Bug 1891603 - dnf system upgrade error: kernel-srpm-macros-1.0-3.fc33 not allowing redhat-rpm-config install
Summary: dnf system upgrade error: kernel-srpm-macros-1.0-3.fc33 not allowing redhat-r...
Alias: None
Product: Fedora
Classification: Fedora
Component: kernel-srpm-macros
Version: 33
Hardware: x86_64
OS: Linux
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Troy Dawson
QA Contact: Fedora Extras Quality Assurance
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2020-10-26 19:41 UTC by Mark Palmeri
Modified: 2020-11-10 17:22 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Last Closed: 2020-11-10 17:22:33 UTC
Type: Bug

Attachments (Terms of Use)

Description Mark Palmeri 2020-10-26 19:41:53 UTC
Description of problem:  When trying to do a dnf system upgrade from Fedora 32 -> 33, the following error blocks the upgrade:

 Problem: package python-srpm-macros-3.9-10.fc33.noarch requires redhat-rpm-config, but none of the providers can be installed
  - problem with installed package python-srpm-macros-3-59.fc32.noarch
  - package redhat-rpm-config-172-1.fc33.noarch requires kernel-srpm-macros, but none of the providers can be installed
  - redhat-rpm-config-150-1.fc32.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - python-srpm-macros-3-59.fc32.noarch does not belong to a distupgrade repository
  - package kernel-srpm-macros-1.0-3.fc33.noarch is filtered out by exclude filtering

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:
10 of 20 Fedora 32 workstations encountered the same upgrade error; several hours of debugging did not highlight a reason why some systems had this error while others did not.  All systems have been serially updated using dnf from F29 -> F30 -> F31 -> F32 over the years.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. dnf upgrade --refresh (and reboot if necessary)
2. dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade (not needed on these system from previous upgrades)
3. dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=33

Actual results:
Upgrade failed with error message above.

Expected results:
System upgrade to F33 using dnf system-upgrade reboot.

Additional info:
One one test system, I forced the upgrade with an --allowerasing flag, which allows the system to upgrade, but then hit multiple problems trying to install packages that were removed because of the same kernel-srpm-macros and redhat-rpm-config problems (not being able to install them).

Comment 1 Troy Dawson 2020-11-10 16:31:10 UTC
Looking at the following line
"package kernel-srpm-macros-1.0-3.fc33.noarch is filtered out by exclude filtering"

I am guessing that you have something like
in one, or many of your repo files in /etc/yum.repos.d/ and/or in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

Is this the case?

Comment 2 Mark Palmeri 2020-11-10 16:39:33 UTC
You are 100% correct.  dnf.conf had that option set (not sure how/who did that at some point in the system's history).

Thanks for the insight... that has brought closure to a lot of frustration and now will let the dnf-based system upgrade to proceed on other systems that were affected.

Comment 3 Troy Dawson 2020-11-10 17:19:48 UTC
Good to hear.
Are we ok closing this bug then?

Comment 4 Mark Palmeri 2020-11-10 17:22:33 UTC
Absolutely; close away!

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