Bug 1956611 - OLM CRD schema validation failing against CRs where the value of a string field is a blank string
Summary: OLM CRD schema validation failing against CRs where the value of a string fie...
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Container Platform
Classification: Red Hat
Component: OLM
Version: 4.8
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: 4.8.0
Assignee: Kevin Rizza
QA Contact: kuiwang
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2021-05-04 04:29 UTC by James Harrington
Modified: 2021-07-27 23:06 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2021-07-27 23:06:09 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Github openshift operator-framework-olm pull 70 0 None open Bug 1956611: Fix CR validation bug on go 1.16 2021-05-04 19:20:45 UTC
Github operator-framework operator-lifecycle-manager pull 2136 0 None open Fix CR validation bug 2021-05-04 15:08:06 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2021:2438 0 None None None 2021-07-27 23:06:25 UTC

Description James Harrington 2021-05-04 04:29:23 UTC
Description of problem:

It appears that OLM validation of CRs against CRDs fails if the value of a string field is a blank string ie `""` 

See the below explanation. 

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):



Validate that the CRD schema is the same from master as on cluster (in case the CRD is stale)

MachinePool CRD from master openshift/hive

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift/hive/master/config/crds/hive.openshift.io_machinepools.yaml | docker run --rm -i quay.io/app-sre/yq:3.4.1 yq r - "spec.validation.openAPIV3Schema.properties.spec.properties.labels"
  type: string
description: Map of label string keys and values that will be applied to the created MachineSet's MachineSpec. This list will overwrite any modifications made to Node labels on an ongoing basis.
type: object

MachinePool CRD in the bundle (version matches the CSV name - see installplan)

curl -s https://xxxxxxxx/saas-hive-operator-bundle/-/raw/staging/hive/0.1.2834-sha2e18329/hive.openshift.io_machinepools.yaml | docker run --rm -i quay.io/app-sre/yq:3.4.1 yq r - "spec.validation.openAPIV3Schema.properties.spec.properties.labels"
  type: string
description: Map of label string keys and values that will be applied to the created MachineSet's MachineSpec. This list will overwrite any modifications made to Node labels on an ongoing basis.
type: object

MachinePool CRD on hive

$ oc get crd machinepools.hive.openshift.io -o json | jq '.spec.versions[].schema.openAPIV3Schema.properties.spec.properties.labels'      
  "additionalProperties": {
    "type": "string"
  "description": "Map of label string keys and values that will be applied to the created MachineSet's MachineSpec. This list will overwrite any modifications made to Node labels on an ongoing basis.",
  "type": "object"

Look at the failed installplan:

oc get installplan install-p4hmh -n hive -o json | jq '.status.conditions[] | select(.reason=="InstallComponentFailed")'
  "lastTransitionTime": "2021-05-03T16:21:42Z",
  "lastUpdateTime": "2021-05-03T16:21:42Z",
  "message": "error validating existing CRs against new CRD's schema: machinepools.hive.openshift.io: error validating custom resource against new schema &apiextensions.CustomResourceValidation{OpenAPIV3Schema:(*apiextensions.JSONSchemaProps)(0xc034ffbe00)}: [].spec.labels.node-role.kubernetes.io/infra: Invalid value: \"null\": spec.labels.node-role.kubernetes.io/infra in body must be of type string: \"null\"",
  "reason": "InstallComponentFailed",
  "status": "False",
  "type": "Installed"

Installplan http://file.rdu.redhat.com/jaharrin/install-p4hmh.json

MachinePool API .spec defines the label pool as follows

Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`


OSD clusters are created with two MachinePools one “worker” which have a `null` `.spec.labels` field since its not specified (should be legal given the above) and all other “infra” which have the the label `node-role.kubernetes.io/infra` defined as “” which should also be legal. 


oc get machinepools --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.metadata.name|match("vkareh-sts")) | {"name": .metadata.name, "labels": .spec.labels}' | more
  "name": "vkareh-sts-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "vkareh-sts-worker",
  "labels": null

I am able to apply the machinepool with the blank string without hitting a validation issue in the API.

