Bug 1881868 - apiserver pods on Init:0/1 status because of timeout errors on CRIO
Summary: apiserver pods on Init:0/1 status because of timeout errors on CRIO
Status: CLOSED DUPLICATE of bug 1785399
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Container Platform
Classification: Red Hat
Component: Installer
Version: 4.6
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: 4.7.0
Assignee: Martin André
QA Contact: weiwei jiang
Depends On:
Blocks: 1887744
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2020-09-23 09:14 UTC by David Sanz
Modified: 2021-01-12 07:47 UTC (History)
12 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2020-11-19 10:28:57 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)
last crio and kubelet (8.66 MB, text/plain)
2020-10-02 11:50 UTC, David Sanz
no flags Details

Description David Sanz 2020-09-23 09:14:55 UTC
Description of problem:
apiserver initialization pods is getting delayed for more than 15 minutes, causing installation failing on reaching the timeout limit

$ oc get pods -n openshift-apiserver
NAME                         READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
apiserver-5f4cc6ff8d-tfbnc   2/2     Running    0          20m
apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz   0/2     Init:0/1   0          16m
apiserver-7d995cb749-mzkmj   2/2     Running    0          17m

$ oc describe pod apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz
Name:                 apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz
Namespace:            openshift-apiserver
Priority:             2000001000
Priority Class Name:  system-node-critical
Node:                 mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0/
Start Time:           Wed, 23 Sep 2020 10:49:13 +0200
Labels:               apiserver=true
Annotations:          operator.openshift.io/dep-desired.generation: 3
                      operator.openshift.io/dep-openshift-apiserver.config.configmap: YELGoA==
                      operator.openshift.io/dep-openshift-apiserver.etcd-client.secret: ve1gQA==
                      operator.openshift.io/dep-openshift-apiserver.etcd-serving-ca.configmap: qeuRpw==
                      operator.openshift.io/dep-openshift-apiserver.image-import-ca.configmap: UMwN7A==
                      operator.openshift.io/dep-openshift-apiserver.trusted-ca-bundle.configmap: bNt55g==
Status:               Pending
IPs:                  <none>
Controlled By:        ReplicaSet/apiserver-7d995cb749
Init Containers:
    Container ID:  
    Image:         quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:d6e7777b7b1de5859732bc6158a8e030e721ad34ef855b835cc1e643d81dcbc2
    Image ID:      
    Port:          <none>
    Host Port:     <none>
      chmod 0700 /var/log/openshift-apiserver
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       PodInitializing
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/log/openshift-apiserver from audit-dir (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from openshift-apiserver-sa-token-2hbdx (ro)
    Container ID:  
    Image:         quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:d6e7777b7b1de5859732bc6158a8e030e721ad34ef855b835cc1e643d81dcbc2
    Image ID:      
    Port:          8443/TCP
    Host Port:     0/TCP
      if [ -s /var/run/configmaps/trusted-ca-bundle/tls-ca-bundle.pem ]; then
        echo "Copying system trust bundle"
        cp -f /var/run/configmaps/trusted-ca-bundle/tls-ca-bundle.pem /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem
      exec openshift-apiserver start --config=/var/run/configmaps/config/config.yaml -v=2
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       PodInitializing
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
      cpu:        100m
      memory:     200Mi
    Liveness:     http-get https://:8443/healthz delay=30s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=3
    Readiness:    http-get https://:8443/healthz delay=0s timeout=1s period=10s #success=1 #failure=10
    Environment:  <none>
      /var/lib/kubelet/config.json from node-pullsecrets (ro)
      /var/log/openshift-apiserver from audit-dir (rw)
      /var/run/configmaps/audit from audit (rw)
      /var/run/configmaps/config from config (rw)
      /var/run/configmaps/etcd-serving-ca from etcd-serving-ca (rw)
      /var/run/configmaps/image-import-ca from image-import-ca (rw)
      /var/run/configmaps/trusted-ca-bundle from trusted-ca-bundle (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/encryption-config from encryption-config (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/etcd-client from etcd-client (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from openshift-apiserver-sa-token-2hbdx (ro)
      /var/run/secrets/serving-cert from serving-cert (rw)
    Container ID:  
    Image:         quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:cff3766265459fcee9114fc7dfe4de72251e708a90a98f9fccf72818b0bb0178
    Image ID:      
    Port:          17698/TCP
    Host Port:     0/TCP
    State:          Waiting
      Reason:       PodInitializing
    Ready:          False
    Restart Count:  0
      cpu:     10m
      memory:  50Mi
      POD_NAME:       apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz (v1:metadata.name)
      POD_NAMESPACE:  openshift-apiserver (v1:metadata.namespace)
      /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from openshift-apiserver-sa-token-2hbdx (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       False 
  Ready             False 
  ContainersReady   False 
  PodScheduled      True 
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /var/lib/kubelet/config.json
    HostPathType:  File
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      config
