Bug 1982294 - OLM fails with 'ResolutionFailed' found multiple channel heads
Summary: OLM fails with 'ResolutionFailed' found multiple channel heads
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Container Platform
Classification: Red Hat
Component: OLM
Version: 4.7
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: 4.8.z
Assignee: Kevin Rizza
QA Contact: Jian Zhang
Depends On: 1981832
Blocks: 1989712
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2021-07-14 16:06 UTC by Kevin Rizza
Modified: 2021-08-27 15:51 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: If docs needed, set a value
Doc Text:
Clone Of: 1981832
: 1989712 (view as bug list)
Last Closed: 2021-08-27 15:51:53 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Github openshift operator-framework-olm pull 118 0 None open [release-4.8] Bug 1982294: Fix for resolution error on channels with deprecated inner entries. 2021-07-22 17:50:38 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2021:2983 0 None None None 2021-08-10 11:29:27 UTC

Description Kevin Rizza 2021-07-14 16:06:07 UTC
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1981832 +++

Created attachment 1801144 [details]
Warning logs

Created attachment 1801144 [details]
Warning logs

Description of problem:

When installing AMQ Streams operator via OperatorHub, the install hangs and never completes. The follow error is given:
I0710 01:13:39.895527       1 event.go:282] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Namespace", Namespace:"", Name:"openshift-operators", UID:"e0ddaf02-3c94-4c2a-b274-4664d9a75ed1", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"1941", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Warning' reason: 'ResolutionFailed' found multiple channel heads: [amqstreams.v1.7.2 amqstreams.v1.6.2], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles

How reproducible:

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install AMQ Streams v1.6.2 via OperatorHub using the `amq-streams-1.6.x` channel
2. Upgrade to AMQ Streams v1.7.2 by switching the channel to `stable`, `amq-streams-1.7.x`, or `amq-streams-1.x`.

Actual results:

The AMQ Streams installation hangs and never completes

Expected results:

The AMQ Streams installation completes, installing AMQ Stream v1.7.2

Additional info:

Looks similar/potentially related to the following tickets [1] [2].

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1969902#c7
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1942522

--- Additional comment from Kevin Rizza on 2021-07-13 19:08:18 UTC ---

--- Additional comment from Kevin Rizza on 2021-07-13 20:03:56 UTC ---

After reviewing this, I actually believe that this issue and the bz I marked as a duplicate are unrelated. This issue appears to be due to the deprecated property, which wasn't being handled correctly by OLM on cluster. There's already a fix upstream for that issue: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/pull/2154 that still needs to be pulled down.

Reopening this bz to track that change making its way downstream, and marking the target release as 4.9.0

--- Additional comment from  on 2021-07-14 13:27:15 UTC ---

This fix will still be backported to OCP 4.7, correct?

--- Additional comment from Kevin Rizza on 2021-07-14 16:03:59 UTC ---

Yes, it just needs to make its way back via the ocp backporting process.

This has also made its way into master, marking this as modified.

Comment 2 Jian Zhang 2021-07-26 08:12:39 UTC
1, Install an OCP cluster that contains the fixed PR.

[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get clusterversion
NAME      VERSION                             AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
version   4.8.0-0.nightly-2021-07-24-211147   True        False         29m     Cluster version is 4.8.0-0.nightly-2021-07-24-211147

[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc -n openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager exec deploy/catalog-operator -- olm --version
OLM version: 0.17.0
git commit: 0e121cb2620547040ef455874d9c7a70e1533f2f

2, Create a CatalogSource that consumes an index image that contains the AMQ Stream v1.6.2.

[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ cat cs-amq.yaml 
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSource
  name: amq-operators
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  displayName: Jian Operators
  image: quay.io/olmqe/rh-index:amq
  priority: -100
  publisher: Jian
  sourceType: grpc
      interval: 10m0s
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc create -f cs-amq.yaml 
catalogsource.operators.coreos.com/amq-operators created

[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get packagemanifest|grep Jian|grep amq
amq-broker                                           Jian Operators         3m50s
amq-broker-lts                                       Jian Operators         3m50s
amq-online                                           Jian Operators         3m50s
amq-broker-rhel8                                     Jian Operators         3m50s
amq7-interconnect-operator                           Jian Operators         3m50s
amq-streams                                          Jian Operators         3m50s

