Bug 2018481 - [osp][octavia lb] Route shard not consistently served in a LoadBalancerService type IngressController
Summary: [osp][octavia lb] Route shard not consistently served in a LoadBalancerServic...
Alias: None
Product: OpenShift Container Platform
Classification: Red Hat
Component: Cloud Compute
Version: 4.9
Hardware: Unspecified
OS: Unspecified
Target Milestone: ---
: 4.12.0
Assignee: Michał Dulko
QA Contact: Jon Uriarte
Depends On:
TreeView+ depends on / blocked
Reported: 2021-10-29 13:06 UTC by Jon Uriarte
Modified: 2023-01-17 19:46 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

Fixed In Version:
Doc Type: No Doc Update
Doc Text:
Clone Of:
Last Closed: 2023-01-17 19:46:45 UTC
Target Upstream Version:

Attachments (Terms of Use)
must gather (12.23 MB, application/gzip)
2021-10-29 13:06 UTC, Jon Uriarte
no flags Details

System ID Private Priority Status Summary Last Updated
Github openshift openshift-docs pull 46245 0 None open Bug 2018481: OpenStack: Add note about ETP=Local and Octavia 2022-06-02 12:25:55 UTC
Red Hat Product Errata RHSA-2022:7399 0 None None None 2023-01-17 19:46:57 UTC

Description Jon Uriarte 2021-10-29 13:06:28 UTC
Created attachment 1838313 [details]
must gather

Description of problem:
A route is not consistently served in a LoadBalancerService type IngressController with a route selector.
The test creates a LoadBalancerService type IngressController with a route selector and then a route is
created matching the route selector label. Then the connectivity to the route is checked but the connection
is not consistent as it's returning "connection refused" sometimes.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
OCP 4.9.0-0.nightly-2021-10-27-202207
OSP 16.1.6 with Octavia and OVN provider

How reproducible: always

Steps to Reproduce:
## 1. Install OCP IPI with OVNKubernetes network type on top of OSP

## 2. Set the OVN Octavia provider in the cloud provider config
$ oc edit cm cloud-provider-config -n openshift-config
    use-octavia = True
    lb-provider = ovn          <---
    lb-method = SOURCE_IP_PORT <---

## 3. Wait until the config is applied (no nodes in unschedulable=true), it can take up to 20 minutes
$ oc get nodes --field-selector spec.unschedulable=true #until this returns no node

## 4. Create a new LoadBalancerService type IngressController with a label match (type=internal) route selector
$ cat ingress_controller_label.yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1
  kind: IngressController
    name: sharding-test-internal
    namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
    domain: sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
      type: LoadBalancerService
          node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: ""
        type: internal
  status: {}
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""
$ oc apply -f ingress_controller_label.yaml

## 5. Wait until the LB for the svc router-sharding-test-internal is created (save the route FIP for later use)
$ oc -n openshift-ingress get services/router-sharding-test-internal -o yaml
    - ip:  <---

## 6. Create a project, deployment, svc and a route with the label type=internal

$ oc new-project sharding-test-internal-ns
$ oc create deployment sharding-test-internal-dep --image=quay.io/kuryr/demo
$ oc scale deployments/sharding-test-internal-dep --replicas=2
$ oc expose deployment sharding-test-internal-dep --name sharding-test-internal-svc --port 80 --target-port=8080
$ oc expose service sharding-test-internal-svc --name test-sharding-internal-route -l type=internal --hostname=test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com

Check the router that will expose the host:
$ oc -n sharding-test-internal-ns describe route
Requested Host:     test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
                       exposed on router default (host router-default.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com) 11 seconds ago
                       exposed on router sharding-test-internal (host router-sharding-test-internal.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com) 10 seconds ago

## 7. Add to the /etc/hosts file
<ROUTE_FIP> test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com

## 8. Check connectivity to the route - the connection is not consistent as its returning "connection refused" sometimes
[stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ curl http://test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
sharding-test-internal-dep-6c64db5ddd-msw7c: HELLO! I AM ALIVE!!!
[stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ curl http://test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
curl: (7) Failed to connect to test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com port 80: Connection refused                                                                                                               
[stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ curl http://test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
curl: (7) Failed to connect to test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com port 80: Connection refused                                                                                                               
[stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ curl http://test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
sharding-test-internal-dep-6c64db5ddd-9nbs8: HELLO! I AM ALIVE!!!