    Optional:  false
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      audit-2
    Optional:  false
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  etcd-client
    Optional:    false
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      etcd-serving-ca
    Optional:  false
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      image-import-ca
    Optional:  true
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  serving-cert
    Optional:    false
    Type:      ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
    Name:      trusted-ca-bundle
    Optional:  true
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  encryption-config-2
    Optional:    true
    Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
    Path:          /var/log/openshift-apiserver
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  openshift-apiserver-sa-token-2hbdx
    Optional:    false
QoS Class:       Burstable
Node-Selectors:  node-role.kubernetes.io/master=
Tolerations:     node-role.kubernetes.io/master:NoSchedule
                 node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute for 120s
                 node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute for 120s
  Type     Reason                  Age                   From                                Message
  ----     ------                  ----                  ----                                -------
  Warning  FailedScheduling        <unknown>                                                 0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 3 node(s) didn't match pod anti-affinity rules.
  Warning  FailedScheduling        <unknown>                                                 0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 3 node(s) didn't match pod anti-affinity rules.
  Warning  FailedScheduling        <unknown>                                                 0/3 nodes are available: 3 node(s) didn't match pod affinity/anti-affinity, 3 node(s) didn't match pod anti-affinity rules.
  Normal   Scheduled               <unknown>                                                 Successfully assigned openshift-apiserver/apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz to mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  6m57s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  6m45s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id 751bf733f1ac692992bc798c6dd398264c33d475d13b5678bed958d22a4c5391: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  6m33s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id 67c7ae3d36e1c73cf7dd14003c8e15f026aa2ae0303e23d249b233a4224d876f: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  6m19s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id 802568f90a5e54d4e03e3f0b02cc9f3e0bd9511a8d051ab96adfebc463c95b25: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  6m5s                  kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id bba00dc595d3acb03a61db38a8a952e1865017c38e42ad59f94c9ca949a3ad7f: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m54s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id 11f1162de654f1b8221fb6a9285245725b0d427d8414b312c62a9e5e486e7481: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m39s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id fa12b37df015e77e5aa60ea7222b4c603d47436869d3470ca0ef7167b8fc08d4: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m25s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id 6a18db3736d69969970b74ee19d3b5ab862dcddd3009aeab2246a2563a24eaec: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m10s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id a6a1bcd63e43b0cf04b9953210acff6b339c5ae18d85d7b85a93986123c4fac9: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  86s (x17 over 4m56s)  kubelet, mrnd-13-46-2nbs4-master-0  (combined from similar events): Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_apiserver-7d995cb749-jhhwz_openshift-apiserver_9dc37c02-4e93-4d6f-a6ae-c9a518b87f3b_0 for id c65fb95981a7e26a5d574ad6c193bfbcb1ab4450e34770e0d0393178e88ced0f: name is reserved

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Install default IPI on OSP cluster
2.Watch for installation to finish

Actual results:
Pod initialization takes to much time to complete

Expected results:

Additional info:

Comment 1 Peter Hunt 2020-09-23 15:54:32 UTC
can you get the crio and kubelet logs when this was happening?

Comment 3 Peter Hunt 2020-09-24 14:13:29 UTC
I am seeing a lot of 
`Multus: [openshift-kube-scheduler/installer-3-mrnd-16-46-un-ghfk7-master-0]: PollImmediate error waiting for ReadinessIndicatorFile: timed out waiting for the condition`
`Error while removing pod from CNI network \"multus-cni-network\": netplugin failed with no error message: context deadline exceeded`

I believe the issues are due to network plugins not responding to cri-o's requests

Multus team, can you PTAL

Comment 4 Douglas Smith 2020-09-24 14:53:41 UTC
This needs an error message improvement (change upstream pending), but, when this happens:

Multus: [openshift-apiserver/apiserver-c549ffd8d-65qr5]: PollImmediate error waiting for ReadinessIndicatorFile: timed out waiting for the condition

This means that Multus timed out waiting for the default network provider to be ready (typically openshift-sdn or OVN)

David, do you have the must-gather, or specifically the logs for the ovn-k or openshift-sdn pods? (depending on deployment type)

Comment 10 Ben Bennett 2020-09-25 20:49:30 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 1785399 ***

Comment 12 David Sanz 2020-09-29 08:35:22 UTC
We hint this bug on more than 20% of installation on OSP 16, we need to retarget it to 4.6.

