This is a tracking bug for Change: Boost 1.76 upgrade For more details, see: This change brings Boost 1.76 to Fedora. This will mean Fedora ships with a recent upstream Boost release. If you encounter a bug related to this Change, please do not comment here. Instead create a new bug and set it to block this bug.
Today is the "Code complete (testable)" deadline in the Fedora Linux 35 release schedule: If this Change is complete enough to be tested, please indicate this by setting this bug to the MODIFIED status. (If it is 100% complete, you can set it to ON_QA). If you wish to defer this Change to Fedora Linux 36, please needinfo bcotton.
On Tuesday, 24 August we reached the Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (100% complete). At this milestone all the F35 Changes should be fully complete, which is indicated by "ON_QA" status of a tracking bug. If you wish to defer this Change to F36, please needinfo bcotton
F35 was released today. Closing the trackers.