kg57CiLRc91y cM0z3EayBt4z5LSUCTnfHCyA847yBc5bL9s= -----END CERTIFICATE----- + ~~~ Reproducer: ~~~ # Generate the ignition shim export PEMFILE=error.pem export MYTMP_IGNITION_HOST=$(openstack catalog show image | grep public | cut -d: -f2- | awk '{print $1}') export MYTMP_IGNITION_URI=$(openstack image show ignition-${INFRA_ID}-boostrap -f value -c file) export MYTMP_TOKEN=$(openstack token issue -c id -f value) export MYTMP_CACERT_BASE64=$(cat $PREMFILE | base64 -w0) [openstack ocp-proxy] [stack@osp16 upi]$ cat > $INFRA_ID-bootstrap-ignition.json <<EOF { "ignition": { "config": { "merge": [{ "source": "${MYTMP_IGNITION_HOST}${MYTMP_IGNITION_URI}", "httpHeaders": [{ "name": "X-Auth-Token", "value": "${MYTMP_TOKEN}" }] }] }, "security": { "tls": { "certificateAuthorities": [{ "source": "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,${MYTMP_CACERT_BASE64}" }] } }, "version": "3.1.0" } } EOF shell$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml 03_bootstrap.yaml shell$ openstack console log show "$INFRA_ID-bootstrap" | tail -30 [[0;32m OK [0m] Reached target Emergency Mode. [ 36.899668] systemd[1]: Started Journal Service. [ 36.899780] multipathd[772]: Sep 18 11:59:15 | /etc/multipath.conf does not exist, blacklisting all devices. [ 36.903808] multipathd[772]: Sep 18 11:59:15 | You can run "/sbin/mpathconf --enable" to create [[0;32m OK [0m] Started Journal Service. [ 36.906446] multipathd[772]: Sep 18 11:59:15 | /etc/multipath.conf. See man mpathconf(8) for more details [ 36.908758] multipathd[772]: ok [ 36.909989] systemd[1]: Startup finished in 3.036s (kernel) + 0 (initrd) + 33.869s (userspace) = 36.906s. ------ Ignition has failed. Please ensure your config is valid. Note that only Ignition spec v3.0.0+ configs are accepted. A CLI validation tool to check this called ignition-validate can be downloaded from GitHub: ------ Displaying logs from failed units: ignition-fetch.service -- Logs begin at Fri 2020-09-18 11:58:41 UTC, end at Fri 2020-09-18 11:59:15 UTC. -- Sep 18 11:59:15 ignition[718]: Adding "Packstack" to list of CAs Sep 18 11:59:15 ignition[718]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mUnable to decode CA (0xc00050a490)[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 systemd[1]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mignition-fetch.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 ignition[718]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mUnable to parse CA bundle: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 systemd[1]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mignition-fetch.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 ignition[718]: [0;1;39m[0;1;31m[0;1;39mfailed to fetch config: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 systemd[1]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mFailed to start Ignition (fetch).[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 ignition[718]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mfailed to acquire config: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 ignition[718]: [0;1;31m[0;1;39m[0;1;31mIgnition failed: unable to decode PEM block[0m Sep 18 11:59:15 systemd[1]: ignition-fetch.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies. Press Enter for emergency shell or wait 5 minutes for reboot. .... now with ok.pem # Generate the ignition shim export PEMFILE=ok.pem export MYTMP_IGNITION_HOST=$(openstack catalog show image | grep public | cut -d: -f2- | awk '{print $1}') export MYTMP_IGNITION_URI=$(openstack image show ignition-${INFRA_ID}-boostrap -f value -c file) export MYTMP_TOKEN=$(openstack token issue -c id -f value) export MYTMP_CACERT_BASE64=$(cat $PREMFILE | base64 -w0) [openstack ocp-proxy] [stack@osp16 upi]$ cat > $INFRA_ID-bootstrap-ignition.json <<EOF { "ignition": { "config": { "merge": [{ "source": "${MYTMP_IGNITION_HOST}${MYTMP_IGNITION_URI}", "httpHeaders": [{ "name": "X-Auth-Token", "value": "${MYTMP_TOKEN}" }] }] }, "security": { "tls": { "certificateAuthorities": [{ "source": "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,${MYTMP_CACERT_BASE64}" }] } }, "version": "3.1.0" } } EOF shell$ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml 03_bootstrap.yaml shell$ openstack console log show "$INFRA_ID-bootstrap" | tail -30 [ 83.301182] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 83.314623] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 84.135618] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 