Comment 13 Andrew Stoycos 2020-09-30 14:06:33 UTC
@David Can you attach the OVS pod logs as well? (A complete must-gather would be even better if possible). We need to determine for sure whether this is a network plugin issue or something deeper (i.e related to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1785399)

Comment 14 Andrew Stoycos 2020-09-30 14:56:29 UTC
Please make sure to try and recreate this with a nightly build newer than 4.6.0-0.nightly-2020-09-30-091659, some OVS daemon changes went in that could fix any Network plugin timeout issues.

Comment 15 David Sanz 2020-10-01 10:14:50 UTC
Using 4.6.0-0.nightly-2020-10-01-070841, problems about creating pods are extended to:

NAMESPACE                                          NAME                                                     READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
openshift-controller-manager                       controller-manager-49x9c                                 0/1     ContainerCreating   0          15m
openshift-etcd                                     installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1                 0/1     ContainerCreating   0          11m
openshift-kube-apiserver                           installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1                 0/1     ContainerCreating   0          12m
openshift-kube-controller-manager                  installer-5-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1                 0/1     ContainerCreating   0          11m
openshift-kube-scheduler                           installer-6-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1                 0/1     ContainerCreating   0          11m

All with the same error:

  Type     Reason                  Age                   From                                   Message
  ----     ------                  ----                  ----                                   -------
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m53s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m41s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id c771d2dc56335f6e2bc7efa8437d9f08ea57d099df5df2320600d588799840b0: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m27s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id e9dc5e2d3a7ea633d350ba1f239ee8c924d04401dd63f2854baa806ed485bf6c: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m16s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id 40f0e89543abd727664eed9cbf14e3314abea72373e075fb285873434744e84c: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  5m4s                  kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id 3a063c50ccecad975a199d28859f1effffd997d07b66dd19d7657c039cee04c3: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  4m49s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id 9fbf2ed500945c4f1e1909d80786d2ca050f9b72d8e0c1311c681a85908a19fb: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  4m34s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id 52261871bcc83af63b858cd29a3525c8dc9f68c7a992d92dec855e8808de3528: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  4m20s                 kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id 7df244d61562b1d8b58d2fea8587b177d55e1b4ccd58801943f28aedfeaf1d0e: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  4m6s                  kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id eaff66c932d468fab8e09634ef22629e3f6bde4278534619dc47c492ca923afd: name is reserved
  Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  33s (x17 over 3m51s)  kubelet, mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1  (combined from similar events): Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id 4189986ed0f143c3e660eb1eed4c43979447b6c3fd2773b97663dfcd3acd0b9f: name is reserved

[morenod@morenod-laptop ~]$ oc get pods -A -o wide | grep ovs | grep master-1
openshift-sdn                                      ovs-twn2g                                                1/1     Running             0          22m   mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1         <none>           <none>

[morenod@morenod-laptop ~]$ oc logs -f ovs-twn2g -n openshift-sdn
openvswitch is running in systemd
==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:49:11.733Z|00007|dpdk|INFO|DPDK Disabled - Use other_config:dpdk-init to enable
2020-10-01T09:49:11.738Z|00008|bridge|INFO|ovs-vswitchd (Open vSwitch) 2.13.2
2020-10-01T09:49:52.166Z|00009|memory|INFO|50044 kB peak resident set size after 40.5 seconds
2020-10-01T09:50:12.599Z|00001|vlog|INFO|opened log file /var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log
2020-10-01T09:50:12.646Z|00002|ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 8 CPU cores on NUMA node 0
2020-10-01T09:50:12.646Z|00003|ovs_numa|INFO|Discovered 1 NUMA nodes and 8 CPU cores
2020-10-01T09:50:12.646Z|00004|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connecting...
2020-10-01T09:50:12.646Z|00005|reconnect|INFO|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: connected
2020-10-01T09:50:12.648Z|00006|dpdk|INFO|DPDK Disabled - Use other_config:dpdk-init to enable
2020-10-01T09:50:12.651Z|00007|bridge|INFO|ovs-vswitchd (Open vSwitch) 2.13.2