  "apiVersion": "hive.openshift.io/v1",
  "kind": "MachinePool",
  "metadata": {
    "labels": {
      "api.openshift.com/id": "1kep9mkvjg986je99q2uf3ffohbqvq7g"
    "name": "vkareh-sts-infra",
    "namespace": "uhc-vkareh-1kep9mkvjg986je99q2uf3ffohbqvq7g"
  "spec": {
    "clusterDeploymentRef": {
      "name": "vkareh-sts"
    "labels": {
      "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
      "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
    "name": "infra",
    "platform": {
      "aws": {
        "rootVolume": {
          "iops": 100,
          "size": 300,
          "type": "gp2"
        "type": "r5.xlarge",
        "zones": [
    "replicas": 2,
    "taints": [
        "effect": "NoSchedule",
        "key": "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra"

Applying the above:

oc apply -f vkareh-machine-pools-infra.json 
machinepool.hive.openshift.io/vkareh-sts-infra configured

The error in the installplan condition “error validating existing CRs against new CRD's schema” suggests that the validation is failing https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/blob/908aa611e789a12ce2194868bc12d76eed2eba3c/pkg/controller/operators/catalog/operator.go#L1601-L1603 and looking at the `ValidatingCustomResource` function https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/blob/1a5375b2aca63e2bcad7a83c303d7d7fe5bb8edf/vendor/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/validation/validation.go#L47 its using the dynamic client to pass an unstructured object (interface) to the validation. Could that be omitting the blank string value during the serialization process? Or maybe its the kube validation. 

Given all the above this is my best guess at what the issue is.

I wasn't able to determine from the OLM/Catalog pod logs/installplan which MachinePool CR the installplan was failing on (assuming it was the first). For reference all MachinePool CR's configured with the `.spec.labels[""] have the value set to a blank string

oc get machinepools --all-namespaces -o json | jq '.items[] | select(.spec.labels!=null) | {"name": .metadata.name, "labels": .spec.labels}'       
  "name": "osde2e-hwlrn-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "osde2e-m7z3g-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "mnairn-fake-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "priya-ut9-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "test-fake1-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "test-fake2-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "test-fake6-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "test-fake7-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "priya-stage-9-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "pri-test-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "priya-stage-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "tavni-aws94-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "vkareh-sts-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""
  "name": "zgalor-gcp-infra",
  "labels": {
    "node-role.kubernetes.io": "infra",
    "node-role.kubernetes.io/infra": ""


Actual results:

OLM installplan fails sighting CRD schema validation errors

Expected results:

OLM successfully validates existing CRs against the CRD schema

Additional info:

Catalog pod logs: http://file.rdu.redhat.com/jaharrin/catalog-operator-9d9d85bd9-7sn4j.log
OLM pod logs: http://file.rdu.redhat.com/jaharrin/olm-operator-7d748dd9d9-gsjxm.log

Comment 1 Devan Goodwin 2021-05-04 12:47:25 UTC
Tests conducted on a fresh 4.8.0 cluster to try to demonstrate that OLM is rejecting a CRD because there's a CR using a map[string]string where one of the values is empty string (which is valid data), when kubernetes itself will allow that CR successfully.

This can be tested easily with Hive without needing to provision clusters or do any major configuration.

First subscribe to an old version of Hive:

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1    
kind: Subscription    
  name: hive-sub    
  namespace: openshift-operators    
  channel: alpha                   
  name: hive-operator              
  source: community-operators      
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace          
  installPlanApproval: Manual    
  startingCSV: hive-operator.v1.0.19

kubectl -n openshift-operators patch installplan install-dc4fv -p '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' --type merge

I now have my Hive CRDs installed:

❯ kg crd | grep machinepools
machinepools.hive.openshift.io                                    2021-05-04T12:19:08Z

We don't need any real data here, we can just create a MachinePool that isn't linked to a real cluster and nothing will happen in hive. This machine pool has a spec.label with an empty string value.

apiVersion: hive.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachinePool
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: f1-worker
  namespace: default
    node-role.kubernetes.io: infra
    node-role.kubernetes.io/infra: ""
    name: f1
  name: worker
        iops: 100
        size: 22
        type: gp2
      type: m4.xlarge
  replicas: 3
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: node-role.kubernetes.io/infra

❯ k apply -f myconfig/machinepool-empty-label.yaml
machinepool.hive.openshift.io/f1-worker created

