This is a tracking bug for Change: Golang 1.18 For more details, see: Rebase of Golang package to upcoming version 1.18 in Fedora 36, including the rebuild of all dependent packages(the pre-release version of Go will be used for the rebuild if released version will not be available at the time of the mass rebuild). If you encounter a bug related to this Change, please do not comment here. Instead create a new bug and set it to block this bug.
This change replaces #1982396.
This bug appears to have been reported against 'rawhide' during the Fedora Linux 36 development cycle. Changing version to 36.
Today we reached the Code Complete (testable) milestone in the F36 schedule: All code for this change should be complete enough for testing. You can indicate this by setting the bug status to MODIFIED. (If the code is fully complete, you can go ahead and set it to ON_QA.) If you need to defer this Change to F37, please needinfo bcotton.
Setting to MODIFIED since I see golang 1.18 beta is in the F36 repo.
We have reached the 'Change complete (100% complete)' deadline in the Fedora Linux 36 release schedule. At this time, all Changes should be fully complete. Indicate this by setting this tracking bug to ON_QA. If you need to defer this Change to a subsequent release, please needinfo me.
F36 was released today. If this Change did not land in the release, please notify bcotton as soon as possible.