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:50:12.413Z|00005|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#1: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:50:12.413Z|00006|reconnect|WARN|unix#1: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)
2020-10-01T09:50:12.424Z|00007|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#2: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:50:12.424Z|00008|reconnect|WARN|unix#2: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)
2020-10-01T09:50:12.455Z|00009|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#4: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:50:12.455Z|00010|reconnect|WARN|unix#4: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)
2020-10-01T09:50:13.188Z|00011|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#9: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:50:13.188Z|00012|reconnect|WARN|unix#9: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)
2020-10-01T09:50:22.348Z|00013|memory|INFO|7580 kB peak resident set size after 10.0 seconds
2020-10-01T09:50:22.348Z|00014|memory|INFO|cells:39 monitors:3 sessions:2
2020-10-01T09:51:24.275Z|00015|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#11: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:51:24.275Z|00016|reconnect|WARN|unix#11: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)
2020-10-01T09:51:24.289Z|00017|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#12: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:51:24.289Z|00018|reconnect|WARN|unix#12: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:24.298Z|00008|memory|INFO|50320 kB peak resident set size after 71.7 seconds
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00009|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports recirculation
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00010|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: VLAN header stack length probed as 2
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00011|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: MPLS label stack length probed as 1
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00012|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports truncate action
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00013|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports unique flow ids
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00014|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports clone action
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00015|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Max sample nesting level probed as 10
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00016|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports eventmask in conntrack action
2020-10-01T09:51:24.313Z|00017|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_clear action
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00018|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Max dp_hash algorithm probed to be 0
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00019|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports check_pkt_len action
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00020|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath does not support timeout policy in conntrack action
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00021|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_state
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00022|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_zone
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00023|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_mark
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00024|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_label
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00025|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_state_nat
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00026|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_orig_tuple
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00027|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath supports ct_orig_tuple6
2020-10-01T09:51:24.314Z|00028|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system: Datapath does not support IPv6 ND Extensions
2020-10-01T09:51:24.352Z|00029|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface br0 on port 65534
2020-10-01T09:51:24.352Z|00030|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: using datapath ID 0000ba0052709f48
2020-10-01T09:51:24.353Z|00031|connmgr|INFO|br0: added service controller "punix:/var/run/openvswitch/br0.mgmt"
2020-10-01T09:51:24.400Z|00032|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vxlan0 on port 1
2020-10-01T09:51:24.425Z|00033|netdev|WARN|failed to set MTU for network device tun0: No such device
2020-10-01T09:51:24.428Z|00034|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface tun0 on port 2
2020-10-01T09:51:24.460Z|00035|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#3: 46 flow_mods in the last 0 s (46 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:24.490Z|00036|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#6: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:24.534Z|00037|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#10: 1 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:24.733Z|00038|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#18: 3 flow_mods in the last 0 s (3 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:24.756Z|00039|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#21: 1 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:24.778Z|00040|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#24: 3 flow_mods in the last 0 s (3 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:24.799Z|00041|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#27: 1 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:39.871Z|00042|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth2a690890 on port 3
2020-10-01T09:51:39.898Z|00043|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#30: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:39.943Z|00044|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#34: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:39.945Z|00045|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#36: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:39.968Z|00046|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth2fb158b1 on port 4
2020-10-01T09:51:40.000Z|00047|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#39: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.033Z|00019|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#33: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:51:40.033Z|00020|reconnect|WARN|unix#33: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.066Z|00048|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#43: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.066Z|00049|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#45: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.094Z|00050|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth5948b28d on port 5
2020-10-01T09:51:40.187Z|00051|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#48: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.228Z|00052|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#51: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.251Z|00053|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethbd70276f on port 6
2020-10-01T09:51:40.280Z|00054|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#54: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.288Z|00021|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#41: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:51:40.288Z|00022|reconnect|WARN|unix#41: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.320Z|00055|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#57: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.336Z|00056|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethbd096485 on port 7
2020-10-01T09:51:40.370Z|00057|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#60: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.412Z|00058|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#63: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.429Z|00059|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth26db4011 on port 8

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.435Z|00023|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#50: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:51:40.436Z|00024|reconnect|WARN|unix#50: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.456Z|00060|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#66: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.508Z|00061|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#69: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.529Z|00062|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth0079f7a1 on port 9
2020-10-01T09:51:40.566Z|00063|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#72: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.601Z|00064|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#75: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.619Z|00065|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth37a47698 on port 10
2020-10-01T09:51:40.646Z|00066|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#78: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.686Z|00067|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#81: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.710Z|00068|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth8795514d on port 11

