Until now, the creation of a new validation was done with a standalone Ansible playbook: $ cd tripleo-validations $ export NEWROLENAME=my_new_validation $ ansible-playbook -i localhost, role-addition.yml -e role_name=${NEWROLENAME} The role-addition.yml playbook should be migrated to an Ansible role called validation_init, including the following features: 1- One or multiple Molecule scenario(s) to validate the functioning of the latter 2- Being able to create a new validation for development purpose (with sphinx documentation and CI molecule job configuration) 3- Being able to create a new validation without the sphinx documentation and CI parts to allow operators/customers to create their own custom validations through the CLI in a near future. To create a new validation (point 2 above), the process will be the following: $ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-validations $ cd tripleo-validations $ export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="${PWD}/roles" $ export NEWROLENAME=my_new_val $ ansible-playbook -i localhost, role-addition.yml -e validation_init_role_name=my_new_val By default, the new role will be created in tripleo-validations/roles/tripleo_my_new_val directory from a skeleton and one playbook will be added in tripleo-validations/playbooks/tripleo-my-new-val.yaml. It will also add a new job entry into the zuul.d/molecule.yaml: - job: files: - ^roles/tripleo_my_new_val/.* - ^tests/prepare-test-host.yml - ^ci/playbooks/pre.yml - ^ci/playbooks/run.yml - ^molecule-requirements.txt name: tripleo-validations-centos-8-molecule-tripleo_my_new_val parent: tripleo-validations-centos-8-base vars: tripleo_validations_role_name: tripleo_my_new_val And the job name will be added into the check and gate section at the top of the molecule.yaml file. - project: check: jobs: - tripleo-validations-centos-8-molecule-tripleo_my_new_val gate: jobs: - tripleo-validations-centos-8-molecule-tripleo_my_new_val Finally it will add a role documentation file at doc/source/roles/role-tripleo_my_new_val.rst To create a new validation (point 3 above), the process will be the following: $ git clone https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-validations $ cd tripleo-validations $ export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="${PWD}/roles" $ export NEWROLENAME=my_new_val $ ansible-playbook -i localhost, role-addition.yml -e validation_init_role_name=my_new_val -e validation_init_enabling_ci=false Only the new role and the new playbook will be created: - tripleo-validations/roles/tripleo_my_new_val - tripleo-validations/playbooks/tripleo-my-new-val.yaml No modification in zuul.d/molecule.yaml will be done and no doc/source/roles/role-tripleo_my_new_val.rst file will be created.
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (Release of components for Red Hat OpenStack Platform 17.0 (Wallaby)), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report. https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHEA-2022:6543