Actual results:
Some requests to the route are refused.

Expected results:
Consistent HTTP responses.

Additional info:

ClusterID: 4ba1855f-7059-4791-85e7-fb0bacc22277
ClusterVersion: Stable at "4.9.0-0.nightly-2021-10-27-202207"
        All healthy and stable

$ oc -n sharding-test-internal-ns describe route
Name:                   test-sharding-internal-route
Namespace:              sharding-test-internal-ns
Created:                19 minutes ago
Labels:                 type=internal
Annotations:            <none>
Requested Host:         test.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
                           exposed on router default (host router-default.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com) 19 minutes ago
                           exposed on router sharding-test-internal (host router-sharding-test-internal.sharding-test-internal.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com) 19 minutes ago                                                       
Path:                   <none>
TLS Termination:        <none>
Insecure Policy:        <none>
Endpoint Port:          8080

Service:        sharding-test-internal-svc
Weight:         100 (100%)

$ oc -n sharding-test-internal-ns get pods -o wide
NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP            NODE                          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
sharding-test-internal-dep-6c64db5ddd-9nbs8   1/1     Running   0          21m   ostest-mhb5k-worker-0-98lpw   <none>           <none>
sharding-test-internal-dep-6c64db5ddd-msw7c   1/1     Running   0          21m    ostest-mhb5k-worker-0-lpsgc   <none>           <none>

$ oc -n openshift-ingress get pods
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
router-default-6f46648cd9-4np6p                  1/1     Running   0          38m
router-default-6f46648cd9-njqpr                  1/1     Running   0          41m
router-sharding-test-internal-7f66d49cbd-2b524   1/1     Running   0          20m
router-sharding-test-internal-7f66d49cbd-cgvj8   1/1     Running   0          20m

$ oc -n openshift-ingress logs router-sharding-test-internal-7f66d49cbd-2b524
I1029 12:28:53.578197       1 template.go:437] router "msg"="starting router"  "version"="majorFromGit: \nminorFromGit: \ncommitFromGit: 2d1e1f4bd413dd283c92638e23fae940ef4c1e54\nversionFromGit: 4.0.0-345-g2d1e1f4b\ngitTreeState: clean\nbuildDate: 2021-10-26T23:47:20Z\n"
I1029 12:28:53.584023       1 metrics.go:155] metrics "msg"="router health and metrics port listening on HTTP and HTTPS"  "address"=""
I1029 12:28:53.598462       1 router.go:191] template "msg"="creating a new template router"  "writeDir"="/var/lib/haproxy"
I1029 12:28:53.598691       1 router.go:273] template "msg"="router will coalesce reloads within an interval of each other"  "interval"="5s"
I1029 12:28:53.599140       1 router.go:337] template "msg"="watching for changes"  "path"="/etc/pki/tls/private"
I1029 12:28:53.599250       1 router.go:262] router "msg"="router is including routes in all namespaces"  
E1029 12:28:53.710688       1 haproxy.go:418] can't scrape HAProxy: dial unix /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock: connect: no such file or directory
I1029 12:28:53.761744       1 router.go:612] template "msg"="router reloaded"  "output"=" - Checking http://localhost:80 ...\n - Health check ok : 0 retry attempt(s).\n"
I1029 12:28:58.747902       1 router.go:612] template "msg"="router reloaded"  "output"=" - Checking http://localhost:80 ...\n - Health check ok : 0 retry attempt(s).\n"
I1029 12:31:26.177732       1 router.go:612] template "msg"="router reloaded"  "output"=" - Checking http://localhost:80 ...\n - Health check ok : 0 retry attempt(s).\n"