3, Subscribe to the amqstreams.v1.6.2.
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get sub -n default
NAME          PACKAGE       SOURCE          CHANNEL
amq-streams   amq-streams   amq-operators   amq-streams-1.6.x
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get ip -n default
NAME            CSV                 APPROVAL    APPROVED
install-95sft   amqstreams.v1.6.2   Automatic   true
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get csv -n default
NAME                             DISPLAY                             VERSION   REPLACES            PHASE
amqstreams.v1.6.2                Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams   1.6.2     amqstreams.v1.6.1   Installing
elasticsearch-operator.5.1.1-1   OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator    5.1.1-1                       Succeeded
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get csv -n default
NAME                             DISPLAY                             VERSION   REPLACES            PHASE
amqstreams.v1.6.2                Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams   1.6.2     amqstreams.v1.6.1   Succeeded
elasticsearch-operator.5.1.1-1   OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator    5.1.1-1                       Succeeded

4, Upgrade it to AMQ Streams v1.7.2 by switching the channel to `stable`.
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get sub -n default
NAME          PACKAGE       SOURCE          CHANNEL
amq-streams   amq-streams   amq-operators   stable

But, there is no v1.7.x install plan generated, but, it should be.
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get ip -n default
NAME            CSV                 APPROVAL    APPROVED
install-95sft   amqstreams.v1.6.2   Automatic   true

[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get ip -n default
NAME            CSV                 APPROVAL    APPROVED
install-95sft   amqstreams.v1.6.2   Automatic   true
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get csv -n default
NAME                             DISPLAY                             VERSION   REPLACES            PHASE
amqstreams.v1.6.2                Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams   1.6.2     amqstreams.v1.6.1   Succeeded
elasticsearch-operator.5.1.1-1   OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator    5.1.1-1                       Succeeded

No helpful info found in the Catalog-operator logs, but:
1541 time="2021-07-26T07:27:21Z" level=info msg=syncing event=update reconciling="*v1alpha1.Subscription" selflink=
1542 time="2021-07-26T07:27:22Z" level=info msg="error updating subscription status" channel=amq-streams-1.6.x error="Operation cannot be fulfi     lled on subscriptions.operators.coreos.com \"amq-streams\": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version      and try again" id=H2Xb5 namespace=default pkg=amq-streams source=amq-operators sub=amq-streams
1543 E0726 07:27:22.186569       1 queueinformer_operator.go:290] sync "default" failed: error updating Subscription status: Operation cannot b     e fulfilled on subscriptions.operators.coreos.com "amq-streams": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest ver     sion and try again

[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc get sub -n default amq-streams -o yaml
apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  creationTimestamp: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
  generation: 2
    operators.coreos.com/amq-streams.default: ""
  name: amq-streams
  namespace: default
  resourceVersion: "157444"
  uid: 53a123c9-c79b-4c56-969f-89125e325c17
  channel: stable
  installPlanApproval: Automatic
  name: amq-streams
  source: amq-operators
  sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
  startingCSV: amqstreams.v1.6.2
  - catalogSourceRef:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
      name: amq-operators
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      resourceVersion: "153252"
      uid: 83b81708-e6bf-492b-8a41-8e3f58d299a1
    healthy: true
    lastUpdated: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
  - catalogSourceRef:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
      name: certified-operators
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      resourceVersion: "152212"
      uid: 395735b0-ab35-4bb4-bf59-046e477914be
    healthy: true
    lastUpdated: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
  - catalogSourceRef:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
      name: community-operators
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      resourceVersion: "154640"
      uid: 03f59699-8e30-4285-8b91-fc789ab8c0f5
    healthy: true
    lastUpdated: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
  - catalogSourceRef:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
      name: qe-app-registry
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      resourceVersion: "150961"
      uid: 29a843b9-4fd9-454b-928b-471f33fc3037
    healthy: true
    lastUpdated: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
  - catalogSourceRef:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
      name: redhat-marketplace
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      resourceVersion: "153317"
      uid: 4179525d-e74d-47c2-b892-db6a69161535
    healthy: true
    lastUpdated: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
  - catalogSourceRef:
      apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
      kind: CatalogSource
      name: redhat-operators
      namespace: openshift-marketplace
      resourceVersion: "153366"
      uid: 1e6a7f69-85a8-4fb6-ab34-5011a6877e98
    healthy: true
    lastUpdated: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-07-26T07:27:01Z"
    message: all available catalogsources are healthy
    reason: AllCatalogSourcesHealthy
    status: "False"
    type: CatalogSourcesUnhealthy
  currentCSV: amqstreams.v1.6.2
  installPlanGeneration: 1
    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: InstallPlan
    name: install-95sft
    namespace: default
    resourceVersion: "155243"
    uid: 68bc4c2f-2503-4884-982d-6a2151076479
  installedCSV: amqstreams.v1.6.2
    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: InstallPlan
    name: install-95sft
    uuid: 68bc4c2f-2503-4884-982d-6a2151076479
  lastUpdated: "2021-07-26T07:31:24Z"
  state: UpgradeAvailable