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.718Z|00025|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#65: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:51:40.718Z|00026|reconnect|WARN|unix#65: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.739Z|00069|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#84: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.746Z|00027|reconnect|WARN|unix#66: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:40.778Z|00070|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#87: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.795Z|00071|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethbcb558e6 on port 12
2020-10-01T09:51:40.822Z|00072|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#90: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:40.860Z|00073|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#93: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.087Z|00074|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#96: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.111Z|00075|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#99: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.134Z|00076|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#102: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.155Z|00077|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#105: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.176Z|00078|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#108: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.199Z|00079|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#111: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.219Z|00080|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#114: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:41.241Z|00081|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#117: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:50.792Z|00082|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth4dc633cd on port 13
2020-10-01T09:51:50.861Z|00083|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#120: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:50.897Z|00028|jsonrpc|WARN|Dropped 1 log messages in last 10 seconds (most recently, 10 seconds ago) due to excessive rate
2020-10-01T09:51:50.897Z|00029|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#80: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:51:50.897Z|00030|reconnect|WARN|unix#80: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:50.964Z|00084|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#125: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:50.964Z|00085|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#126: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:50.994Z|00086|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethc4979dbf on port 14

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:51.007Z|00031|reconnect|WARN|unix#82: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:51.041Z|00087|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#129: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:51.051Z|00032|reconnect|WARN|unix#83: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:51:51.116Z|00088|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#133: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:51.126Z|00089|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#135: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:51.166Z|00090|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethbb634c38 on port 15
2020-10-01T09:51:51.210Z|00091|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#138: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:51.268Z|00092|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#141: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:51.303Z|00093|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethaaecf1e0 on port 16
2020-10-01T09:51:51.338Z|00094|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#144: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:51.389Z|00095|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#147: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:52.147Z|00096|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#150: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:57.969Z|00097|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth436a7322 on port 17
2020-10-01T09:51:58.008Z|00098|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#156: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:51:58.062Z|00099|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#161: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:51:58.062Z|00100|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#162: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:04.762Z|00101|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethb5aee088 on port 18
2020-10-01T09:52:04.796Z|00102|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#165: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:52:04.839Z|00103|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#168: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:09.086Z|00033|jsonrpc|WARN|Dropped 2 log messages in last 18 seconds (most recently, 18 seconds ago) due to excessive rate
2020-10-01T09:52:09.086Z|00034|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#111: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:52:09.086Z|00035|reconnect|WARN|unix#111: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:11.704Z|00104|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethb1c1441a on port 19
2020-10-01T09:52:11.750Z|00105|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#171: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:52:11.794Z|00106|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#175: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:11.839Z|00107|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth8e374e65 on port 20
2020-10-01T09:52:11.844Z|00108|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#177: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:11.869Z|00109|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#180: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:52:11.916Z|00110|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#184: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:11.918Z|00111|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#186: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:12.481Z|00112|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth8568d585 on port 21
2020-10-01T09:52:12.516Z|00113|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#189: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:52:12.555Z|00114|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#192: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:15.390Z|00115|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth4c170ca8 on port 22
2020-10-01T09:52:15.430Z|00116|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#195: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:52:15.479Z|00117|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#199: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:15.480Z|00118|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#201: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:19.591Z|00119|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth39e4529a on port 23
2020-10-01T09:52:19.644Z|00120|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#204: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:52:19.702Z|00121|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#208: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:19.707Z|00122|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#210: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:29.091Z|00036|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#142: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:52:29.092Z|00037|reconnect|WARN|unix#142: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:31.727Z|00123|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth897a989d on port 24
2020-10-01T09:52:31.754Z|00124|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#216: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:52:31.801Z|00125|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#221: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:31.801Z|00126|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#222: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:33.795Z|00127|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethafc8bcb3 on port 25
2020-10-01T09:52:33.823Z|00128|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#225: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:33.835Z|00038|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#151: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:52:33.835Z|00039|reconnect|WARN|unix#151: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:33.863Z|00129|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#228: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:33.884Z|00130|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#231: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:33.910Z|00131|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#234: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:52:33.936Z|00132|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth897a989d on port 24

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:34.059Z|00040|reconnect|WARN|unix#158: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:43.771Z|00133|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethdc5f58f2 on port 26