Everything worked fine. Now lets try to upgrade to a newer Hive bundle by approving the next installplan that was automatically created:

❯ kg installplan
NAME            CSV                     APPROVAL   APPROVED
install-d26wv   hive-operator.v1.1.0    Manual     false
install-dc4fv   hive-operator.v1.0.19   Manual     true

❯ kg installplan install-d26wv -o yaml

This shows:
  message: 'error validating existing CRs against new CRD''s schema: machinepools.hive.openshift.io:
    error validating custom resource against new schema &apiextensions.CustomResourceValidation{OpenAPIV3Schema:(*apiextensions.JSONSchemaProps)(0xc015cc9800)}:
    [].spec.labels.node-role.kubernetes.io/infra: Invalid value: "null": spec.labels.node-role.kubernetes.io/infra
    in body must be of type string: "null"'

CSV now stuck:

❯ kg csv
NAME                    DISPLAY                      VERSION   REPLACES                PHASE
hive-operator.v1.0.19   Hive for Red Hat OpenShift   1.0.19    hive-operator.v1.0.18   Replacing
hive-operator.v1.1.0    Hive for Red Hat OpenShift   1.1.0     hive-operator.v1.0.19   Pending

Lets delete the machinepool and see if we can update the Hive OLM bundle:

❯ k delete machinepool -n default f1-worker

The installplan didn't seem to want to try again after 10 minutes or so, so I deleted my subscription and CSVs to try again.

Reapply subscription, approve old version, let it install, then approve latest version. (this time with no "bad" CR in etcd, yet)

We now have the latest hive installed:

❯ kg csv
NAME                   DISPLAY                      VERSION   REPLACES                PHASE
hive-operator.v1.1.0   Hive for Red Hat OpenShift   1.1.0     hive-operator.v1.0.19   Succeeded

Now lets apply our "bar" CR and see if Kube is ok with it:

❯ k apply -f myconfig/machinepool-empty-label.yaml                                                           
machinepool.hive.openshift.io/f1-worker created

I believe this indicates there is a problem with the validation OLM is doing where it's rejecting valid CRD updates, which Kube would not.

We desperately could use a workaround here if possible.

Comment 3 Ankita Thomas 2021-05-04 16:14:55 UTC
The PR is against the upstream repository, we'd need it merged there and pulled downstream.

Comment 6 kuiwang 2021-05-08 09:59:35 UTC

[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get pod -n openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
catalog-operator-6f7dcb85cb-s2ncl   1/1     Running   0          32m
olm-operator-74cc8c4bdc-xdftq       1/1     Running   0          32m
packageserver-d96c94dd5-4ptws       1/1     Running   0          30m
packageserver-d96c94dd5-vtxf6       1/1     Running   0          30m
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc exec catalog-operator-6f7dcb85cb-s2ncl -n openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager -- olm --version
OLM version: 0.17.0
git commit: 9498948b664cdc43ab11581b77bbf1d9e5264692
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get clusterversion
NAME      VERSION                             AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
version   4.8.0-0.nightly-2021-05-08-025039   True        False         16m     Cluster version is 4.8.0-0.nightly-2021-05-08-025039
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# cat sub.yaml 
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1    
kind: Subscription    
  name: hive-sub    
  namespace: openshift-operators    
  channel: alpha                   
  name: hive-operator              
  source: community-operators      
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace          
  installPlanApproval: Manual    
  startingCSV: hive-operator.v1.0.19
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc apply -f sub.yaml 
subscription.operators.coreos.com/hive-sub created
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get ip -n openshift-operators
NAME            CSV                     APPROVAL   APPROVED
install-dxmm8   hive-operator.v1.0.19   Manual     false
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc -n openshift-operators patch installplan install-dxmm8 -p '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' --type merge
installplan.operators.coreos.com/install-dxmm8 patched
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get ip -n openshift-operators
NAME            CSV                     APPROVAL   APPROVED
install-dxmm8   hive-operator.v1.0.19   Manual     true
install-zj7cb   hive-operator.v1.1.0    Manual     false
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get csv -n openshift-operators
NAME                    DISPLAY                      VERSION   REPLACES                PHASE
hive-operator.v1.0.19   Hive for Red Hat OpenShift   1.0.19    hive-operator.v1.0.18   Succeeded
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get crd | grep machinepools
machinepools.hive.openshift.io                                    2021-05-08T09:51:16Z
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# cat cr.yaml 
apiVersion: hive.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachinePool
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: f1-worker
  namespace: default
    node-role.kubernetes.io: infra
    node-role.kubernetes.io/infra: ""
    name: f1
  name: worker
        iops: 100
        size: 22
        type: gp2
      type: m4.xlarge
  replicas: 3
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: node-role.kubernetes.io/infra
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc apply -f cr.yaml 
machinepool.hive.openshift.io/f1-worker created
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get MachinePool
f1-worker   worker     f1                  3
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get MachinePool f1-worker -o yaml
apiVersion: hive.openshift.io/v1
kind: MachinePool
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  creationTimestamp: "2021-05-08T09:53:20Z"
  generation: 1
  name: f1-worker
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "38334"
  uid: f46ec58b-d92d-4cac-8ed2-dfd4cb4ad9b6
    name: f1
    node-role.kubernetes.io: infra
    node-role.kubernetes.io/infra: ""
  name: worker
        iops: 100
        size: 22
        type: gp2
      type: m4.xlarge
  replicas: 3
  - effect: NoSchedule
    key: node-role.kubernetes.io/infra
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 

