checked with release:4.9.0-0.nightly-2022-01-28-120601 $ az vm list -g $RG --query "[].[name,hardwareProfile.vmSize,provisioningState]" -o tsv maxusize-rp5td-bootstrap Standard_D4s_v3 Succeeded maxusize-rp5td-master-0 Standard_D8s_v3 Succeeded maxusize-rp5td-master-1 Standard_D8s_v3 Succeeded maxusize-rp5td-master-2 Standard_D8s_v3 Succeeded maxusize-rp5td-worker-northcentralus-nm2js Standard_D4s_v3 Succeeded maxusize-rp5td-worker-northcentralus-pjh56 Standard_D4s_v3 Succeeded maxusize-rp5td-worker-northcentralus-s69sl Standard_D4s_v3 Succeeded
Confirmed we are getting the expected machine types by default on Azure Stack Hub (WWT) [m@fedora ASH-UPI]$ oc get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION upi410gahagan-r9ffm-master-0 Ready master 35m v1.22.3+2cb6068 upi410gahagan-r9ffm-master-1 Ready master 35m v1.22.3+2cb6068 upi410gahagan-r9ffm-master-2 Ready master 35m v1.22.3+2cb6068 upi410gahagan-r9ffm-worker-0 Ready worker 3m27s v1.22.3+2cb6068 upi410gahagan-r9ffm-worker-1 Ready worker 3m25s v1.22.3+2cb6068 upi410gahagan-r9ffm-worker-2 Ready worker 3m31s v1.22.3+2cb6068 [m@fedora ASH-UPI]$ az vm list -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --query "[].[name,hardwareProfile.vmSize,provisioningState]" -o tsv upi410gahagan-r9ffm-master-0 Standard_DS4_v2 Succeeded upi410gahagan-r9ffm-master-1 Standard_DS4_v2 Succeeded upi410gahagan-r9ffm-master-2 Standard_DS4_v2 Succeeded upi410gahagan-r9ffm-worker-0 Standard_DS4_v2 Succeeded upi410gahagan-r9ffm-worker-1 Standard_DS4_v2 Succeeded upi410gahagan-r9ffm-worker-2 Standard_DS4_v2 Succeeded
Since the problem described in this bug report should be resolved in a recent advisory, it has been closed with a resolution of ERRATA. For information on the advisory (OpenShift Container Platform 4.9.19 bug fix update), and where to find the updated files, follow the link below. If the solution does not work for you, open a new bug report.