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:43.781Z|00041|jsonrpc|WARN|Dropped 1 log messages in last 9 seconds (most recently, 9 seconds ago) due to excessive rate
2020-10-01T09:52:43.781Z|00042|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#161: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:52:43.781Z|00043|reconnect|WARN|unix#161: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:43.803Z|00134|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#237: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:43.812Z|00044|reconnect|WARN|unix#162: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T09:52:43.827Z|00045|reconnect|WARN|unix#164: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:52:43.850Z|00135|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#240: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:04.284Z|00136|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth9bd50ac5 on port 27
2020-10-01T09:53:04.322Z|00137|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#246: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:53:04.381Z|00138|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#250: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:04.382Z|00139|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#252: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:10.727Z|00140|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#255: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:10.778Z|00141|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#258: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:10.806Z|00142|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth9bd50ac5 on port 27
2020-10-01T09:53:15.323Z|00143|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth1c283b07 on port 28
2020-10-01T09:53:15.353Z|00144|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#261: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:53:15.402Z|00145|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#266: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:15.403Z|00146|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#267: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:22.557Z|00147|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#270: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:22.567Z|00046|jsonrpc|WARN|Dropped 2 log messages in last 39 seconds (most recently, 39 seconds ago) due to excessive rate
2020-10-01T09:53:22.567Z|00047|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#190: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:53:22.567Z|00048|reconnect|WARN|unix#190: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:22.591Z|00148|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#273: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:22.608Z|00049|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#192: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:53:22.608Z|00050|reconnect|WARN|unix#192: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:22.624Z|00149|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface vethafc8bcb3 on port 25
2020-10-01T09:53:28.863Z|00150|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#280: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:28.876Z|00051|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#198: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:53:28.876Z|00052|reconnect|WARN|unix#198: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:28.899Z|00151|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#283: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:28.911Z|00053|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#199: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:53:28.911Z|00054|reconnect|WARN|unix#199: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T09:53:28.916Z|00055|reconnect|WARN|unix#200: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T09:53:28.923Z|00056|reconnect|WARN|unix#201: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:28.927Z|00152|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth1c283b07 on port 28
2020-10-01T09:53:34.309Z|00153|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth67d0ca3b on port 29
2020-10-01T09:53:34.341Z|00154|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#286: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:53:34.387Z|00155|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#289: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:35.274Z|00156|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethfe2f5c8e on port 30
2020-10-01T09:53:35.305Z|00157|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#292: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:35.314Z|00057|reconnect|WARN|unix#212: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:53:35.348Z|00158|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#295: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:40.917Z|00159|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#298: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:40.944Z|00160|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#301: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:40.972Z|00161|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface vethfe2f5c8e on port 30
2020-10-01T09:53:46.492Z|00162|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth1a2006db on port 31
2020-10-01T09:53:46.528Z|00163|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#304: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:53:46.576Z|00164|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#308: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:46.578Z|00165|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#310: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:52.983Z|00166|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#313: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:53.018Z|00167|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#316: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:53.054Z|00168|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth1a2006db on port 31
2020-10-01T09:53:57.111Z|00169|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethd9416ca6 on port 32
2020-10-01T09:53:57.143Z|00170|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#322: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:53:57.185Z|00171|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#325: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:53:59.900Z|00172|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethf04d93fc on port 33
2020-10-01T09:53:59.950Z|00173|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#328: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:54:00.022Z|00174|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#332: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:00.031Z|00175|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#334: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:02.042Z|00176|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#337: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:02.084Z|00177|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#340: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:02.120Z|00178|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface vethd9416ca6 on port 32
2020-10-01T09:54:03.108Z|00179|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethde136a96 on port 34
2020-10-01T09:54:03.144Z|00180|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#343: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:54:03.199Z|00181|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#348: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:03.201Z|00182|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#349: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds, 1 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:10.089Z|00183|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#352: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:10.138Z|00184|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#355: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:10.182Z|00185|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface vethde136a96 on port 34
2020-10-01T09:54:11.190Z|00186|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface vethdd44deb6 on port 35
2020-10-01T09:54:11.232Z|00187|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#358: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:54:11.254Z|00058|jsonrpc|WARN|Dropped 3 log messages in last 43 seconds (most recently, 36 seconds ago) due to excessive rate
2020-10-01T09:54:11.254Z|00059|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#267: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:54:11.254Z|00060|reconnect|WARN|unix#267: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:54:11.295Z|00188|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#361: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:17.201Z|00189|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#364: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:17.242Z|00190|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#367: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:17.283Z|00191|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface vethdd44deb6 on port 35
2020-10-01T09:54:32.673Z|00192|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth310031aa on port 36
2020-10-01T09:54:32.712Z|00193|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#373: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:54:32.753Z|00194|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#376: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:38.266Z|00195|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#379: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:38.305Z|00196|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#382: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:38.347Z|00197|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth310031aa on port 36
2020-10-01T09:54:43.331Z|00198|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#385: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:43.361Z|00199|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#388: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:54:43.391Z|00200|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth67d0ca3b on port 29