$ oc -n openshift-ingress logs router-sharding-test-internal-7f66d49cbd-cgvj8
I1029 12:28:54.607933       1 template.go:437] router "msg"="starting router"  "version"="majorFromGit: \nminorFromGit: \ncommitFromGit: 2d1e1f4bd413dd283c92638e23fae940ef4c1e54\nversionFromGit: 4.0.0-345-g2d1e1f4b\ngitTreeState: clean\nbuildDate: 2021-10-26T23:47:20Z\n"
I1029 12:28:54.614451       1 metrics.go:155] metrics "msg"="router health and metrics port listening on HTTP and HTTPS"  "address"=""
I1029 12:28:54.627379       1 router.go:191] template "msg"="creating a new template router"  "writeDir"="/var/lib/haproxy"
I1029 12:28:54.627506       1 router.go:273] template "msg"="router will coalesce reloads within an interval of each other"  "interval"="5s"
I1029 12:28:54.628020       1 router.go:337] template "msg"="watching for changes"  "path"="/etc/pki/tls/private"
I1029 12:28:54.628110       1 router.go:262] router "msg"="router is including routes in all namespaces"  
E1029 12:28:54.741040       1 haproxy.go:418] can't scrape HAProxy: dial unix /var/lib/haproxy/run/haproxy.sock: connect: no such file or directory
I1029 12:28:54.790612       1 router.go:612] template "msg"="router reloaded"  "output"=" - Checking http://localhost:80 ...\n - Health check ok : 0 retry attempt(s).\n"
I1029 12:31:26.513812       1 router.go:612] template "msg"="router reloaded"  "output"=" - Checking http://localhost:80 ...\n - Health check ok : 0 retry attempt(s).\n"

Comment 1 egarcia 2021-10-29 14:44:21 UTC
How reproducable is this? There could be a lot of reasons why this is happening. Is OVN stable in OpenStack? This is either an issue with OVN reliability in the cloud platform, or an openshift networking problem. All we do is provision resoures, and as far as I can tell, that has been done correctly, since you are able to reach the end service at least some of the time.

Comment 2 Jon Uriarte 2021-10-29 16:46:11 UTC
I forgot to say that the same test works with OpenshiftSDN and Kuryr, but not with OVNKubernetes so that can tell us that it's not underlying Openstack OVN.
It's reproducible almost 100% of the times.

Comment 4 Martin André 2021-11-10 16:49:52 UTC
Moving over to ovn-kubernetes as it's only happening with OVNKubernetes according to comment 2.

Comment 13 Mohamed Mahmoud 2022-01-19 12:54:46 UTC
svc is using ExternalTrafficPolicy set to local, the svc in use here has 2 Endpoints on node ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-4mwck and ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-p85j4 
when curl works the traffic hit one of those workers EP pod
it was noticed when curl fail the traffic goes to one of the master nodes as shown in the tcpdump traces 
oc debug node/ostest-cdmd8-master-0  
Starting pod/ostest-cdmd8-master-0-debug ...
To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
Pod IP:
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
sh-4.4# tcpdump -i any  host -nn -vvv
dropped privs to tcpdump
tcpdump: listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked v1), capture size 262144 bytes
12:50:16.190193 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 56587, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60) > Flags [S], cksum 0x77e6 (correct), seq 536703276, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 3505563049 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
12:50:16.191991 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 40) > Flags [R.], cksum 0xc862 (correct), seq 0, ack 536703277, win 0, length 0

so either Octiva LB doesn't support ETP local and we need to change it to cluster or Octiva LB has a bug when svc is ETP local it doesn't send the packets to the right nodes causing curl failure

