Bug 1909690 - [MSTR-1130] Management Console logout fails to invalidate the token if there is no clusterrolebinding/system:oauth-token-deleters which is deprecated and to be future removed by the enhancement doc
Summary: [MSTR-1130] Management Console logout fails to invalidate the token if there ...
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Container Platform
Classification: Red Hat
Component: Management Console
Version: 4.8
Hardware: All
OS: All
Target Milestone: ---
: 4.8.0
Assignee: Jakub Hadvig
QA Contact: Yadan Pei
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2020-12-21 12:16 UTC by pmali
Modified: 2023-03-09 01:00 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
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Last Closed: 2023-03-09 01:00:28 UTC
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Description pmali 2020-12-21 12:16:15 UTC
Description of problem:

For testing MSTR-1130, deleted system:oauth-token-deleters, then 
oc Management console logout fails to invalidate the token even if the request deletes oauthaccesstoken tokenname

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Login to web console
2. Check `oc get oauthaccesstoken`
3. In web console, press F12, click "Network" tab, select the request and go to 'cookies' tab. Get the 'openshift-session-token'. then log out from web console. Check `oc get oauthaccesstoken` again.
4. On Cli, run oc whoami --token=<token>, Should not show username.
5, On cli, run  oc login --token=<token>, should not login

Actual results:

Got token from broswer cookie : sha256~0sFP760XZXlWyEhZ-CRs2CDjCog13vuMqyQ********

On CLI : 

$ oc whoami --token=sha256~0sFP760XZXlWyEhZ-CRs2CDjCog13vuMqyQ********

Logout from Console. Can see openshift-session-token	""  (blank)

On CLI : 

$ oc whoami --token=sha256~0sFP760XZXlWyEhZ-CRs2CDjCog13vuMqyQ********

$ oc login --token=sha256~0sFP760XZXlWyEhZ-CRs2CDjCog13vuMqyQ********
Logged into "https://api...." as "testuser-44" using the token provided.

Expected results:

$ oc whoami --token=sha256~0sFP760XZXlWyEhZ-CRs2CDjCog13vuMqyQ********
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

$ oc login --token=sha256~0sFP760XZXlWyEhZ-CRs2CDjCog13vuMqyQ********
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)

Additional info:

In the logout (no matter oc or console or any other) should use useroauthaccesstoken instead of oauthaccesstoken due to the clusterrolebinding is deprecated and will be removed soon in next 4.8 version

Comment 1 Jakub Hadvig 2020-12-23 16:13:38 UTC
We did not have time to fix this issue this sprint. Will reevaluate and try to fix in next sprint.

Comment 2 Jakub Hadvig 2021-01-15 18:37:22 UTC
Working on fixing this issue currently.

Comment 3 Jakub Hadvig 2021-01-19 10:03:19 UTC
I wasn't able to reproduce the issue in 4.7.0-0.nightly-2021-01-17-211555 cluster, both for kubeadmin and regular user  created via htpasswd.

For both I've seen the "Unauthorized" message after I've logged out.

"Error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)"

Comment 4 Xingxing Xia 2021-01-19 10:48:43 UTC
The report was not well/clear described for audiences that are not familiar with it.

Comment 5 Xingxing Xia 2021-01-19 10:52:54 UTC
Below re-describes it:

Description of problem:
The 4.7 MSTR-1130 story doc https://github.com/openshift/enhancements/blob/master/enhancements/authentication/allow-users-to-manage-their-own-tokens.md says: the release notes must mention the deprecation of the system:oauth-token-deleters clusterrolebinding and its removal in 4.n+1... Any other self-management of tokens ... should happen by using the new useroauthaccesstoken ... In 4.n+1, the system:oauth-token-deleters clusterrolebinding will be deleted

Thus, for one thing announced as deprecated in current pre-release (and to be deleted in next release), we need ensure nothing is broken in case it is deleted. But it makes logout broken per below steps.

Steps to Reproduce:
$ oc get clusterrolebinding system:oauth-token-deleters -o yaml > clusterrolebinding_system_oauth-token-deleters.bak.yaml
$ oc delete clusterrolebinding system:oauth-token-deleters

2. Login to web console with normal user testuser-41, and remember the oauthaccesstoken:
$ oc get oauthaccesstoken
sha256~MvIjfsu5VS8c4w6ENFkVDWSS4ISbUAWqNCvBOB-BVn8   testuser-41   console       2021-01-19T10:12:43Z   2021-01-20 10:12:43 +0000 UTC   https://console-openshift-console.apps..../auth/callback   user:full

3. Open browser debugging console (in Firefox open it via Ctrl+Shift+K) to watch requests in its "Network" tab, then log out from web console. In "Network" tab, copy the token from "Cookie: openshift-session-token=sha256~Hh-yBhK..."

4. After logged out, check if it is still valid:

And check if corrresponding oauthaccesstoken still exists.

Actual results:
4. Still valid:
$ oc login --token sha256~Hh-yBhK... --kubeconfig new.kubeconfig --server `oc whoami --show-server`
Logged into "https://...:6443" as "testuser-41" using the token provided.
$ oc get oauthaccesstoken
sha256~MvIjfsu5VS8c4w6ENFkVDWSS4ISbUAWqNCvBOB-BVn8   testuser-41   console       2021-01-19T10:12:43Z   2021-01-20 10:12:43 +0000 UTC   https://console-openshift-console.apps..../auth/callback   user:full

Expected results:
4. The cause is, after clusterrolebinding/system:oauth-token-deleters is deleted, the logout loses authorization to delete the oauth token.
We need fix in favor of useroauthaccesstoken during logout as per above story doc. No matter oc logout or web console logout etc. oc has separate bug.

Comment 6 Jakub Hadvig 2021-01-19 15:13:13 UTC
Based on the description this is an 4.8 issue, not 4.7.
Moving since the `oc` itself will deal with the change of the endpoint in 4.8 as well - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1909153

Comment 7 Standa Laznicka 2021-01-25 12:44:30 UTC
we decided not to pursue this direction - https://github.com/openshift/enhancements/pull/591

Comment 8 Yanni 2022-04-15 14:31:46 UTC
This issue is recreated on OCP 4.9. I log on to OpenShift UI, I save the token from the cookie (visible in Browser developer tool), I click logout button to log out. I still can log in successfully using oc login command with the saved token.

Comment 11 Shiftzilla 2023-03-09 01:00:28 UTC
OpenShift has moved to Jira for its defect tracking! This bug can now be found in the OCPBUGS project in Jira.


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