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:55:59.069Z|00061|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#318: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:55:59.069Z|00062|reconnect|WARN|unix#318: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:56:03.133Z|00201|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth76fa0912 on port 37
2020-10-01T09:56:03.170Z|00202|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#401: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:56:03.209Z|00203|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#404: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:56:08.667Z|00204|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#407: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:56:08.712Z|00205|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#410: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:56:08.739Z|00206|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth76fa0912 on port 37
2020-10-01T09:56:14.959Z|00207|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#413: 3 flow_mods in the last 0 s (3 adds)
2020-10-01T09:56:14.982Z|00208|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#416: 1 flow_mods in the last 0 s (1 adds)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:56:44.090Z|00063|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#339: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:56:44.091Z|00064|reconnect|WARN|unix#339: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.log <==
2020-10-01T09:57:07.348Z|00209|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: added interface veth896712d7 on port 38
2020-10-01T09:57:07.385Z|00210|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#425: 5 flow_mods in the last 0 s (5 adds)
2020-10-01T09:57:07.435Z|00211|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#428: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:57:12.965Z|00212|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#431: 2 flow_mods in the last 0 s (2 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:57:12.999Z|00213|connmgr|INFO|br0<->unix#434: 4 flow_mods in the last 0 s (4 deletes)
2020-10-01T09:57:13.027Z|00214|bridge|INFO|bridge br0: deleted interface veth896712d7 on port 38

==> /host/var/log/openvswitch/ovsdb-server.log <==
2020-10-01T09:57:54.112Z|00065|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#367: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:57:54.112Z|00066|reconnect|WARN|unix#367: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T09:58:25.126Z|00067|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#377: receive error: Connection reset by peer
2020-10-01T09:58:25.127Z|00068|reconnect|WARN|unix#377: connection dropped (Connection reset by peer)
2020-10-01T09:59:49.092Z|00069|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#398: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T09:59:49.092Z|00070|reconnect|WARN|unix#398: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:01:59.073Z|00071|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#434: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:01:59.073Z|00072|reconnect|WARN|unix#434: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:02:34.080Z|00073|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#443: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:02:34.081Z|00074|reconnect|WARN|unix#443: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:02:44.079Z|00075|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#445: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:02:44.079Z|00076|reconnect|WARN|unix#445: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:04:44.079Z|00077|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#477: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:04:44.080Z|00078|reconnect|WARN|unix#477: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:05:39.078Z|00079|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#492: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:05:39.078Z|00080|reconnect|WARN|unix#492: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:07:04.073Z|00081|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#515: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:07:04.074Z|00082|reconnect|WARN|unix#515: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:10:29.078Z|00083|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#570: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:10:29.078Z|00084|reconnect|WARN|unix#570: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:13:29.070Z|00085|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#618: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:13:29.071Z|00086|reconnect|WARN|unix#618: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:13:59.067Z|00087|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#626: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:13:59.067Z|00088|reconnect|WARN|unix#626: connection dropped (Broken pipe)
2020-10-01T10:14:04.072Z|00089|jsonrpc|WARN|unix#627: send error: Broken pipe
2020-10-01T10:14:04.072Z|00090|reconnect|WARN|unix#627: connection dropped (Broken pipe)

Comment 16 Andrew Stoycos 2020-10-01 14:46:56 UTC
Thanks David, 

OVS looks like it is up which points away from the problems seen in the previously attached CRIO logs, 

-> `Sep 24 08:29:53 mrnd-16-46-un-ghfk7-master-0 hyperkube[1795]: I0924 08:26:28.415967   36036 ovs.go:158] Error executing ovs-ofctl: ovs-ofctl: /var/run/openvswitch/br0.mgmt: failed to open socket (Connection refused)
Sep 24 08:29:53 mrnd-16-46-un-ghfk7-master-0 hyperkube[1795]: F0924 08:26:28.416008   36036 cmd.go:111] Failed to start sdn: node SDN setup failed: timed out waiting for the condition`

Can you post the CRIO + Kublet logs for this current scenario as well?