[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc -n openshift-operators patch installplan install-zj7cb  -p '{"spec":{"approved":true}}' --type merge
installplan.operators.coreos.com/install-zj7cb patched
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get ip -n openshift-operators
NAME            CSV                     APPROVAL   APPROVED
install-dxmm8   hive-operator.v1.0.19   Manual     true
install-zj7cb   hive-operator.v1.1.0    Manual     true
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get ip install-zj7cb -n openshift-operators -o yaml
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: InstallPlan
  creationTimestamp: "2021-05-08T09:51:17Z"
  generateName: install-
  generation: 2
    operators.coreos.com/hive-operator.openshift-operators: ""
  name: install-zj7cb
  namespace: openshift-operators
  - apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    blockOwnerDeletion: false
    controller: false
    kind: Subscription
    name: hive-sub
    uid: f0a03a20-dbe3-4027-8baf-ba808cb3bcc2
  resourceVersion: "39128"
  uid: 3c7ee83e-8be8-4386-afdb-840f9f3d2288
  approval: Manual
  approved: true
  - hive-operator.v1.1.0
  generation: 2
  - catalogSourceRef:
      name: community-operators
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
    identifier: hive-operator.v1.1.0
  - resolving: hive-operator.v1.1.0
      group: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
      kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      manifest: '{"kind":"ConfigMap","name":"26e5fa87dc5e412cf0af5e2820356a92ecf83031f5b9b832abc110b5485cc62","namespace":"openshift-marketplace","catalogSourceName":"community-operators","catalogSourceNamespace":"openshift-marketplace","replaces":"hive-operator.v1.0.19","properties":"{\"properties\":[{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"HiveConfig\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterClaim\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterState\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterImageSet\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"SelectorSyncSet\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"MachinePool\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterPool\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterDeprovision\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"SyncIdentityProvider\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"Checkpoint\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterProvision\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hiveinternal.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterSyncLease\",\"version\":\"v1alpha1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"DNSZone\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterDeployment\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"SyncSet\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterRelocate\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"MachinePoolNameLease\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hiveinternal.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"ClusterSync\",\"version\":\"v1alpha1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.gvk\",\"value\":{\"group\":\"hive.openshift.io\",\"kind\":\"SelectorSyncIdentityProvider\",\"version\":\"v1\"}},{\"type\":\"olm.package\",\"value\":{\"packageName\":\"hive-operator\",\"version\":\"1.1.0\"}}]}"}'
      name: hive-operator.v1.1.0-687dbf574d
      sourceName: community-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      version: v1
    status: Created
  startTime: "2021-05-08T09:55:03Z"
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# oc get csv -n openshift-operators
NAME                   DISPLAY                      VERSION   REPLACES                PHASE
hive-operator.v1.1.0   Hive for Red Hat OpenShift   1.1.0     hive-operator.v1.0.19   Succeeded
[root@preserve-olm-env 1956611]# 


Comment 10 errata-xmlrpc 2021-07-27 23:06:09 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory (Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.2 bug fix and security update), and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.