85.821226] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 85.825373] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 86.616417] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 87.739133] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 87.739787] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 87.743454] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 87.749200] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 87.888125] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 87.942578] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 88.119299] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 88.738561] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 88.743887] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS 46.82.202009101640-0 (Ootpa) 4.6 SSH host key: SHA256:BBU2gNU8AUTCVqtNj/2NY15i8g9LBNLbt1pic1QIs50 (ECDSA) SSH host key: SHA256:peD9L7rKXyK9vpJmUkYTnRPYm5DNXxAjM4+SUfCRNSk (ED25519) SSH host key: SHA256:ccNoIRuNeWBFBK3mk+K9KytnrB8gJmmIRdw9i3Oc+SQ (RSA) ens3: fe80::f816:3eff:fe18:3c99 example-proxy-szkqv-bootstrap login: [ 94.362674] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 94.382632] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 94.401596] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 95.621643] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 95.624142] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 95.802276] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 96.360331] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 96.503972] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) [ 119.234908] SELinux: mount invalid. Same superblock, different security settings for (dev mqueue, type mqueue) shell$ diff -u ok.pem error.pem --- ok.pem 2020-09-18 11:29:59.510870304 +0000 +++ error.pem 2020-09-18 11:45:22.099448969 +0000 @@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ pRlF2pB+bI4IPqMOk5k0JgewMYXc4PzSpyan7CfEPcazzrrcN9c2Kg57CiLRc91y cM0z3EayBt4z5LSUCTnfHCyA847yBc5bL9s= -----END CERTIFICATE----- + ~~~
We thought we fixed this issue with Pierre, do you mind have a look?
I missed this is UPI. We should update the script at [1]. Going to propose a fix. [1]
Not sure if this is correct. The script in [1] is adding the CA Cert as a ignition FILE resource to the bootstrap.ign - this works. The error message is received when the bootstrap node is trying to download the real ignition via the ignition shim provided by userdata to the bootstrap instance. This means the user must fix the cert (documentation bug ?) or we fix ignition to be more robus. [1]
Indeed, we'll also need to tell users to have a valid certificate before they encode it to base64 in the ignition shim. I added some docs with
Actually a simple way to do this is to pipe the cert through "openssl x509". Also, as the cert is injected into the bootstrap ignition shim with the Python script from the documentation for UPI, this script could also be fixed. ~~~ shell$ openssl x509 -in with_newline.pem -out without_newline.pem shell$ diff -u with_newline.pem without_newline.pem --- with_newline.pem 2020-09-21 08:58:38.229545372 +0000 +++ without_newline.pem 2020-09-21 08:58:45.763903993 +0000 @@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ pRlF2pB+bI4IPqMOk5k0JgewMYXc4PzSpyan7CfEPcazzrrcN9c2Kg57CiLRc91y cM0z3EayBt4z5LSUCTnfHCyA847yBc5bL9s= -----END CERTIFICATE----- - ~~~
Verified. [ 36.640590] ignition[700]: GET result: OK [ 36.642723] ignition[700]: warning at $.networkd, line 28 col 3: Unused key networkd [ 36.644921] ignition[700]: warning at $.storage.files.0.mode, line 34 col 17: Unused key filesystem [ 36.647279] ignition[700]: fetched user config from "openstack" [ 36.648754] ignition[700]: warning at $.storage.files.1.mode, line 43 col 17: Unused key filesystem [ 36.659790] ignition[700]: Adding "" to list of CAs [ 36.661887] ignition[700]: Adding "" to list of CAs [ 36.663663] ignition[700]: GET attempt #1 [ 37.736731] ignition[700]: GET result: OK [ 37.740548] ignition[700]: fetched referenced user config from "/v2/images/3c2eec62-8a71-4e69-8226-654d3c46037a/file" [ 37.768083] ignition[700]: Adding "" to list of CAs [ 37.769672] ignition[700]: Adding "" to list of CAs [ 37.771154] ignition[700]: Adding "" to list of CAs [ 37.772613] ignition[700]: Adding "" to list of CAs [ 37.779221] ignition[700]: fetch: fetch complete [ 37.780615] ignition[700]: fetch: fetch passed
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 GA Images), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.