Verified with cluster-bot image( with the PR merged , because cco in ocp version 4.6 doesn't have secret annotator implementation for osp,so launch an osp cluster. 1. check platform is openstack $ oc get infrastructure cluster -o json | jq -r ".status.platformStatus" { "openstack": { "apiServerInternalIP": "", "ingressIP": "" }, "type": "OpenStack" } 2. check cco pod works well 3. create an aws root secret, check cco pod won't hit crash time="2021-12-06T03:21:19Z" level=info msg="observed admin cloud credential secret event" namespace=kube-system secret=aws-creds time="2021-12-06T03:21:19Z" level=info msg="requeueing all CredentialsRequests" time="2021-12-06T03:21:19Z" level=info msg="syncing credentials request" controller=credreq cr=openshift-cloud-credential-operator/openshift-image-registry-azure .............. time="2021-12-06T03:21:20Z" level=info msg="Verified cloud creds can be used for minting new creds" controller=secretannotator time="2021-12-06T03:21:20Z" level=info msg="syncing cluster operator status" controller=secretannotator_status time="2021-12-06T03:21:20Z" level=info msg="calculated upgradeable condition" condition="&{Upgradeable True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC }" time="2021-12-06T03:21:20Z" level=info msg="cluster operator status updated" controller=secretannotator_status time="2021-12-06T03:21:28Z" level=info msg="calculating metrics for all CredentialsRequests" controller=metrics time="2021-12-06T03:21:28Z" level=warning msg="Secret missing mode annotation, assuming ModeUnknown" controller=metrics
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (OpenShift Container Platform 4.6.53 bug fix update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.