Comment 14 Mohamed Mahmoud 2022-01-19 13:22:20 UTC
(In reply to Mohamed Mahmoud from comment #13)
> svc is using ExternalTrafficPolicy set to local, the svc in use here has 2
> Endpoints on node ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-4mwck and
> ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-p85j4 
> when curl works the traffic hit one of those workers EP pod
> it was noticed when curl fail the traffic goes to one of the master nodes as
> shown in the tcpdump traces 
> oc debug node/ostest-cdmd8-master-0  
> Starting pod/ostest-cdmd8-master-0-debug ...
> To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
> Pod IP:
> If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
> sh-4.4# tcpdump -i any  host -nn -vvv
> dropped privs to tcpdump
> tcpdump: listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked v1), capture
> size 262144 bytes
> 12:50:16.190193 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 56587, offset 0, flags [DF], proto
> TCP (6), length 60)
> > Flags [S], cksum 0x77e6
> (correct), seq 536703276, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val
> 3505563049 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
> 12:50:16.191991 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 63, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP
> (6), length 40)
> > Flags [R.], cksum 0xc862
> (correct), seq 0, ack 536703277, win 0, length 0
> so either Octiva LB doesn't support ETP local and we need to change it to
> cluster or Octiva LB has a bug when svc is ETP local it doesn't send the
> packets to the right nodes causing curl failure
or the worker node that doesn't have EP on all those causes curl will fail

Comment 15 Jon Uriarte 2022-01-19 14:31:27 UTC
Setting the ExternalTrafficPolicy to Cluster makes the curl work 100% of the times.

## 1. Create a new LoadBalancerService type IngressController:

$ cat ingress_controller_cluster.yaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: operator.openshift.io/v1
  kind: IngressController
    name: sharding-test-cluster
    namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
    domain: sharding-test-cluster.internalapps.apps.ostest.shiftstack.com
      type: LoadBalancerService
          node-role.kubernetes.io/worker: ""
        type: cluster
  status: {}
kind: List
  resourceVersion: ""
  selfLink: ""

$ oc apply -f ingress_controller_cluster.yaml

## 2. Check router pods are created
$ oc -n openshift-ingress get pods -o wide
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP             NODE                          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
router-default-84d67fb69f-b7hmn                  1/1     Running   0          26h   ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-4mwck   <none>           <none>
router-default-84d67fb69f-fftwp                  1/1     Running   0          26h   ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-jcwmq   <none>           <none>
router-sharding-test-cluster-9c9ff8898-fv6vq     1/1     Running   0          39m    ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-4mwck   <none>           <none>
router-sharding-test-cluster-9c9ff8898-x2bcg     1/1     Running   0          39m   ostest-cdmd8-worker-0-p85j4   <none>           <none>

## 3. Check router LB type svc is created
[stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ oc -n openshift-ingress get svc -o wide
NAME                                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)                      AGE    SELECTOR
router-internal-default                  ClusterIP    <none>         80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP      2d4h   ingresscontroller.operator.openshift.io/deployment-ingresscontroller=default
router-internal-sharding-test-cluster    ClusterIP     <none>         80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP      40m    ingresscontroller.operator.openshift.io/deployment-ingresscontroller=sharding-test-cluster
router-sharding-test-cluster             LoadBalancer   80:32661/TCP,443:32584/TCP   40m    ingresscontroller.operator.openshift.io/deployment-ingresscontroller=sharding-test-cluster