[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ oc cp amq-operators-jq5cn:/database/index.db bug.db
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ 
[cloud-user@preserve-olm-env jian]$ sqlite3 bug.db 
SQLite version 3.26.0 2018-12-01 12:34:55
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .header on
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .table
api                channel            deprecated         properties       
api_provider       channel_entry      operatorbundle     related_image    
api_requirer       dependencies       package            schema_migrations
sqlite> select * from channel_entry;
6331                  amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.2                                             6332        0         
6332                  amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.1                                             6333        1         
6333                  amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.0                                             6334        2         
6334                  amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.3                                             6335        3         
6335                  amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.2                                                         4         
6336                  stable                amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.2                                             6337        0         
6337                  stable                amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.1                                             6338        1         
6338                  stable                amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.0                                             6339        2         
6339                  stable                amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.3                                             6340        3         
6340                  stable                amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.2                                                         4         
6341                  amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.2                                             6342        0         
6342                  amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.1                                             6343        1         
6343                  amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.7.0                                             6344        2         
6344                  amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.3                                             6345        3         
6345                  amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.2                                                         4         
6346                  amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.2                                             6347        0         
6347                  amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.1                                             6348        1         
6348                  amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.6.0                                             6349        2         
6349                  amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams                                         amqstreams.v1.5.4                                                         3

Comment 3 Kevin Rizza 2021-07-29 13:16:58 UTC
Moving this back to MODIFIED. Jian, the test you're doing is not valid. There are additional properties at play beyond what's described in the channel_entry table, and the version you have installed 1.6.2 is marked as deprecated and there's no valid upgrade edge that the on cluster OLM resolver will actually act on. There's no error message in this case because that's just expected behavior from the resolver and OLM. See this thread for more details:


Comment 5 Jian Zhang 2021-07-30 08:17:29 UTC
Hi Kevin,

> There are additional properties at play beyond what's described in the channel_entry table, and the version you have installed 1.6.2 is marked as deprecated and there's no valid upgrade edge that the on cluster OLM resolver will actually act on.

I only find the amqstreams.v1.6.3 is deprecated in the "deprecated" table, not the v1.6.2. 

sqlite> select * from deprecated;

And, I subscribe to the "amqstreams.v1.6.2" from the "amq-streams-1.6.x" channel, and it works well. And then, I switch it to the `stable` channel, based on the below channel_entry table, it should be upgraded to the channel head: amqstreams.v1.7.2. Or am I missing something?

sqlite> select * from  channel_entry where package_name="amq-streams";
entry_id    channel_name          package_name  operatorbundle_name  replaces    depth     
----------  --------------------  ------------  -------------------  ----------  ----------
6331        amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.2    6332        0         
6332        amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.1    6333        1         
6333        amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.0    6334        2         
6334        amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.3    6335        3         
6335        amq-streams-1.x       amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.2                4         
6336        stable                amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.2    6337        0         
6337        stable                amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.1    6338        1         
6338        stable                amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.0    6339        2         
6339        stable                amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.3    6340        3         
6340        stable                amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.2                4         
6341        amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.2    6342        0         
6342        amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.1    6343        1         
6343        amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.7.0    6344        2         
6344        amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.3    6345        3         
6345        amq-streams-1.7.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.2                4         
6346        amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.2    6347        0         
6347        amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.1    6348        1         
6348        amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.6.0    6349        2         
6349        amq-streams-1.6.x     amq-streams   amqstreams.v1.5.4                3

Comment 6 Jian Zhang 2021-07-30 08:36:34 UTC
Hi Kevin, Ben

> fwiw the channel_entry table is not the source of truth for valid upgrade edges anymore in the olm resolver, what matters is the values of the skips skiprange and replaces fields on the bundle table, which OLM's resolver uses to recreate the graph at resolution tiime

Thanks for your clarification! This "replaces" field of the "channel_name" is really confusing for the users, if it doesn't indicate the upgrade path, can we fill in a new field for the upgrade path? Thanks! It's really helpful when checking the upgrade issue.