Comment 17 Dan Williams 2020-10-01 20:12:25 UTC
@david if you can get ovnkube-node and ovn-controller container logs for the "Kubelet may be retrying requests that are timing out in CRI-O due to system load: error reserving pod name k8s_installer-3-mrnd-13-46-un-8b9v5-master-1_openshift-etcd_4c126433-9d7c-4a2e-a613-53b29464157d_0 for id c771d2dc56335f6e2bc7efa8437d9f08ea57d099df5df2320600d588799840b0: name is reserved" failures too, that would be very useful.

Comment 19 Dan Williams 2020-10-02 04:55:56 UTC
(In reply to Joseph Callen from comment #18)
> Was just going through failures in vsphere getting similar issues as
> comment: #15 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1881868#c15)
> https://gcsweb-ci.apps.ci.l2s4.p1.openshiftapps.com/gcs/origin-ci-test/logs/
> periodic-ci-openshift-release-master-ocp-4.6-e2e-vsphere/1311643284136792064/
> artifacts/e2e-vsphere/ipi-install-vsphere/
> See log bundle.

That bundle only has one of those messages:

control-plane/ 01 12:37:36 ci-op-v038cp0k-0aec4-sl2sd-master-1 hyperkube[1887]: I1001 12:37:36.202218    1887 event.go:291] "Event occurred" object="openshift-controller-manager/controller-manager-zjddx" kind="Pod" apiVersion="v1" type="Warning" reason="FailedCreatePodSandBox" message="Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error reading container (probably exited) json message: EOF"

But the container is only in the API for *0.5* seconds, so no wonder we're getting error messages, because kubelet/CRIO/etc can't work that fast:

control-plane/ 01 12:37:34 ci-op-v038cp0k-0aec4-sl2sd-master-1 hyperkube[1887]: I1001 12:37:34.001806    1887 config.go:383] Receiving a new pod "controller-manager-zjddx_openshift-controller-manager(1cc59d45-b264-4563-b8ad-95e05efbccc7)"
control-plane/ 01 12:37:34 ci-op-v038cp0k-0aec4-sl2sd-master-1 hyperkube[1887]: I1001 12:37:34.002098    1887 kubelet.go:1834] SyncLoop (ADD, "api"): "controller-manager-zjddx_openshift-controller-manager(1cc59d45-b264-4563-b8ad-95e05efbccc7)"
control-plane/ 01 12:37:34 ci-op-v038cp0k-0aec4-sl2sd-master-1 hyperkube[1887]: I1001 12:37:34.332308    1887 kuberuntime_manager.go:425] No sandbox for pod "controller-manager-zjddx_openshift-controller-manager(1cc59d45-b264-4563-b8ad-95e05efbccc7)" can be found. Need to start a new one
control-plane/ 01 12:37:34 ci-op-v038cp0k-0aec4-sl2sd-master-1 hyperkube[1887]: I1001 12:37:34.332556    1887 kuberuntime_manager.go:724] Creating PodSandbox for pod "controller-manager-zjddx_openshift-controller-manager(1cc59d45-b264-4563-b8ad-95e05efbccc7)"
control-plane/ 01 12:37:34 ci-op-v038cp0k-0aec4-sl2sd-master-1 hyperkube[1887]: I1001 12:37:34.525839    1887 kubelet.go:1850] SyncLoop (DELETE, "api"): "controller-manager-zjddx_openshift-controller-manager(1cc59d45-b264-4563-b8ad-95e05efbccc7)"

Messages should be harmless though, and the pod should get retried. If it doesn't get retried, that is a kubelet (or operator) bug.

Comment 22 David Sanz 2020-10-02 11:50:51 UTC
Created attachment 1718422 [details]
last crio and kubelet

Comment 23 Dan Williams 2020-10-02 13:23:40 UTC
(In reply to David Sanz from comment #22)
> Created attachment 1718422 [details]
> last crio and kubelet

Any chance to grab the sdn-ovs and sdn containers (instead of ovnkube-node)?

Comment 26 Dan Winship 2020-10-02 20:03:50 UTC
So are all OSP installs failing for everyone? If not, what is there that makes your OSP installs different from the ones that succeed?

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