## 4. Check the LB IP
$ oc -n openshift-ingress get services/router-sharding-test-cluster -o yaml
    - ip:  <---

## 5. Check the router-sharding-test-cluster ExternalTrafficPolicy type
$ oc -n openshift-ingress describe svc router-sharding-test-cluster                                                                                                                                                     
Name:                     router-sharding-test-cluster                                                                                                                                                                                        
Namespace:                openshift-ingress                                                                                                                                                                                                   
Labels:                   app=router                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Annotations:              traffic-policy.network.alpha.openshift.io/local-with-fallback:                                                                                                                                                      
Selector:                 ingresscontroller.operator.openshift.io/deployment-ingresscontroller=sharding-test-cluster                                                                                                                          
Type:                     LoadBalancer                                                                                                                                                                                                        
IP Family Policy:         SingleStack                                                                                                                                                                                                         
IP Families:              IPv4                                                                                                                                                                                                                
LoadBalancer Ingress:                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Port:                     http  80/TCP                                                                                                                                                                                                       
TargetPort:               http/TCP                                                                                                                                                                                                           
NodePort:                 http  32661/TCP                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Endpoints:      ,   
Port:                     https  443/TCP
TargetPort:               https/TCP           
NodePort:                 https  32584/TCP                                                                           
Endpoints:      ,
Session Affinity:         None                 
External Traffic Policy:  Local               <<<<<<<<<
HealthCheck NodePort:     32413                                                                    
  Type    Reason                Age   From                Message               
  ----    ------                ----  ----                -------
  Normal  EnsuringLoadBalancer  92s   service-controller  Ensuring load balancer
  Normal  EnsuredLoadBalancer   51s   service-controller  Ensured load balancer

The svc was created with Local policy

## 6. The issue is reproduced at this point, curl works intermittently (note it's still with "External Traffic Policy:  Local")

## 7. Change External Traffic Policy to Cluster
$ oc -n openshift-ingress edit svc router-sharding-test-cluster              
service/router-sharding-test-cluster edited

$ oc -n openshift-ingress describe svc router-sharding-test-cluster
Name:                     router-sharding-test-cluster
Namespace:                openshift-ingress                  
Labels:                   app=router          
Annotations:              traffic-policy.network.alpha.openshift.io/local-with-fallback:                      
Selector:                 ingresscontroller.operator.openshift.io/deployment-ingresscontroller=sharding-test-cluster
Type:                     LoadBalancer                                                         
IP Family Policy:         SingleStack                                                          
IP Families:              IPv4                                           
LoadBalancer Ingress:                                                      
Port:                     http  80/TCP                                                                                                                                                                                                       
TargetPort:               http/TCP
NodePort:                 http  32661/TCP
Endpoints:      ,
Port:                     https  443/TCP
TargetPort:               https/TCP
NodePort:                 https  32584/TCP
Endpoints:      ,
Session Affinity:         None
External Traffic Policy:  Cluster               <<<<<<<<<
  Type    Reason                 Age                    From                Message
  ----    ------                 ----                   ----                -------
  Normal  EnsuringLoadBalancer   2m45s (x2 over 10m)    service-controller  Ensuring load balancer
  Normal  ExternalTrafficPolicy  2m45s                  service-controller  Local -> Cluster
  Normal  EnsuredLoadBalancer    2m44s (x2 over 9m19s)  service-controller  Ensured load balancer

## 8. The curl starts working 100% of the times

Comment 20 ShiftStack Bugwatcher 2022-02-17 07:04:24 UTC
Removing the Triaged keyword because:
* the QE automation assessment (flag qe_test_coverage) is missing

Comment 21 Michał Dulko 2022-02-24 16:50:28 UTC
How should this be solved? Is it expected that with ETP=local the LB created in Octavia will only include nodes with the Service pods? How can that be known by the cloud provider? Should it analyze the Service endpoints and check where the pods are placed? Normally we could use health monitors to solve this (members on nodes without pods would just be marked as down), but ovn-octavia-provider doesn't support them.

Comment 22 Michał Dulko 2022-02-25 11:26:12 UTC
Okay, I think that AWS and GCP cloud-providers solve this using health checks to make sure traffic is not directed to the nodes that will not answer. It's a pickle to solve this for ovn-octavia-provider as health monitors are not supported there yet. As an alternative we could attempt to only add these nodes that are hosting the Service pods to the LB, but that would require us to watch Pods, so it's not ideal as it's not really the model cloud provider interfaces are designed for.

At this moment I believe we should document that OVN LBs + ETP=Local won't work. Then in the cloud-provider we can attempt to implement an option to force Amphora for any Service that has ETP=Local.