> these days i would have expected a clear resolutionfailed event text for this, but maybe i'm thinking of 4.9+ stuff
here is the catalog contents for the channel of the updated subscription:

Since the only upgrade path "amqstreams.v1.6.3" is deprecated, the "amqstreams.v1.6.2" would not be upgraded to the channel head: "amqstreams.v1.7.2". That make sense, but can we alert some warning in the logs for this scenario? Thanks!

Comment 7 Jian Zhang 2021-07-30 10:18:14 UTC
Verify it first since no `multiple channel heads` error was found.

Comment 8 Ben Luddy 2021-07-30 15:18:56 UTC
In this case, because it is an upgrade, there is no failure to report: not upgrading the current version is a successful result. That said, you should see a clear error when a resolution attempt fails due to deprecation. The easiest way to reproduce this would be to attempt directly installing the deprecated version via startingCSV in a namespace with nothing already installed. I just ran that scenario and see this:

resolution failed: constraints not satisfiable: subscription test-subscription requires test-catalogsource/test-namespace/stable/amqstreams.v1.6.3, subscription test-subscription exists, bundle test-catalogsource/test-namespace/stable/amqstreams.v1.6.3 is deprecated

Comment 10 kliberti 2021-08-03 18:26:02 UTC
Any updates on this ticket? I notice the ticket is in the "Verified" state, has the issue been resolved? If so, what is the ETA for this reaching OCP 4.7

Comment 13 errata-xmlrpc 2021-08-10 11:28:24 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory (Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.4 bug fix and security update), and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Comment 14 Simone Tiraboschi 2021-08-27 13:18:22 UTC
Moving back to assigned because I'm still getting this issue on OCP 4.8.5,
please see:

$ oc logs -n openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager  $(oc get pods -n openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager -l=app=catalog-operator -o name) | grep "found multiple channel heads" | wc -l
$ oc version
Client Version: 4.7.8
Server Version: 4.8.5
Kubernetes Version: v1.21.1+9807387

I see it on:

multiple channel heads: [kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v2.5.4 kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.8.1 kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v2.6.1], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
multiple channel heads: [kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v2.6.0 kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v2.6.5], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
multiple channel heads: [kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v4.8.0 kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v2.6.1 kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator.v2.5.2], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
multiple channel heads: [cert-utils-operator.v0.1.0 cert-utils-operator.v1.0.0 cert-utils-operator.v0.2.1 cert-utils-operator.v0.0.1 cert-utils-operator.v1.1.0 cert-utils-operator.v1.0.2 cert-utils-operator.v1.0.4], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
multiple channel heads: [cert-utils-operator.v1.0.3 cert-utils-operator.v0.0.1], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
 multiple channel heads: [crwoperator.v2.2.0 crwoperator.v2.6.0 crwoperator.v2.4.0 crwoperator.v2.10.1 crwoperator.v2.8.0], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
 multiple channel heads: [crwoperator.v2.3.0 crwoperator.v2.7.0], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
 multiple channel heads: [crwoperator.v2.4.0 crwoperator.v2.10.0 crwoperator.v2.1.1], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
 multiple channel heads: [crwoperator.v2.6.0 crwoperator.v2.9.0 crwoperator.v2.1.1], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
 multiple channel heads: [openshift-gitops-operator.v1.2.0 openshift-gitops-operator.v1.1.1], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles, found multiple channel heads: [web-terminal.v1.1.0 web-terminal.v1.3.0], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles]
multiple channel heads: [redhat-openshift-pipelines-operator.v1.2.3 redhat-openshift-pipelines.v1.4.0], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles
multiple channel heads: [web-terminal.v1.2.1 web-terminal.v1.1.0], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles

On a cluster with:

I think that in order to correctly reproduce this you have to install one of the aforementioned operators (kubevirt-hyperconverged-operator, cert-utils-operator, crwoperator, openshift-gitops-operator, redhat-openshift-pipelines-operator, web-terminal).

Comment 15 Ben Luddy 2021-08-27 15:51:53 UTC
Hi Simone, I've created a separate BZ for your report in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1998571. None of the packages mentioned in the errors you observe would have been affected by this bug, so there must be another problem.

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.