Comment 24 Mohamed Mahmoud 2022-02-28 17:23:12 UTC
(In reply to Michał Dulko from comment #22)
> Okay, I think that AWS and GCP cloud-providers solve this using health
> checks to make sure traffic is not directed to the nodes that will not
> answer. It's a pickle to solve this for ovn-octavia-provider as health
> monitors are not supported there yet. As an alternative we could attempt to
> only add these nodes that are hosting the Service pods to the LB, but that
> would require us to watch Pods, so it's not ideal as it's not really the
> model cloud provider interfaces are designed for.
> At this moment I believe we should document that OVN LBs + ETP=Local won't
> work. Then in the cloud-provider we can attempt to implement an option to
> force Amphora for any Service that has ETP=Local.

this statement is not accurate we are able run with metallb LB with ETP local w/o any issues, again this is limitation with ovn octavia LB, and if you wanted to doc you that that is fine by me.
for ETP local to work LB should aim traffic to nodes that only have endpoint(s) that is the basic requirement for LB.

Comment 25 Michał Dulko 2022-03-01 12:27:03 UTC
(In reply to Mohamed Mahmoud from comment #24)
> (In reply to Michał Dulko from comment #22)
> > Okay, I think that AWS and GCP cloud-providers solve this using health
> > checks to make sure traffic is not directed to the nodes that will not
> > answer. It's a pickle to solve this for ovn-octavia-provider as health
> > monitors are not supported there yet. As an alternative we could attempt to
> > only add these nodes that are hosting the Service pods to the LB, but that
> > would require us to watch Pods, so it's not ideal as it's not really the
> > model cloud provider interfaces are designed for.
> > 
> > At this moment I believe we should document that OVN LBs + ETP=Local won't
> > work. Then in the cloud-provider we can attempt to implement an option to
> > force Amphora for any Service that has ETP=Local.
> this statement is not accurate we are able run with metallb LB with ETP
> local w/o any issues, again this is limitation with ovn octavia LB, and if
> you wanted to doc you that that is fine by me.
> for ETP local to work LB should aim traffic to nodes that only have
> endpoint(s) that is the basic requirement for LB.

Yeah, by "OVN LB" I meant LBs backed by Octavia and it's octavia-ovn-provider. It's quite confusing, I get that. ;)

Comment 26 Martin André 2022-03-24 08:56:12 UTC
BTW, I realized today that upstream cloud provider openstack has a note about this on the `create-monitor` option [1]:

create-monitor Indicates whether or not to create a health monitor for the service load balancer. A health monitor required for services that declare externalTrafficPolicy: Local. Default: false

The LB annotation documentation provides a bit more details [2]:

The health monitor can be created or deleted dynamically. A health monitor is required for services with externalTrafficPolicy: Local.

Not supported when lb-provider=ovn is configured in openstack-cloud-controller-manager.

If we were to set `create-monitor=true` for the in-tree cloud provider, we would also have to set the `monitor-delay`, `monitor-timeout`, and `monitor-max-retries` as well as they do not get default values there [3]. We would also have to force the amphora LB provider with `lb-provider=amphora`.

We should fix this in the docs.

[1] https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/blob/master/docs/openstack-cloud-controller-manager/using-openstack-cloud-controller-manager.md#load-balancer
[2] https://github.com/kubernetes/cloud-provider-openstack/blob/master/docs/openstack-cloud-controller-manager/expose-applications-using-loadbalancer-type-service.md#service-annotations
[3] https://kubernetes-docsy-staging.netlify.app/docs/concepts/cluster-administration/cloud-providers/#load-balancer

Comment 33 errata-xmlrpc 2023-01-17 19:46:45 UTC
Since the problem described in this bug report should be
resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a
resolution of ERRATA.

For information on the advisory (Moderate: OpenShift Container Platform 4.12.0 bug fix and security update), and where to find the updated
files, follow the link below.

If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.